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Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Abeguwo" | Melanesia / New Guinea | Rain goddess whose urine turns to moisture. Melanesia / New Guinea |
Goddess name "Aebhel Afekan" | Melanesia / New Guinea | The creator goddess |
Goddess name "Afekan" | Melanesia / New Guinea | Creator goddess. Melanesia / New Guinea |
Deities name "Alatangana" | Africa | With Sa, one of two creator deities he created land from swamp and placed vegetation on earth. He then eloped with the Sa's daughter and fathered seven boys and seven girls. Kono - Eastern Guinea, West Africa |
Deities name "Alatangana" | Kono / eastern Guinea, West Africa | Creator god. One of two creator deities; the other is SA. ALATANGANA created land from swamp and placed vegetation on earth. VAJRAPANI and a large number of minor names.See also AMITABHA, AMOGHASIDDHI, RATNASAMBHAVA and VAIROCANA.... |
Deities name "Alatangana Kono" | Africa | One of the two creator deities, this god created land from swamp Africa(west) / Guinea |
God name "Gainji" | New Guinea | Creator god of the Papuan Keraki people. New Guinea. |
"Hainuwele" | Indonesia | 'The Coconut Girl' who, when she "answered the call of nature"; excreted valuable items. She was killed and buried by villagers but her boyfriend exhumed the corpse and cut it into pieces which he then re-buried around the village. These pieces grew into the various tuberous plants, giving origin to the principle foods the people of Indonesia have enjoyed ever since. Seram, New Guinea |
God name "Hala" | Guinea | The sky god of the Kisi. Guinea |
God name "Harisu" | New Guinea | The benevolent and invisible great god who is the source of all good. New Guinea |
God name "Hiovaki" | New Guinea | A sky god and the god. New Guinea |
Demon name "Honoyeta" | New Guinea | An enormous snake demon who brought mortality to human beings. Papua New Guinea |
"Jalang" | Guinea, Mali | The all-powerful supreme being of the Mdinge. |
Goddess name "Jugumishanta" | New Guinea | Creator goddess and Mother of earth. New Guinea |
Demon name "Kaiamunu" | New Guinea | demon who plays a large part in initiation ceremony for boys Papua New Guinea |
God name "Marunogere Kiwi-Papua" | New Guinea | A very popular fellow, he taught people to make their houses but most importantly he created the sexual parts of women, but not claimed to be a god |
God name "Mwetyi" | Guinea | The supreme being who was also a god of oaths and punished perjury. The Shekuni, Guinea |
"Obtala" | Santeria | Came down from heaven to the earth with a sea-shell, guinea hen, sand and a chicken. Obtala poured the sand on the waters, and dropped the hen on the earth. The hen scratched the sand and created earth's first land måśś. Santeria |
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