Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Mama Quilla" | Inca | Goddess of the moon Inca |
Goddess name "Mama-Kilya (mother moon)" | Inca / pre - Columbian South America / Peru, etc | moon goddess. The consort of the Sun god INTI, she is important in the calculation of time and regulating the Inca festival calendar. The Indians consider that an eclipse of the moon is a time of great danger, caused by a mountain lion or snake eating the moon, and perform a ritual making as much noise as possible to frighten the predator off.... |
Goddess name "Mangala (auspicious)" | Hindu | (1) Astral god. Personification of the planet MARS. Depicted by a chariot drawn by eight red fire-horses. According to some authors Mangala is a form of the god S IWA in his cruel aspect. Attributes: club and lotus. Three-eyed.(2) Goddess. A form of PARWATI. She rides upon a lion and may bear up to ten arms, carrying arrow, mirror, moon disc, rosary, shield and sword. Three-eyed.... |
Goddess name "Marama" | Maori | Goddess of the moon Polynesia / Maori |
Goddess name "Marama" | Polynesian / Maori | moon goddess. She equates with the Tahitian goddess HINA, daughter of TANGAROA. Tradition has it that her body wastes away with each lunar cycle but is restored when she bathes in the sea from which all life springs.... |
Goddess name "Marina" | Slavic | Goddess of the moon Slavic |
Goddess name "Mawu" | Fon / Benin, West Africa | (1) moon goddess. The sister of the Sun god LISA. She is also considered to bestow fertility and motherhood and is generally benevolent in nature.(2) sky god. Ewe [Togo, West Africa]. Among the tribe neighboring the Fon. Mawu is perceived as male and a creator deity. He favors the color white and is also benevolent and generous in nature.... |
Goddess name "Mawu Fon" | Benin | Goddess of the moon Benin |
Goddess name "Meiess" | Pre - Christian Latvian | moon god. Consort of the Sun goddess SAULE. He is a guardian deity of travelers and military expeditions.... |
Goddess name "Meiulis" | Pre - Christian Lithuanian | moon god. Consort of the Sun goddess.... |
Goddess name "Metsaka" | Huichol Indian / Mesoamerican / Mexico | moon goddess. Known as grandmother moon, she is the consort of the fire god TATEVALI. She guards the Huichol against the god of death, TOKAKAMI.... |
Goddess name "Metsaka Huichol" | Mexico | Goddess of the moon. Mexico |
Goddess name "Moombi" | Kikuyu | Creator goddess Kikuyu |
Goddess name "Mut" | Egypt | The patron goddess of Thebes. In Upper Egypt she is the counterpart of SAKHMET, the Lower Egyptian goddess from Memphis. After superseding the goddess AMAUNET, she became locally the consort of the Sun god AMUN, in which capacity she is the mother of the moon god KHONSU. She was also regarded as the Divine mother of the Theban kings. Mut is depicted in human form wearing a vulture headdress sur mounted by the twin crowns of Upper and Lower Egypt. She is typically dressed in a bright red or blue patterned gown. Less frequently she is drawn with a lion's head. She enjoyed a cult center at Thebes where her sanctuary was known as the Iseru.... |
Goddess name "Nanna" | Norse | A goddess of the moon |
Goddess name "Nikkal" | Western Semitic / Syrian | moon goddess. The consort of the moon god Jarih and probably evolved from the Mesopotamian pantheon.... |
Goddess name "Ningal (great queen)" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian | Reed goddess. Ningal is the daughter of ENKI and NINGIKUGA and the consort of the moon god NANNA by whom she bore UTU... |
Goddess name "Ninlil" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian | Goddess of the air and of grain. She is the daughter of the god of stores, Haia, and the barley goddess, Ninsebargunnu. The consort of the air god Enlil, who impregnated her with water to create the moon god Nana, she also conceived the underworld god Nergal when Enlil impregnated her disguised as the gateman of Nippur. In a similar manner she conceived the underworld god Ninazu when Enlil impregnated her disguised as the man of the river of the nether world, the man-devouring river. According to some texts she is also the mother of Ninurta, the god of the plough and thunderstorms.... |