Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Supreme god name "AME-NO-MINAKA-NUSHI-NOKAMI" | Shinto / Japan | Supreme god. he highest deity of the Shinto pantheon and the first to emerge in Takama-No-Hara (the plain of high heaven) when heaven and earth were fashioned. He was born alone, resides in the ninth heaven and has always hidden himself from mortal eyes. A remote and vague figure of whom no images are ever made and toward whom no cult is directed. His name only appears once in the Kojiki and never in the Nihongi. Originally his identity may have been strongly influenced by Chinese religion. His name is linked closely with those of two other lesser primordial beings, TAKA-MI-MISUBI-NO-KAMI and KAMI-MISUBI-NO-KAMI.... |
God name "Agnostos Theos" | Greek | Unknown gods who were always worshipped as a group Greek |
Supreme god name "Bagisht" | Kafir / Afghanistan | God of flood waters and prosperity. The son of the supreme goddess DISANI, conceived when she was raped from behind by an obscure demonic entity in the shape of a ram who violated her while she was milking cows by a lakeside. Bagisht is said to have been born in the current of the Prasun river whereupon the turbulent waters became smooth-flowing and parted to allow the infant to reach the bank. There seem to have been no elaborate sanctuaries but rather an abundance of simple shrines always placed close to water. The god was celebrated at the main festivals of the Kafir agricultural year and received sacrificial portions of meat. Also Opkulu.... |
Goddess name "Bera Pennu" | Northern Indian | vegetation goddess. Worshiped by the Khonds in Bengal. She was the recipient of human sacrifice to ensure good harvest, particularly of the spice turmeric, and as a protection against disease and infirmity. The sacrificial victim or meriab was youthful, often kept for years as a holy person before death and was always either the offspring of a previous sacrificial victim, or purchased from impoverished families for the purpose. He or she was generally strangled, sometimes in the fork of a tree, after days of festivities. In other instances the victim was cut up alive.... |
God name "Ilat" | Pokot / Suk / Uganda / western Kenya, East Africa | Rain god. The son of the creator god TORORUT. According to legend, when his father calls on him to fetch water Ilat always spills some, which descends to earth as Rain.... |
God name "Kalrnga" | Ndonga / northern Namibia, southern Africa | Creator god. Said to take the form of a giant man who is always partially hidden by clouds and generally seen only by women intermediaries known as nelagos who go to converse with him in sacred places. He is the father of MUSISI. The god is invoked at times of warfare and illness, but also as a fertility deity and before making a journey.... |
Goddess name "Lelwani" | Hittite | Chthonic underworld goddess Hittite / Hurrian |
God name "Melwas" | Britain | God of the underworld and the "king of the Summer Country". cornwall, Britain |
God name "Modimo" | Tswana / Botswana, South Africa | Universal god. A monotheistic deity possibly, though not with certainty, influenced by Christianity. Not specifically a creator god, since the universe and MODIMO have always been. Perceived as the river of existence which flows endlessly through space and time. He rules the light and dark opposites in the universe, as well as the proper order of life on earth.... |
God name "O-lwa-Dai-Myojin" | Shinto / Buddhist / Japan | God of stoneworkers. Probably more a Buddhist deity, but also revered in Shintoism.... |
Goddess name "Pallas" | Greek | Surname of Athena. In Homer this name always appears united with the name Athena, but in later writers we also find Pallas alone instead of Athena. Plato derives the surname from "to brandish", in reference to the goddess brandishing the spear or aegis, whereas Apollodorus derives it from the giant Pallas, who was slain by Athena. But it is more probable that Pallas is the same word as virgin or maiden. Another female Pallas, described as a daughter of Triton, is mentioned under palladium. Greek |
Goddess name "Susano-Wo ascends with her to heaven but is thrown out after trying to enter her house and committing various excesses. Amaterasu refuses to be sullied and obstinately hides herself away in a cave. It requires the combined diplomacy and craft of many other deities to persuade her to come out. The lure is the perfect divine mirror in which she sees her reflection. The birth of the two deities is considered to mark the transition between cosmic and material genesis." | Sometimes her shrines are placed adjacent to those of Susano - Wo | The Ise Naiku sanctuary is visited by about five million devotees each year and Amaterasu takes pride of place in every family shrine. She is also the tutelary goddess of the emperor. Hers tends to be a monotheistic cult in which all other deities take a subservient place. Though powerful she does not always succeed and is often subject to attack. She has been arguably identified with the god VAIROCANA in Buddhist religion.... |
God name "Tonans" | Roman | A surname of the god Jupiter and was always represented with a thunderbolt in his hand. Roman. |
Goddess name "Vestal Virgin" | Greek | A nun, a religieuse, properly a maiden dedicated to the service of the goddess Vesta. The duty of these virgins was to keep the fire of the temple always burning, both day and night. They were required to be of spotless chastity. Greek |
God name "Wiidigo" | Ojibwa / Canada | Ice god. A terrible being formed of ice who symbolizes the starvation of Winter. There are said to be many windigos, but they are always referred to in the singular. Cannibalistic, the windigo appears as an ice skeleton and a human being can be turned into one through possession.... |
Goddess name "Zyanya" | Native American | A goddess who will be here always and forever. |