Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Ajok" | Louko | Chief god Louko |
God name "Hoki the Jokester" | Discworld | A nature god usually found haunting the deep woods of the Ramtops, in which he manifests himself as an oak tree or a flute playing half-man, half-goat figure. Thought of by many gods and people alike as a bloody nuisance and a bad practical joker, he was eventually banished from Dunmanifestin for pulling the old exploding mistletoe joke on Blind Io. Discworld |
Goddess name "Iambe" | Greek | Daughter of Pan and Echo, and a slave of Metaneira, the wife of Hippothoon. Others call her a slave of Celeus. The extravagant hilarity displayed at the festivals of Demeter in Attica was traced to her for it is said that when Demeter, in her wanderings in search of her daughter, arrived in Attica, Iambe cheered the mournful goddess by her jokes. Greek |
God name "Jok" | Uganda | God of the Alur tribesmen of Uganda and Zaire. He is also known as Jok Odudu the god of birth. Uganda |
God name "Jok" | African | Creator god. A generic term employed by a large number of tribes. Generally the jok is represented by a totem and also has an animal name. The Acholi in Uganda perceive jok to live in caves to which they deliver food and drink offerings. For the Shilluk in Sudan, Jwok created mankind from river clay.... |
God name "Jokinam" | Lake Albert / E Africa | A lake god |
God name "Jokinam" | Lake Albert / East Africa | lake god. The owner of the lake cows which graze at the bottom of lake Albert and which are herded by drowned fishermen.... |
God name "Jokinam Lake Albert" | Africa | lake god Africa |
Goddess name "Jokwa" | Asian | Goddess of justice Asian |
Goddess name "Min Jok" | Uganda | Goddess Rain Uganda |
God name "Naijok" | Sudan | The benevolent god of fate and the supreme being of the Lotuko. Sudan |