Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Hestia" | Greek | The goddess of the hearth, or rather the fire burning on the hearth, was regarded as one of the twelve great gods, and accordingly as a daughter of Cronus and Rhea. Greek |
God name "Hi'lina" | Haida Indian / Queen Charlotte Island, Canada | Tribal god. The personification of the thunderbird known to many Indian tribes. The noise of the thunder is caused by the beating of its wings, and when it opens its eyes there is lightning. The thunder clouds are its cloak.... |
Goddess name "Hi-No-Kagu-Tsuchi" | Shinto / Japan | Fire god. The deity whose birth caused the death by burning of the primordial goddess IZANAMI after which the eight thunders sprang from her corpse.... |
God name "Hiranyagarbha (golden egg)" | Hindu / Vedic | Creator god. Identified in the opening of the Rg Veda, as the god of the golden seed emerging from the cosmic egg. The halves of the shell become sky and earth, and the yolk becomes the Sun. The embryo impregnates the primordial waters.... |
God name "Ho-Po" | Taoist / Chinese | River god. The so-called Count of the River, the deity who controls all rivers but particularly the Yellow River, and who is the subject of an official cult and sacrifice. According to tradition he achieved immortality by weighing himself down with stones and drowning himself. He received an annual sacrifice of a young girl until the end of the Shou Dynasty circa 250 BC. Also Hebo; Ping-Yi.... |
God name "Hoenir" | Scandinavia | An Aesir god and the brother of Odin and Ludor. Together they slew Ymir, the great giant of the beginning. They created the earth from his flesh, the sea and fresh water from his blood, the mountains from his bones; then mankind from two trees, man from the ash and woman from the elm. Hoenir gave them their senses and understanding, intelligence and motion. The two lesser brothers are sometimes considered aspects of Odin, eventually disappearing, Hoenir as hostage to the Vanir at the end of the war with the Aesir. Scandinavia |
Goddess name "Hsi Shih" | China | Goddess who represents the old virtues and feminine qualities of Chinese women. She also sponsors a nice line of face creams, cosmetics and perfumes. China |
God name "Huitznahua" | Aztec | Collectively, the remaining brothers of God of war who were defeated. Aztec |
God name "Hunhau" | Mayan / Yucatec / Quiche, Mesoamerican / Mexico | God of death. One of the several lords of death listed in the codices who rule the underworld, Mictlan. Hunhau is generally depicted with canine attributes, or with the head of an owl.See also YUM CIMIL. Also God A.... |
God name "Hyagnis" | Phrygian | A Sun and fire god, also a god of lightning. Father of Marsyas, a satyr who challenged Apollo to a contest of music and lost his hide and life. Phrygian |
God name "Hyaninthos" | Greek | A god of vegetation. Hyacinthus is a Divine hero from Greek mythology. |
God name "IS KUR" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Iraq | storm god. The chief Rain and thunder god of herdsmen, Iskur is described as the brother of the Sun god UTU. In creation mythology Iskur is given charge over the winds, the so-called silver lock of the heart of heaven, by the god ENKI. According to some authors, in prehistoric times he was perceived as a bull or as a lion whose roar is the thunder. He may be depicted as a warrior riding across the skies in a chariot, dispensing Raindrops and hailstones. In one text he is identified as the son of AN and twin brother of Enki. He is to be compared with NINURTA who was primarily a god of farmers. He was also adopted by the Hittites as a storm god.... |
Goddess name "Ichpuchtli" | Aztec | The ruler of love, marriage, flowers, art, music, women, magic, spinning, fertility, sex, weaving, and changes. Ichpuchtli is also the Goddess of Sacred Prostitutes, and professions which imitate nature. Aztec |
God name "Ifa" | Yoruba | God of wisdom, knowledge and divining Yoruba |
Goddess name "Ihi" | Tahiti | Goddess of learning, of wisdom. Tahiti |
God name "Illapa or Illapa" | Inca | God of lightning, thunder and Rain storms. Inca |
God name "Illapa/ Illyapa/ Katoyalla" | Inca | He is the god of lightning, thunder & Rain storms |
Goddess name "Imazuma" | Japan | Goddess of lightning Japan / Shinto |