Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Andjety" | Egypt / Lower | Chthonic underworld god. Minor deity in anthropomorphic form known from the Pyramid Texts. Identified with the ninth nome (district). Responsible for rebirth in the afterlife and regarded as a consort of several fertility goddesses. He was revered at Busiris where he clearly heralded the cult of Osiris. Attributes: high conical crown (similar to the atef crown of Osiris) decorated with two tall plumes, crook and flail. In early Pyramid Texts, the feathers are replaced by a bicornuate uterus.See also Osiris.... |
Goddess name "BAAL (lord)" | Western Semitic / Canaanite / northern Israel, Lebanon / later Egypt | vegetation deity and national god. Baal may have originated in pre-agricultural times as god of storms and Rain. He is the son of DAGAN and in turn is the father of seven storm gods, the Baalim of the Vetus Testamentum, and seven midwife goddesses, the SASURATUM. He is considered to have been worshiped from at least the nineteenth century BC. Later he became a vegetation god concerned with fertility of the land. From the mid-sixteenth century BC in the Egyptian New kingdom, Baal enjoyed a significant cult following, but the legend of his demise and restoration was never equated with that of OSIRIS. In the Greco-Roman period, Baal became åśśimilated in the Palestine region with ZEUS and JUPITER, but as a Punic deity [Carthage] he was allied with SATURNUS, the god of seed-sowing.... |
Goddess name "Hetepes-Sekhus" | Egypt | Chthonic underworld goddess. A minor deity accompanied by a retinue of crocodiles. As one of the manifestations of the vengeful eye of RE, she destroys the souls of the adversaries of the underworld ruler OSIRIS. Depicted as a cobra or anthropomorphically with a cobra's head.... |
Goddess name "Khnum" | Egypt / Upper | Chthonic or earth god. Said to create human life on a potter's wheel but strictly at the behest of creator deities. He is usually seated before a potter's wheel on which stands a naked figure in the process of molding. The Khnum cult was principally directed from sanctuaries at Esna, north of the first Nile cataract, and at Elephantine where mummified rams covered with gold leaf and buried in stone sarcophagi have been discovered. Khnum supervises the annual Nile flood, which is physically generated by the god HAPY. His consort at Esna is the goddess Menhyt. Khnum is also described at other sites as the BA or soul of various deities including GEB and OSIRIS. Depicted anthropomorphically or with the head of a ram.... |
Goddess name "Nephthys [Greek]" | Egypt | Funerary goddess. Nephthys is the younger sister of ISIS, OSIRIS and SETH, who are the offspring of the chthonic god GEB and the sky goddess NUT in the Ennead genealogy of Egyptian deities defined by the priests of Heliopolis. Nephthys is depicted in human form wearing a crown in the style of the hieroglyphic for a mansion, the translation of her Egyptian name. She can also take the form of a hawk watching over the funeral bier of Osiris. According to legend Nephthys liaised briefly with Osiris and bore the mortuary god ANUBIS. She is said to guide the dead Egyptian ruler through the dark underworld and to weep for him. Also Neb-hut (Egyptian).... |
Goddess name "Renenutet" | Egypt | Snake goddess. Also possessing fertility connotations, she guarded the pharaoh in the form of a cobra. There is some evidence that she enjoyed a cult in the Faiyum, the highly fertile region of the Nile valley. She is depicted either in human form or as a hooded cobra, in which case she bears close åśśociation with the goddess WADJET who is embodied in the uraeus. Her gaze has the power to conquer enemies. In her capacity as a fertility goddess she suckles infant rulers and provides good crops and harvests, linked in this capacity to OSIRIS and the more ancient grain god NEPER. She is also a magical power residing in the linen robe of the pharaoh and in the linen bandages with which he is swathed in death. At Edfu Renenutet takes the title lady of the robes. In the Greco-Roman period, she became adopted by the Greeks as the goddess Hermouthis and was syncretized with ISIS.... |
Goddess name "Siris" | Babylon | Goddess of banquets and Rain clouds Babylon |
Goddess name "Siris/ Sirah" | Babylon | A goddess of banquets & Rain clouds |
Goddess name "Zu" | Akkadian | A lesser divinity of Akkadian mythology, and the son of the bird goddess Siris. Both Zu and Siris are seen as måśśive birds who can breathe fire and water, although Zu is alternately seen as a lion-headed eagle |