Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Auge" | Greek | Princess of Arkadia and a priestess of Athena, who birthed her illegitimate son within the sacred precincts of the goddess. As punishment for the sacriligeous act, Athena made the land barren until the king had the girl exiled and sold into slavery. Greek |
Goddess name "Chicomecohuati" | Aztec / post Mesoamerican | Maize goddess. [Mexico]. Her festival was held in September when a young girl was sacrificed having taken on the role of the deity for a period of time during the celebrations. She was decapitated on a heap of maize fruits and her blood was collected in a large bowl before being poured over a wooden figurine of the goddess. Finally the victim's skin was flayed off and worn by a dancing priest.See also XILONEN.... |
Supreme god name "Qa'wadiliquala" | Dza'wadeenox Indian / British Columbia, Canada | Supreme god. The guardian of the tribe but also a river deity responsible for bringing the salmon each year. Said to live in the river Gwae. His eldest son is TEWI'XILAK, the god of goat hunters. His attributes include a headband of red cedar bark.... |
Goddess name "Qamai'ts" | Bella Coola Indian / British Columbia, Canada | Creator goddess. Said to live in the upper heaven, Atsa'axl, from where she controls the earth. According to tradition the mountains were once malevolent beings who made the world uninhabitable, until she conquered them and reduced them in size. She is never invoked or prayed to. Also Tsi Sisnaaxil (our woman); Ek Yakimtolsil (afraid of nothing).... |
Goddess name "Qamai'ts/ Sisnaaxil/ Ek Yakimtolsil" | Bella Coola / BC Canada | The creator goddess that lives in the upper heavens & controls the earth, she is never prayed to |
Supreme god name "Tewi'xilak" | Dza'wadeenox Indian / British Columbia, Canada | God of goat-hunters. The eldest son of the supreme god QA'WADILIQALA . Said to kill goats with great ease and feed the tribe. Attributes include a head band of red cedar bark.... |
God name "Xil Sga'nagwai" | Haida Indian / Queen Charlotte Island, Canada | Medicine god. Said to appear as a raven.... |
Goddess name "Xilonen" | Aztec | A goddess of food and produce, especially maize and, by extension, a goddess of fertility. Aztec |
Goddess name "Xilonen" | Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Minor vegetation goddess. An aspect of the maize goddess Chicomecoatl, personifying the young maize plant.... |