
List of Gods : "God Min" - 827 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
Christian A minor god of the occult sciences and longevity. Christian
Goddess name
Greek Also called Eleithyia, Eilethyia, or Eleutho. The ancients derive her name from the coming or helping goddess. She was the goddess of birth, who came to the åśśistance of women in labour; and when she was kindly disposed, she furthered the birth, but when she was angry, she protracted the labour and delayed the birth. Greek
God name
Hebrew A minor god of divination. Hebrew
Goddess name
Greek A daughter of Orchomenus or Minyas, who became by Zeus the mother of the giant Tityus and Zeus, from fear of Hera, concealed her under the earth. (Apollodorus i. Argonautica) This was where she gave birth to Tityas, who some traditions state to be the son of Elara and Gaia, the earth goddess. Greek
Deities name
Judaic Collective term for gods. Found in the Vetus Testamentum and distinguishing the higher order of great gods from the minor deities, ELIM. Also applied to the Israelite god YHWH....
Goddess name
"Empung Luminuut"
N Celebes Is / Sulawesi A goddess that gave birth to the Sun god
God name
Sumerian A river god in charge of the sacred rivers Tigris and Euphrates. He was also the deity of canals, irrigation and farming. Sumerian
God name
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian River god. In creation mythology he is placed in charge of the sacred rivers Tigris and Euphrates by the god ENKI. He is also god of canals, irrigation and farming. In Babylonian times he becomes the son of EA and is syncretized with ADAD....
God name
Sumeria God of canals, ditches, irrigation and sedentary farming. Sumeria
God name
Mesopotamian / Sumerian Fertility god. Created by ENLIL as a guardian deity of farmers alongside the minor god EMES , Enten was given specific responsibility for the fertility of ewes, goats, cows, donkeys, birds and other animals. He is identified with the abundance of the earth and with the Winter period....
Spirit name
Greek / Roman Minor creator god. One of the four sons of IAPETOS and Klymene (Titan), and the brother of PROMETHEUS. Jointly responsible for the creation of mankind. Epimetheus' strongest claim to fame lies in his liaison with the first mortal woman, Pandora, whom the gods had cautioned him to avoid. Her curiosity caused her to open the box belonging to JUPITER in which he had placed all the vices, diseases and sufferings of humanity, but which also included the benevolent spirit of hope....
Goddess name
Welsh Minor goddess of wealth, also seen as a gracious protector. Welsh
Goddess name
Grek Eumenides [the good-tempered goddesses ]. A name given by the Greeks to the Furies, as it would have been ominous and bad policy to call them by their right name, Erinnyes.
God name
Roman Minor god of infants. Responsible for the first words of the child....
Goddess name
Roman Minor vegetation goddess. Consort of FAUNUS with guardianship of woods and plants....
God name
Roman Minor vegetation god. Consort of FAUNA with guardianship of woods and plants. He was given many of the attributes of the Greek god PAN including horns and legs of a goat....
God name
Roman Minor god. Linked with agricultural prosperity. Known particularly from the second century BC....
God name
Roman Minor god. Identified with faith and loyalty. A sanctuary was dedicated to him in Rome circa 254 BC. Symbolized by a pair of covered hands....
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