
List of Gods : "God20Oba" - 176 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
Pre - Islamic Berber / Tunisia Tutelary god. Probably recognized as a creator deity....
Goddess name
"Cailleach Bheur"
Celtic / Scottish Goddess of Winter. Depicted as a blue-faced hag who is reborn on October 31 (Samhain). She brings the snow until the goddess BRIGIT deposes her and she eventually turns to stone on April 30 (Beltine). In later times the mythical, witch-like figure of “Black Annis” probably derived from her....
God name
Celtic / British war god. Probably the deity from which the name of Camulodunum [Colchester, England] derives. Known from inscriptions and coinage bearing the symbol of a boar....
Goddess name
Celtic / Continental / European war goddess. Known only from inscriptions and probably comparable with the Irish Celtic Badb Catha.See also MORRIGAN....
God name
Mayan / Chorti, Mesoamerican / eastern Guatemala God of death. Appears as a skeleton dressed in white. His consort is Xtabai. Attributes include a scythe with a bone blade, probably copied from the traditions of Christian immigrants....
Demon name
"Chung K'uei"
Taoist / Chinese God of the afterlife. He belongs to the heavenly “ministry of exorcism” and, though not the most senior (he is subservient to CHANG TAO LING), is probably the most popular within the category. He was originally a mortal working as a physician in the eighth century AD. He is depicted with a fearsome face, said to be so terrible that it can drive away any demonic spirit who dares to oppose him. He is engaged in combat using a sword and a fan on which is written a magical formula to ward off evil. Symbolic peaches are suspended from his hat and a bat circles his head representing happiness....
God name
"Debata Toba-Batak"
Sumatra Word used to denote an individual god / Divine power. Sumatra
God name
Greek A son of the river-god Spercheius, by the Danaid Polydora or, according to others, a son of Lycaon (probably a mistake for Apollo) by Dia, the daughter of Lycaon, who concealed her new-born infant in a hollow oak tree.
God name
"Dwyn Kazoba Baziba"
Africa He is in the god of the Sun and as well as the moon
Goddess name
Korekore / Shona / northern Zimbabwe, southern Africa Chthonic mother goddess. Originally said to have ruled both heaven and earth and lived in a palace by a sacred lake near Dande. She is depicted wearing goatskins and bearing a cornucopia holding magical substances. Her sacred creatures are mythical golden Sunbirds, probably modeled on swallows, a pair of which were actually discovered in Zimbabwe....
God name
"Ek Chuah"
Mayan / Mesoamerican / Mexico God of merchants. Also the deity responsible for the cacao crop. (The cacao bean was traditionally the standard currency throughout Mesoamerica.) Probably of Putun origin, he is typically depicted painted black, except for a red area around the lips and chin. He has a distinctive downwardly projecting lower lip, horseshoe shapes around each eye and a highly elongated nose. He may also bear a scorpion's tail. Other attributes include a carrying strap in his headdress and sometimes a pack on his back. Also God M....
God name
"Elagabal (lord of the mountain)"
Syrian Local tutelary god. Probably originating as a mountain deity with strong solar links. His sacred animal is the eagle. His cult was based on the town of Emesa [Homs], where he was worshiped in the form of a dome-shaped, black stone obelisk. His name became Hellenized as Heliogabalos....
God name
RomanoIberian Chthonic oracular and healing god. Known from the Portuguese region. Probably the recipient of pig sacrifice....
Goddess name
Anglo - Saxon Fertility goddess of spring. The derivation of “Easter.” Probably a number of the obscure folk customs surrounding Easter and still practiced in England trace back to her worship....
Goddess name
"Estsanatlehi (woman that changes)"
Navaho / USA Fertility goddess. Probably regarded as the most powerful deity in the Navaho pantheon, she has powers of endless self-rejuvenation. According to tradition, she was created from a small turquoise image into which life was infused through a ritual of the great gods and she is the sister of the goddess YOLKAI ESTAN. She is also the consort of the Sun god TSOHANOAI and the mother of the war god NAYENEZGANI. She is said to live in the west and is benevolent in nature, sending the gentle Rains of summer and the warm thawing winds of spring....
God name
Norse The most ancient giant. He was father of ?ger, or Hler, the god of the ocean; of Loge, flame or fire, and of Kaare, wind. His wife was Ran. These divinities are generally regarded as belonging to an earlier mythology, probably to that of the Fins or Celts. Norse
Goddess name
Roman Goddess of good fortune. A deity who particularly appealed to women, partly in an oracular context. She is depicted carrying a globe, rudder and cornucopiae. She probably evolved from the model of the Greek goddess TYCHE. Her main symbol is the wheel of fate which she may stand upon and Renaissance artists tended to depict her thus. Among her more celebrated sanctuaries in Rome, the temple of Fortuna Redux was built by Domitian to celebrate his victories in Germany. She is depicted in a well-known stone carving in Gloucester Museum, England, holding her three main attributes....
Goddess name
Western Semitic / Punic / Carthaginian God of uncertain status. Probably concerned with chance or fortune and known from Palmyrene inscriptions, and from the Vetus Testamentum in place names such as Baal-Gad and Midal-Gad. Popular across a wide area of Syrio-Palestine and Anatolia in preBiblical times. Thought to have been syncretized ultimately with the Greek goddess TYCHE....
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