Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Varahi" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | Mother goddess. A SAKTI who in later Hinduism becomes one of a group of MATARAS regarded as of evil intent. Also one of a group of eight ASTAMATARAS. In another grouping, one of nine NAVASAKTIS who, in southern India, rank higher than the SAPTAMATARAS. She sits upon a boar, buffalo or elephant. Attributes: boar's head, bow, club, cup, knife, noose, plough, sword and trident.... |
Goddess name "Whope" | Lakota | The daughter of the Sun Wi and the moon, a goddess of peace and the wife of the south wind. Lakota |
Goddess name "Whope" | Sioux / USA | Goddess. The daughter of WI, the Sun god, and consort of the south wind. She is credited with giving the Sioux Indian the pipe of peace through which (narcotic) they commune with the great spirit WAKAN TANKA.... |
Goddess name "Yama (1) (twin; alternatively the restrainer)" | Hindu / Vedic | God of death. The son of Vavasvan and Saranju, or of SURYA and SANJNA, his consort is DHUMORNA or YAMI. Yama is also the judge of the dead and the twin sibling of Yami, goddess of death. When KRSNA is perceived as the embodiment of the cosmos, his eye-teeth are Yama. He evolved into a dikpala or guardian of the southerly direction. His animal is a black buffalo. Color: black.... |
Goddess name "Zara-Mama" | South American Indian / Peru | Maize goddess. A minor deity, models of whom were made from the leaves of the plant and kept for a year before being burned in a ritual to ensure a good maize harvest.... |