Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Utlunta" | Cherokee | Goddess of physical prowess. Her body has the density of stone and the ground shudders with her awesome weight. Cherokee |
"Vacuna" | Sabine | A Sabine divinity identical with Victoria, the personification of victory. |
"Vaikuntha" | Hindu / Puranic | Aspect of VISNU. Vis'nu is depicted under this title residing in his own heaven, known as Vaikuntha. He is seen with four heads in an attribute known as caturmukha, where the central head is human, that to the left is Sakti, to the right NARASINHA, and facing behind, VARAHA. As such Vis'nu's vehicle is either the mythical bird, GARUDA, or he reposes on the serpent ANANTA (SESA). The aspect may also be known as Trailokyamohana.... |
"Vainamoinen" | Finnish | The central character in the Finnish folklore and the main character in the national epic Kalevala. He was described as an old and wise man, and he possessed a potent, magical voice. |
"Vairocana" | Buddhist | A Buddha who is the embodiment of Dharmakaya and the universal aspect of the historical Gautama Buddha. In the conception of the Five Wisdom Buddhas, Vairocana is at the center. Buddhist |
"Vajradhatvisvari" | Buddhist | The musicality of being lies in the flowing and streaming of all manifest consciousness. It greases friction, it smoothes communication, it lingers that all may gently wave around it. Buddhist |
Spirit name "Vajrapani" | Buddhist / mainly Tibet | God. An emanation of AKSOBHYA but also sometimes identified with ADIBUDDBA. Generally thought to reflect the second DHYANIBUDDHA or spiritual meditation buddba. Sometimes depicted with a peaçõçk. Alternatively considered to be a counterpart of the Hindu god INDRA. Color: dark blue or white. Attributes: noose, snake and staff. Also AcalaVajrapani; Acarya-Vajrapani.... |
"Vatapattrasayin (reclining on a fig leaf)" | Hindu / Puranic | Aspect of VISNU. The image is found in clåśśical bronze sculptures and represents either Vis'nu in a violent form, or KRSNA, reposed on a fig leaf that floats upon the primeval ocean of a new cosmos after the previous world order has been destroyed.... |
"Veronica" | Christian | It is said that a maiden handed her handkerchief to Jesus on His way to Calvary. He wiped the sweat from his brow, returned the handkerchief to the owner, and went on. The handkerchief was found to bear a perfect likeness of the Saviour, and was called Vera-Iconica (true likeness), and the maiden was ever after called St. Veronica. One of these handkerchiefs is preserved at St. Peter's church in Rome, and another in Milan cathedral. Christian |
Goddess name "Virbius" | Roman | An ancient mythical king of Aricia and a favourite of Diana, who, when he had died, called him to life and intrusted him to the care of the nymph Aegeria. The fact of his being a favourite of Diana, the Taurian goddess, seems to have led the Romans to identify him with Hippolytus who, according to some traditions, had established the worship of Diana. Roman |
Spirit name "Viryaparamita" | Buddhist | Philosophical deity. spiritual offspring of RATNASAMBHAVA. Color: green. Attributes: blue lotus and jeweled banner.... |
God name "Volturnus" | Sabine | A river god of the waters, probably derived from a local Sabine regional cult. |
"Volupia" | Roman | The personification of sensual pleasure among the Romans. She is also called Voluptas. |
God name "Vosegus" | Roman / Celtic | mountain god. A local deity from the Vosges known only from inscriptions.... |
God name "Vulcan" | Greek | The Roman smith god, identified with the Greek god Hephaestus. He was traditionally introduced to Rome by either Romulus or Titus Tatius. There were no specific legends concerning Vulcan but he played an important part in the success of various heroes by providing invincible armour for them. In Virgil's Aeneid, Vulcan made a superb suit of armour for Aeneas at Venus' request. He made a shield (called the Aegis) and thunderbolts for Jupiter and in return received Venus as his wife. |
"Väinämöinen" | Finland | The old and wise man, who possessed a potent, magical voice. The central character in Finnish folklore and he is the main character in the Kalevala. |
"Wabun" | Hiawatha | Son of Mudjekeewis, East-Wind, the Native American Apollo. Young and beautiful, he chases darkness with his arrows over hill and valley, wakes the villager, calls the Thunder, and brings the Morning. He married Wabun-Annung, and transplanted her to heaven, where she became the Morning Star. Hiawatha |
"Wagadu" | Africa | Mother of the Fulbe nation and the personification of physical prowess and hunting. Africa |