Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Tasmetu(m)" | Mesopotamian / Babylonian - Akkadian | Goddess. The consort of the god NABU.... |
Goddess name "Ua-Tldak" | Mesopotamian / BabylonianAkkadian | vegetation goddess. The deity responsible for pastures and poplar trees.... |
Goddess name "Uras" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian | Chthonic earth goddess. One of the named consorts of the sky god AN and the mother of NIN'INSINNA.... |
Goddess name "Uttu" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian | vegetation goddess and goddess of weaving. Not to be confused with UTU the Sun god, Uttu is a minor deity whose father is ENKI. According to legend, Enki first impregnated the mother goddess NINHURSAG A, whose nine-day gestation produced the goddess NIN-S'AR. She in turn was impregnated by Enki and, after a similar nine-day gestation, gave birth to the goddess NINKURRA. Through the same procedure with her grandfather, Ninkurra conceived the goddess Uttu. She is depicted as the goddess of weaving and of spiders.... |
Goddess name "Zarpanitu(m)" | Mesopotamian / Babylonian - Akkadian | Birth goddess. The consort of MARDIJK whose marriage was celebrated annually at New Year in Babylon. Also Erua; SARPANITJM.... |