Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Hara-Yama-Tsu-Mi" | Japan / Shinto | God of mountains concerned with the wooded mountain slopes. Japan / Shinto |
God name "Hara-Yama-Tsu-Mi" | Shinto / Japan | mountain god. Particularly the deity of wooded mountain slopes.... |
Goddess name "Harti" | Japan / China | demoness whom Buddha converted to a goddess who protects children instead of eating them. Japan / China |
Deities name "Hastsezini" | Navaho / USA | God of fire. A black god who is reclusive and generally apart from other deities. He is the inventor of fire and of the fire drill and board. His priest dresses in black and wears a black mask with white-bordered eye and mouth holes. The ceremonial fire drill is made from cedarwood.... |
Goddess name "Haumea" | Hawaiian | Mother goddess. ] She is the daughter of PAPATUANUKU, the primordial earth mother, and is revered by many people of Polynesia and by the Maori of New Zealand. Her more notable children include PELE, the volcano goddess of Hawaii, and HI'AIKA, the goddess of the dance. As a deity responsible for birth, Haumea possesses a magical wand that she used at the time of creation to engender fruit trees and fish. From time to time she uses it to replenish stocks. Mythology also identifies her as a heroine who saved herself and her consort from enemies at the time of creation by hiding in a breadfruit tree and fending off the attackers with poisonous sap and wood splinters.... |
God name "Haumia" | Maori | The god of wild or uncultivated foods. Haumia was a son of Rangi and Papa, and agreed to the forced separation of his parents. Because of this he was subjected to the fury of his brother Tawhirimatea, god of winds and storms, who would have killed him if their mother had not hidden him in her body. Maori |
God name "Haya-Ji" | Japan | God of the winds Japan / Shinto |
God name "Haya-Ji" | Shinto / Japan | God of winds. Particularly the fierce god of whirlwinds and typhoons. In mythology he carried back to heaven the body of AME-WAKA-HIKO (the heavenly young prince) after he had been slain by an arrow from the heavenly true deer bow.... |
Demon name "Hayagriva (horse neck)" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | (1) The most significant minor incarnation of the god VIS'NU. He probably originated as a horse god and later became an avatara åśśociated with wisdom and knowledge. At the behest of BRAHMA, Hayagriva rescued the Vedas, stolen by two demons, from the bottom of the primeval ocean. Depicted in human form with the head of a horse and, according to the texts, eight hands. Attributes: Book (Veda), horse's mane and rosary. Also the attributes of Vis'nu. Also Hayasirsa, Vadavavaktra.(2) Patron god of horses. Buddhist-Lamaist [Tibet]. One of a group of DHARMAPALA with terrible appearance and royal attire, he is considered to be an emanation of AKSOBHYA or AMITABHA. His SAKTI is MARICI. Color: red. Attributes: horse heads, staff and trident, but also arrow, ax, banner, bow, club, flames, flower, image of Aksobhya or Amitabha on the crown, lotus, noose, prayer wheel, skin, snakes, sword and trident. Three-eyed.... |
Goddess name "Hettsui No Kami" | Japan | Goddess who protected and provided for the family Japan |
God name "Hi-Hiya-Hi" | Japan | God of the Sun Japan / Shinto |
Deities name "Hi-Hiya-Hi" | Shinto / Japan | Sun god. One of a number of minor Sun deities, engendered from the blood of the god KAGU-TSUCHI and worshiped in the mountain sanctuary of the fire KAMIS, Kono-Jinja. In Japan certain older people still worship the Sun. They go outside at Sunrise, face east and bow, clapping their hands.... |
Goddess name "Hi-No-Kagu-Tsuchi" | Japan | Fire god whose birth caused the death of the primordial goddess Izanami Japan / Shinto |
Goddess name "Hi-No-Kagu-Tsuchi" | Shinto / Japan | Fire god. The deity whose birth caused the death by burning of the primordial goddess IZANAMI after which the eight thunders sprang from her corpse.... |
God name "Hidesato" | Japan | The centipede stomping god of Japan |
Goddess name "Hiko-Sashiri-No-Kami" | Shinto / Japan | God of carpenters. One of several minor deities involved in the building of a sacred hall of great beauty, used to entice the Sun goddess Amaterasu from her cave. Linked with the god TAOKI-HO-OI-NO-KAMI.... |
God name "Hikoboshi" | Japan | Astral god Japan / Shinto |
Goddess name "Hikoboshi" | Shinto / Japan | Astral god. The consort of the star goddess AME-NO-TANABATA-HINE-NOMIKOTO. The two are, according to mythology, deeply in love. Their festival was merged with the Tibetan Bon festival of the dead, the Ullumbana. Also Kengyu-Sei.... |