
List of Gods : "God Ma age" - 330 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
"Mahapratyangira (great goddess whose speech is directed westwards)"
Buddhist / Mahayana Goddess. An emanation of the DHYANIBUDDHA AKSOBHYA. Color: blue. Attributes: hook, image of Aksobhya on crown, noose, red lotus, sword and trident....
Goddess name
"Mahasahaspramardani (the thousand fold destroyer)"
Buddhist Goddess. An emanation of VAIROCANA, and one of the MAHARAKSAS. Color: white. Attributes: particularly noose, prayer wheel and sword, but also depicted with other objects including image of Vairocana on crown. May be four-headed....
Goddess name
"Mahasitavati (great cold one)"
Buddhist Guardian goddess. One of a group of five MAHARAKSAS (protectresses) who are thought to be personifications of amulets or mantras. Also an emanation of the DHYANIBUD DHA AMITABHA (or sometimes RATNASAMBHAVA). A guardian of the north or west quarter. Color: red, yellow or green. Attributes: arrow, ax, banner, Book, bow, bowl, image of Amitabha on the crown, lotus, noose, peaçõçk feather, staff, sword and trident. Three-eyed and may be three-headed....
Goddess name
"Mahasri-Tars (of great beauty)"
Buddhist / Mahayana Goddess. An emanation of AMOGHASIDDHI. Depicted seated upon a moon. Color: green. Attributes: image of Amoghasiddhi and lotuses....
God name
Australia A lizard god who created humans. He found the first beings, Rella manerinja, on one side of a hill; they were fused together and he separated them with a knife and cut holes for their mouths, ears, and noses, then gave them the knife, spear, shield, fire, boomerang, and the tjurunga, and lastly gave them a system of marriage. Australia
God name
"Manjughosa (sweet sounding)"
Buddhist God. Form of the god MANJUSRI and an emanation of AKSOBHYA. Attended by a lion. Color: white or gold. Attributes: arrow, bell, blue lotus, Book, bow, image of Aksobhya, staff and sword....
God name
Hindu / Vedic Primordial creator god. The son(s) of SURYA. The name given to the fourteen original progenitors of mankind during the mythical or heroic ages. According to tradition, the consort of Manu is Ida, who was engendered from milk and butter offered to S IVA as a propitiation....
Goddess name
"Marici (shining)"
Buddhist / Mahayana (1) Astral goddess. An emanation of VAIROCANA and also his female aspect or SAKTI. She is further identified as a buddha-designate or BODHISATTVA. She may also be the mother of SAKYAMUNI (a form of the BUDDHA). Considered by some to be the equal of the Hindu SURYA. She may be depicted in a three-headed form (as the Sakti of HAYAGRIVA), in which case her left head is that of a pig. She rides in a chariot drawn by seven boars. Color: red, yellow or white. Attributes: arrow, bow, fly whisk, horse's head image in the hair, needle, prayer wheel, staff, sword, thread and trident. Three-eyed.(2) Demiurge. Hindu. A product of the creator god BRAHMA....
Goddess name
"Mata (great mother)"
Hindu Primeval mother goddess. The archetypal progenitrix of all living things. She becomes the tutelary goddess of every village in northern India, but is also seen as a plague goddess åśśociated with smallpox, in which case her epithet becomes Maha Mai. Her Tamil counterpart is Amman....
Goddess name
Hindu Mother goddess. Applied collectively to groups of deities, the Divine mothers, also more specifically to the consort of the god KASYAPA. As Divine mothers they are also regarded as SAKTIS. The numbers vary according to separate traditions and they are therefore identified as the SAPTAMATARAS (seven), ASTAMATARAS (eight) and NAVASAKTIS (nine). Less commonly there may be up to fifty mataras in a group. Their images are normally carved in stone (very few exist in metal) and they are depicted seated, often upon a corpse, and may be of terrifying appearance....
Demon name
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Incarnation of the god VIS'NU. In this first avatara Vis'nu appears as a fish which, according to one legend, tows a ship carrying the law-giver MANU to safety after the primal flood. Matsya engages in an epic battle with the demon HAYAGRIVA who stole the Vedas from a sleeping BRAHMA. Usually depicted with a human torso carrying symbols, e.g. wheel and conch, on a fish's body....
Goddess name
Roman Polydore Virgil says that the Roman youths used to go into the fields and spend the calends of May in dancing and singing in honour of Flora, goddess of fruits and flowers. The early English consecrated May-day to Robin Hood and the Maid Marian, because the favourite outlaw died on that day. Stow says the villagers used to set up May-poles, and spend the day in archery, morris-dancing, and other amu√åǧïñåts.
Goddess name
"Mayajalakrama-Kurukulla (one who proceeds in the net of illusion)"
Buddhist / Mahayana Goddess. The personification of all DHYANIBUDDHAS. Color: red. Attributes: arrow, bow, hook, images of the five Dhyanibuddhas, lotus (red), pitcher, rosary and waterjar....
God name
Egypt Minor chthonic underworld god. The guardian of the barque of the Sun god RE during its påśśage through the underworld at night. Depicted in the form of a coiled snake....
God name
Pre - Christian Armenian Sun god. Closely linked with the Persian model of MITHRA, he is the son of Aramazd who appears in the form of fire. In contrast to this imagery, his home is said to be in a cave and he takes the animal guise of a raven....
Goddess name
Greek The singing goddess, one of the nine Muses, became afterwards the Muse of Tragedy. Greek
God name
"Men Ascaenus"
Antioch - near - Pisidia Local tutelary god. Possibly originating as a Persian moon god and known chiefly from a description by Strabo. He enjoyed a substantial cult including a temple some 1,200 meters above sea level. His symbol is the head of a bull above a crescent moon and wreath; it appears on local coinage circa AD 200. The popularity of the cult earned antagonism from the Roman occupation.See also MEN....
Deities name
"Men Shen"
Chinese God of påśśage. One of a pair of deities, armed with bow and arrows, who guard doorways and gates. Paper images are pinned to entrances of homes during the New Year celebrations to ward off evil spirits....
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