Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Ometeoti (two god)" | Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Primordial being. According to some traditions, the dual principle personified in a bisexual force which the Aztecs believed to be the only reality, all else being illusory. Ometeotl rules in the highest (thirteenth) heaven, Omeyocan (place of duality) which rests above Sun, moon, wind and other elements. Ometeotl impregnated itself to engender the four TEZCATLIPOCAS (aspects of the Sun). Another female aspect, COATLICUE, gave birth to the national Aztec god HUITZILOPOCHTLI. No formal cult existed for Ometeotl, but he was considered to be present in every aspect of ritual.See also TONACATECUHTLI and TONACACIHUATL.... |
Supreme god name "Paneu" | Kafir / Afghanistan | A collective term for seven gods. The Divine brothers are cast as the hunters and henchmen of the supreme goddess DISANI. Each is equipped with a golden bow and quiver. They are generally portrayed as merciless and malignant forces. Also Paradik, Purron.... |
God name "Poxiom" | Mayan / Tzeltal Indian, Mesoamerican / Mexico | God of disease. Apparently perceived as a star in the sky or a ball of fire. He may also be depicted as a fertility god shelling maize or as a fisherman, doctor, musician or hunter. An image of the god was discovered in the Christian church in Oxchuc, and the Indians were forced to revoke and spit on the icon before it was publicly burnt.... |
God name "Ranginui" | Polynesian / including Maori | sky god. The socalled sky father of the Polynesian culture whose consort is PAPATUANUKU, the earth mother. During a prolonged period of inseparable intercourse they became the prime parents of the Polynesian pantheon of gods. The children found life between the bodies of the parents too cramped and conspired to force them apart. Though one offspring, TUMATAUENGA, wanted to slay them, the advice of TANEMAHUTA, the Forest god, prevailed and RANGINUI and Papatuanuku were merely forced apart.... |
God name "Sakti (energy)" | Hindu, Jain / Buddhist | Personification of a god. The effective power, or creative force, of a deity in the form of a female aspect. In a more specific context, the SAKTI identifies the creative force of the god SIVA, particularly the ugra or violent aspects DURGA and KALI. The Sakti may frequently have the same characteristics and carry the same attributes as the principal god. In Tantrism, the unity of opposites is defined by the Sakti, which is the yoni or female sexuality that unites with the male lingam of Siva.... |
God name "Shakti" | Hindu | Force, power or energy, the personification of God's female aspect, sometimes referred to as 'The Divine Mother'. Hindu |
God name "Titans" | Greek | The sons and daughters of Uråñuś and Gaia and a race of godlike giants who were considered to be the personifications of the forces of nature. These Titans are Oceåñuś, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Japetus, Cronus, Theia, Rheia, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, and Tethys, to whom Apollodorus adds Dione. (Theogony 133) Greek |
Deities name "Whiro" | Polynesian / Maori | God of death. Regarded as an errant son of the creator deities, RANGINUI and PAPATUANUKU, Whiro stands as the chief antagonist of TANEMAHUTA, the creator god of light. He is, therefore, the personification of darkness and evil. During the time of creation from chaos, Whiro is said to have fought an epic battle against Tanemahuta in the newly formed heavens. He was vanquished and forced to descend into the underworld where he became ruler over the dead and chief among the lesser underworld deities who are responsible for various forms of disease and sickness. In the temporal world the lizard, a symbol of death, embodies him, and various creatures of the night, including the owl and the bat, are earthly representatives from his kingdom, as are such malignant insect pests as the mosquito. This deity is not to be confused with the legendary human voyager and adventurer of the same name whose traditions have, in the past, often been muddled with those of the god.... |