
List of Gods : "God Ing" - 2419 records

Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
"Vari-Ma-Te-Takere (the very beginning)"
Polynesian / Hervey Islands Mother goddess. The creator being who lives at the very bottom of the world coconut, sitting in a cramped space with her knees and chin touching. She lives in Te-Enua-Te-Ki (mute land) in eternal silence and is the mother of six children, all deities, three of which she plucked from her right side and three from her left.See also AVATEA, TINIRAU, TANGO, TUMUTEANAOA, RAKA and TU-METUA....
Goddess name
India Goddess of spring, learning, music, poetry and disco. North India
Goddess name
Buddhist / Tibet A goddess of spring
Goddess name
Buddhist - Lamaist / Tibet Goddess of spring. Particularly known from Tibet, where she appears in the retinue of SRIDEVI. Her animal is a mule. Attributes: cup and sword....
Deities name
"Vasu(s) (excellent)"
Hindu / Vedic Generic title for a group of gods. Eight deities attendant on the Vedic weather god INDRA, comprising day, dawn, fire, moon, pole star, Sun, water and wind. Generally carrying a rosary and with a SAKTI....
Deities name
Hindu Attendant deities of Indra, and later Vishnu. They are eight elemental gods representing aspects of nature, representing cosmic natural phenomenon. The name Vasu means 'Dweller' or 'Dwelling'. Hindu
Goddess name
"Vasya-tara (the subjected Tara)"
Buddhist / Mahayana Goddess. An emanation of AMOGHASIDDHI and considered to be indistinguishable from ARYA-TARA. Color: green. Attributes: blue lotus and image of Amoghasiddhi on the crown....
God name
Hindu / Vedic / / Persian / Iran God of wind. The name appears in the Rg Veda as a deity of violent personality. According to Asvestan tradition the god of victory, VERETHRAGNA, appeared to Zarathustra in the guise of Vata....
God name
Etruscan Vedius, "little Jupiter" or "the destructive Jupiter," and identified with Pluto. But Veiovis seems to designate an Etruscan divinity of a destructive nature, whose fearful lightnings produced deafness in those who were to be struck by them, even before they were actually hurled. He was represented as a youthful god armed with arrows, and his festival fell before the nones of March.
Goddess name
Finnish Goddess the goddess of the sea, the wife of Ahti, the god of the sea and of fishing. Finnish
Goddess name
"Velu Mate"
Pre - Christian Latvian Chthonic underworld goddess. The “queen of the dead.” She is depicted wearing white and she greets the dead at the cemetery....
God name
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Form of the god V ISNU. According to the Aditya Purana, Venkata is a deity of considerable importance in southern India. The name does not occur in the north. He is worshiped extensively by Hindus but particularly in the Tamil shrine of Tirupati where there is argument that the deity depicted is SIVA or KARTTIKEYA. The image appears to carry attributes of Vis'nu on the left and Siva on the right. Also Venkatesa....
Goddess name
Greek The goddess of love among the Romans, and more especially of sensual love. Previously to her identification with the Greek Aphrodite, she was one of the least important divinities in the religion of the Romans, and it is observed by the ancients themselves, that her name was not mentioned in any of the doçúɱents relating to the kingly period of Roman history.
Goddess name
"Venus/ Dion/ Cytherea"
Roman A goddess of love, beauty, springtime, vineyards
Demon name
Albania God of fire His name means "blind one". In Albanian folklore he has perfect hearing and an aversion to obscene language and corruption. With Christianization he was reviled as a demon and åśśociated with hell. Albania
God name
Roman A minor god of plowing who was åśśociated with the sacrifices to Tellus & Ceres
God name
Roman A minor god of orchards & gardens, likely of of Etruscan origin his festival is beingVertumnalia on August 13th
God name
Roman Is said to have been an Etruscan divinity whose worship was introduced at Rome by an ancient Vulsinian colony. The name signifies "the god who changes or metamorphoses himself." For this reason the Romans connected Vertumnus with all occurrences to which the verb verto applies, such as the change of seasons, purchase and sale, the return of rivers to their proper beds,etc. But in reality the god was connected only with the transformation of plants, and their progress from being in blossom to that of bearing fruit. Roman