Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Spirit name "Oi" | Kenya | The spirit of disease, who may be expelled by emptying the sick man's house, after which the priest casts the evil spirit out, since it has nothing left to lurk behind inside. Kenya |
Spirit name "Oi" | Suk / western Kenya, East Africa | Sickness god. A spirit of personal illness rather than plague. The sick person's house is emptied and the priest exorcizes Oi out of the dwelling.... |
God name "Orunmila" | Yoruba / Nigeria, West Africa | God of destiny. He accompanied the creator god OLODUMARE at the creation of the world and when the destinies of mankind were decided. He is consulted in an oracular capacity at IFA and makes decisions on such matters as choice of sacrificial animals. He is also a god of healing and in many households enjoys personal shrines which include palm nuts, fragments of ivory and sea shells.... |
Angel name "Oumriel" | Nazorean | angelic house cleaner who lives in the fourth heaven. Early Nazorean |
God name "Penates" | Romans | The household gods of the Romans, both in regard to a private family and to the state, as the great family of citizens: hence we shall have to distinguish between private and public Penates. |
Deities name "Penates" | Roman | Hearth deities. These gods are a peculiarly Roman innovation, unknown to the Greeks. The penates, chosen individually by the head of the household, oversaw the domestic affairs of most Roman families. They were considered sufficiently important that, if a move was anticipated, they were taken to and established in the new residence a priori. They are represented in the form of small statues made of anything from clay to gold according to the wealth of the owner, and were provided with regular offerings of scraps of food.... |
"Penetralis" | Greek | A surname or epithet given to the several divinities at Rome, that were worshipped in the Penetrale, or the central part of the house, such as Jupiter, Vesta, the Penates, etc. Greek |
"Phemius" | Greek | 1. The famous minstrel, was a son of Terpius, and entertained with his song the suitors in the house of Odysseus in Ithaca. |
God name "Portunus" | Roman | This god of påśśage was responsible for guarding the entrance of the city & the house with a festival on August 17th. He sidelines as the guardian of the Tiber estuary |
God name "Portunus" | Roman | God of påśśage. The deity responsible for guarding the entrance of the city and the house alike. He was celebrated in the Portunalia festival, held annually on August 17, when keys were thrown into a fire to bless them. He is also the guardian of the Tiber estuary, the main access by sea to the city of Rome.... |
Demon name "Pradyumna" | Hindu | A son of Krishna and Rukmini who, as a baby, was abducted by the demon Sambara and cast into the sea and swallowed by a fish. The fish was caught and opened and the child was found inside. He was given to a woman in Sambara's house to raise. Narada informed her about the true identity of the child. When Pradyumna grew up, he battled the demon Sambara, defeated him. Pradyumna was later killed in a drunken brawl in his father's court at Dwaraka. Hindu |
Goddess name "RaHathor (Het-Hert, Het-Heru, Hwt-Hert, Hethara" | Egipt | meaning "House of Horus [the Elder]", was a goddess of many things, from the celestial to the alcoholic! She was a celestial goddess, The Mistress of heaven. A goddess of love, music and beauty as the Goddess of love, Cheerfulness, Music and Dance. Hathor was known as the Mother of Mothers and the Celestial Nurse who presided over women, fertility, children and childbirth. Yet Hathor was also a goddess of baser things - she was the Vengeful Eye of Ra, the Lady of Drunkenness, and a goddess of the dead as Lady of the West. |
"Red Dragon" | Henry | A public-house sign in compliment to Henry VII., who adopted this device for his standard at Bosworth Field. |
Goddess name "Safekh-Aubi" | Egypt | Stellar goddess who served to measure time and is called the misstress of the house of Books. Egypt |
God name "Salagrama" | Hindu / late | Aniconic form of the god VIS'NU. A fossil ammonite shell embodying the god and forming a part of daily ritual in many Vaisnava households as well as appearing in monasteries.... |
God name "Senx" | Bella Coola Indian / British Columbia, Canada | Sun god. The ruler of the lower heaven, Sonx, in which is situated the home of the gods, Nusmeta (the house of myths). The only deity to whom the Bella Coola pray and make offerings. Hunters throw small pieces of mountain goat or seal flesh into a sacrificial fire. Also Ta'ata (our father); Smai'yakila (sacred one).... |
God name "Shaikpaia" | Yoruba / Nigeria, West Africa | Plague god. The son of SHANGO, he is credited with having once been a god of war who invaded the country (as a disease). He is particularly identified with smallpox. His symbol is the sesame plant which takes the form of a taboo and brings disease to those who take it into their house. A festival is held in September to propitiate Shankpana with sacrifices of animals and fruit.... |
Deities name "Shichi-uuku-iii" | Shinto / Japan | Gods of luck. The seven principal deities concerned with fortune: EBISU, DAIKOKU, BENTEN-SAN, BISHAMON, FUKUROKUJU, HOTEI and JUNROJIN. The group is often represented together on their treasure ship Takara-Bune, which carries various magical devices including a hat of invisibility, a roll of brocade, an inexhaustible purse, keys to the Divine treasure house and so on.... |