Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Cihuacoatl-Quilaztli" | Aztec / Mesomerican / Mexico | Creator goddess. Using a magical vessel, she grinds bone fragments obtained from previous generations of mankind in earlier world ages into a powder. The gods then commit self-sacrifice, allowing their blood to drip into the vessel. From the resulting mix, the human race of the fifth Sun is formed.... |
Goddess name "Dali aka Deyla" | Georgia / Russia | Dalila, the hunt goddess and lady of stones and animals'. Georgia / Russia |
Goddess name "Dipti (brightness)" | Hindu / Puranic | Minor goddess. No details available.... |
Goddess name "Djila'qons" | Haida | Goddess of the sea. Haida |
Goddess name "Djila'qons" | Haida Indian / Queen Charlotte Island, Canada | Sea goddess. An old woman who lives at the head of a major inlet in Haida territory and controls all the creatures of the sea.... |
Goddess name "Gratiae" | Greek | Greek Triple goddessess similary to the Graces. |
Goddess name "Gunabibi" | Australian aboriginal | Creator goddess. Also known as Kunapipi, she is extensively revered by aborigines in northern Australia, including the Yolngu people. Her cult bears some similarity to that of the Greek mother goddess DEMETER and to Tantric cults in India. For this reason the cult is thought to have been introduced from Asia to Arnhem Land and then to other parts of the Australian continent as early as the sixth century. Mythology indicates that Gunabibi has been perceived as a deity who came from the sea or the rivers during the Dreamtime but who reigns now over dry land. Among modern aborigines she is the subject of esoteric rituals which also involve the great serpent Yulunggul with whom Gunabibi has been closely involved.... |
Goddess name "Hila" | Eskimo | God / goddess of the atmosphere and of the cold weather, storms, and drifts. Caribou Eskimo, Canada. |
Goddess name "Hung Sheng (boly one)" | Chinese | Guardian god. A deity who protects fishing boats and their crews against danger at sea in the Southern Ocean. His role is similar to that of the goddess KUAN YIN. Little is known of the origin of Hung Sheng, but he was allegedly a mortal who died on the thirteenth day of the second moon, which falls two days before the spring equinox when the sea dragon king, Lung Wang, is believed to leave the ocean and ascend into the heavens. The god is propitiated with cakes made from the first grain of the year, on the fifth day of the fifth month and in some traditions he is seen as an aspect of the sea dragon king.... |
Goddess name "Iambe" | Greek | Daughter of Pan and Echo, and a slave of Metaneira, the wife of Hippothoon. Others call her a slave of Celeus. The extravagant hilarity displayed at the festivals of Demeter in Attica was traced to her for it is said that when Demeter, in her wanderings in search of her daughter, arrived in Attica, Iambe cheered the mournful goddess by her jokes. Greek |
Goddess name "Iarila" | Russia | Goddess of Spring and fertility. She leads the dance at the Summer Solstice. Russia |
Goddess name "Ihy" | Egypt / Upper | God of music. Minor deity personifying the jubilant noise of the cultic sistrum rattle generally åśśociated with the goddess Hathor. The son of HATHOR and HORUS. Particularly known from the Hathor sanctuary at Dendara. Depicted anthropomorphically as a nude child with a side-lock of hair and with finger in mouth. May carry a sistrum and necklace.... |
Goddess name "Ila" | Hindu | Minor goddess of sacrifices Hindu / Vedic |
Goddess name "Ila" | Hindu / Vedic | Minor god(dess) of sacrifices. She is invoked to appear on the sacrificial field before a ritual. Usually åśśociated with the goddess SARASVATI, Ila is linked with the sacred cow and her epithets include butter-handed and butter-footed.... |
Goddess name "Ilamatecuhtli" | Aztec | Old mother goddess |
Goddess name "Ilankaka" | Nkundo | Goddess of the Sun Nkundo |
Goddess name "Ilankaka" | Zaire | A goddess of war |
Goddess name "Ilankaka" | Zaire | Goddess of war Zaire |