
List of Gods : "God Bel" - 272 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Babylonian The goddess who was sovereign of the universe when it was first created. It was covered with water and darkness, but contained some few animals of monster forms, representations of which may be seen in the Temple of Bel. Babylonian
Goddess name
Sparta a locally worshipped mother goddess of later syncretized with the more widely accepted maternal deities such as Kybele
Goddess name
Sparta Mother goddess. Locally worshiped and probably soon syncretized with the more widely recognized maternal deities of Asia Minor such as KYBELE....
Demon name
Hindu / Puranic demonic deity. Regarded as a form of the god SI IVA possessing five faces, each face having three eyes. Depicted with the naked body of an ascetic, wearing a necklace of snakes. Shrines symbolize the god with a stone, its top painted red and usually placed beneath a tree. Pancanana is worshiped extensively in Hindu villages throughout Bengal where women make invocations and anoint the stones, particularly when sickness strikes. There is a belief that children in the throes of epilepsy have been seized by the god....
Goddess name
Hindu A Hindu goddess. She is the wife of Lord Shiva and the Divine mother of Lord Ganesh and Lord Murugan. Some communities also believe her to be the Divine sister of Lord Vishnu
God name
Congo Male god who fathered man Congo
Goddess name
Buddhist / Vajrayana Goddess of context analysis. One of a group of four. Color: green. Attributes: three-pronged staff and bell....
Goddess name
Bella Coola Indian / British Columbia, Canada Creator goddess. Said to live in the upper heaven, Atsa'axl, from where she controls the earth. According to tradition the mountains were once malevolent beings who made the world uninhabitable, until she conquered them and reduced them in size. She is never invoked or prayed to. Also Tsi Sisnaaxil (our woman); Ek Yakimtolsil (afraid of nothing)....
Goddess name
"Qamai'ts/ Sisnaaxil/ Ek Yakimtolsil"
Bella Coola / BC Canada The creator goddess that lives in the upper heavens & controls the earth, she is never prayed to
God name
Maya God of boozy afternoons and lazy Sunday bonking sessions. Maya
Spirit name
Sudan Creator god and it was believed that the best way of praying to God was through spirits of dead relatives. At harvest time, the first harvest must be offered to the spirits to thank them for successfully interceding to God on behalf of the living. Madi, Sudan
Goddess name
Greek A nymph in whose embraces Attis became faithless to Cybele. The goddess avenged the wrong done to her by causing the tree with which the nymph's life was connected, to be cut down. Greek
God name
"Sai' Al Quan"
Nabataean / W Semitic A local guardian God is believed to be the protector of caravans
Goddess name
Mesopotamian / Babylonian - Akkadian war goddess. A consort of ADAD, she carries a doubleheaded mace-scimitar embellished with lion heads....
Spirit name
"Samantabhadra (all-good)"
Buddhist God. A form of VAIROCANA and a dhyanibodhisattva (spiritual meditation buddha). He sits on a throne carried by a white elephant. Color: blue, green or white. Attributes: bell, cup, jewel, lotus with prayer wheel or sword. In Tibet he is also known as Kun-tu-bzan-po.See also BO HSIAN....
Goddess name
Mesopotamian / Babylonian - Akkadian Sun god. The patron deity of Sippar and Larsa. His consort is the mother goddess A-A. S amas derives from the god UTU in the Sumerian pantheon. He is åśśociated with justice. His symbol is the Sun disc and a star surrounded with radiating Sunbeams. He may carry a single-headed scimitar embellished with a panther head. His sanctuary is known as the E-babbar. Also åśśociated with human-headed bulls. His attendant deities include Mes aru, justice, and Kettu, righteousness. He came to much greater prominence in the pantheon at Babylon from about the eighteenth century BC....
Deities name
"Samvara (keeping out)"
Buddhist / Mahayana God. One of the emanations of AKSOBHYA and also of HEVAJIRA. In Lamaism he is a four-headed tutelary yi-dam god. His SAKTI is VAJRAVARAHI. He stands upon one or more four-armed Hindu deities including Kalaratri and BHAIRAVA. Color: blue or black. Attributes: ax, bell, cup, drum, image of Aksobhya on the crown, image of four-faced BRAHMA, knife, moon disc, skin, staff and trident....
God name
Roman Sangus or Semo Sancus, a Roman divinity, is said to have been originally a Sabine god, and identical with Hercules and Dins Fidius. The name which is etymologically the same as Sanctus, and connected with Sancire, seems to justify this belief, and characterises Sancus as a divinity presiding over oaths.
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