Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
"Paris" | Greek | Also called Alexander, was the second son of Priam and Hecabe. Previous to his birth Hecabe dreamed that she had given birth to a firebrand, the flames of which spread over the whole city. This dream was interpreted to her by Aesacus, or according to others by Cåśśandra, by Apollo, or by a Sibyl, and was said to indicate that Hecabe should give birth to a son, who should bring about the ruin of his native city, and she was accordingly advised to expose the child. Greek |
God name "Peneus" | Greek | Also called Peneius, a Thessalian river god, and a son of Oceåñuś and Tethys. (Theogony of Hesiod 343; Metamorphoses by Ovid i.) By the Naiad Creusa he became the father of Hypseus, Stilbe, and Daphne. Cyrene also is called by some his wife, and by others his daughter, and hence Peneius is called the genitor of Aristaeus. Greek |
"Perse" | Greek | A daughter of Oceåñuś and Tethys, and wife of Helios, by whom she became the mother of Aeetes and Circe. She is further called the mother of Pasiphae, Perses and Aloeus. Homer and Apollonius Rhodius call her Perse, while others call her Perseis. Greek |
"Phlegethon" | Greek | I. e. the flaming, a river in the lower world, is described as a son of Cocytus; but he is more commonly called Pyriphlegethon. It flowed with fire that burned but did not consume fuel. In the Divine Comedy the river is made of boiling blood and is part of the seventh circle of hell, containing the shades of tyrants, murderers, robbers and those guilty of sins involving violence against others. Greek |
"Phocus" | Greek | A son of Ornytion of Corinth, or according to others of Poseidon, is said to have been the leader of a colony from Corinth into the territory of Titpéñïśa and Mount Parnåśśus, which derived from him the name of Phocis. He is said to have cured Antiope of her madness, and to have made her his wife. Greek |
"Phrixus" | Greek | A son of Athamas and Nephele or of Athamas and Themisto and brother of Helle, and a grandson of Aeolus. In consequence of the intrigues of his stepmother, Ino (others state that he offered himself), he was to be sacrificed to Zeus but Nephele removed him and Helle, and the two then rode away on the ram with the golden fleece, the gift of Hermes, through the air. Greek |
"Ping-Deng-Wang" | China | Sinful souls receive punishment starting from the 1st Tribunal right up to the 8th Tribunal according to the nature and severity of their sins but there are others whose sins are much greater - such more sinful souls are sent to my Tribunal to be judged with impartiality. If, after due consideration. I find that the sin is not too great or serious, I will direct that the soul be sent to the 10th Tribunal to await rebirth. I deal with sinful souls impartially. From: White Sun - Tao of heaven. China |
"Pollux" | Roman | The horses of Castor and Pollux. Cyllaros and Harpagos. Seneca and Claudian give Cyllaros to Castor, but Virgil to Pollux. The two brothers mount it alternatively on their return from the infernal regions. Harpagos, the horse from Harpagium in Phrygia, was common to both brothers. Roman |
God name "Polydeukes" | Greek | horse god. One of the Dioskouroi twins; the other is Kastor. According to tradition, they are together åśśociated with a Spartan cult whence they originated. The pair probably derive from the Indo-European model of the ASVINS in Vedic mythology. Kastor is mortal while Polydeukes is immortal. Thus, during battle, Kastor is mortally wounded but, even in death, the two brothers remain inseparable. They rescue individuals from distress and danger, particularly at sea, and are thought to be embodied in the electrical discharges known as St. Elmo's Fire. Also Castor and POLLUX (Roman).... |
"Pomona" | Roman | The Roman divinity of the fruit of trees, hence called Pomorum Patrona. Her name is evidently connected with Pomum. She is represented by the poets as having been beloved by several of the rustic divinities, such as Silvåñuś, Picus, Vertumnus, and others. Her worship must originally have been of considerable importance, as we learn from Varro that a special priest, under the name Pomonalis, was appointed to attend to her service. It is not impossible that Pomona may in reality be nothing but the personification of one of the attributes of Ops. |
Deity name "Prakde (parade)" | Kafir / Afghanistan | Local deity. Known from Ashkun villages in southwestern Kafiristan and perhaps one of the seven Divine PANAO or Paradik brothers.... |
"Protogeneia" | Greek | 1. A daughter of Deucalion and Pyrrha. She was married to Locrus, but had no children; Zeus, however, who carried her off, became by her, on mount Maenalus in Arcadia, the father of Opus. According to others she was not the mother, but a daughter of Opus. Eridymion also is called a son of Protogeueia. |
"Purva Ashada" | Hindu | The Former Unsubdued. You are caring, gentle nature and have many friends. You are a hard worker and will make an excellent manager. You are supportive and generous and go out of your way to help friends. You have a forgiving nature and do not hold grudges against others. You prefer a simple life above fame and fortune. You would make an excellent manager but would rather not take on responsibility. Hindu Zodiac |
"Purva Phalguni" | Hindu | Purva Phalguni is the 11th star of the zodiac. Those born under this constellation are marked by stout body with frequent sweating. This people have an intuitive ability to sense others unspoken problems, for which they extend support without being asked.. This quality earns them a great respect and name. Most of them are famous in one way or other and will excel in one special field. Hindu Zodiac |
Goddess name "Puspa (flower)" | Buddhist - Lamaist / Tibet | Mother goddess. One of the group of ASTAMATARAS (mothers). Color: white. Attribute: a flower.... |
Goddess name "RaHathor (Het-Hert, Het-Heru, Hwt-Hert, Hethara" | Egipt | meaning "House of Horus [the Elder]", was a goddess of many things, from the celestial to the alcoholic! She was a celestial goddess, The Mistress of heaven. A goddess of love, music and beauty as the Goddess of love, Cheerfulness, Music and Dance. Hathor was known as the Mother of Mothers and the Celestial Nurse who presided over women, fertility, children and childbirth. Yet Hathor was also a goddess of baser things - she was the Vengeful Eye of Ra, the Lady of Drunkenness, and a goddess of the dead as Lady of the West. |
God name "Redeemer" | Jewish | Often applied by Christians to Jesus Christ as the Son of God who sacrificed himself as a propitiation of the sin his Father invented. Prometheus, Dionysus and others can also be called redeemers. The serpent Agathodaimon is another name for the cosmic redeemer; Lucifer the Light-bringer and illuminator, could be clåśśed as our inner redeemer, as was the mystic serpent who withstood the Jewish God in Eden. |
King name "Rhadamanthys" | Greek | A son of Zeus and Europa, and brother of king Minos of Crete, or, according to others, a son of Hephaestus. From fear of his brother he fled to Ocaleia in Boeotia, and there married Alcmene. In consequence of his justice throughout life, he became, after his death, one of the judges in the lower world, and took up his abode in Elysium. Greek |