Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Gudratrigakwitl" | Wiyot | God who created the universe by spreading his arms. Wiyot |
Goddess name "Gugulanna" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian | Minor underworld deity. The consort of the goddess ERESiKIGAL, mentioned as the pretext on which the fertility goddess INANA descends to the netherworld.... |
God name "Ha'o" | Ethiopia | The supreme being and sky god whose eye is the Sun. Ethiopia |
God name "Hachiman" | Shinto / Japan | God of war and peace. A deity whose origins are confused. The name does not appear in either of the sacred texts of Shintoism, but such a deity was probably worshiped in the distant past with the alternative title of HimeGami or Hime-O-Kami. The cult center was on the southern island of Kyushu at Usa. In modern Shintoism, Hachiman originates as a member of the imperial dynasty. Named Ojin-Tenno and born in AD 200 to the empress Jingu-Kogo, he greatly improved the living standards and culture of Japan during his remarkable reign. The place of his birth was marked by a sanctuary and several centuries after his death, a vision of a child KAMI appeared there to a priest. The kami identified himself by the Chinese ideogram representing the name Hachiman, and thus the link developed. The site is, today, the location of a magnificent shrine, the Umi-Hachiman-Gu, where Hachiman has been perceived as a god of war. Soldiers departing for battle once took with them relics from the shrine. Hachiman is also a deity of peace and a guardian of human life and, when pacifism dominated Japan during the post-war era, he became more strongly identified in the latter context.... |
Goddess name "Hadad" | Western Semitic / Syrian / Phoenician | weather god. Derived from the Akkadian deity ADAD. In texts found at the site of the ancient Canaanite capital of Ugarit [Ras Samra] , the name of Hadad apparently becomes a substitute for that of BAAL. His voice is described as roaring from the clouds and his weapon is the thunderbolt. His mother is the goddess ASERAH. During Hellenic times he was predominantly worshiped at Ptolemais and Hierapolis. His Syrian consort is ATARGATIS, who overshadowed him in local popularity at Hierapolis. Statues of the two deities were carried in procession to the sea twice yearly. According to the Jewish writer Josephus, Hadad also enjoyed a major cult following at Damascus in the eighth and ninth centuries BC. By the third century BC the Hadad-Atargatis cult had extended to Egypt, when he becomes identified as the god SUTEKH. In the Greek tradition his consort becomes HERA.See also ADAD.... |
God name "Hades" | Greek | Or Pluton, Pluto, Plouton, Dis (Roman), and Aidoneus, the god of the lower world; Plato observes that people preferred calling him Pluton (the giver of wealth) to pronouncing the dreaded name of Hades or Aides. Hence we find that in ordinary life and in the mysteries the name Pluton became generally established, while the poets preferred the ancient name Aides or the form Pluteus. Greek |
Supreme god name "Hammon aka Ammon" | Libya | An oracle god who had the shape of a ram. This was taken over by the Egyptians, who identified the god with their supreme god Amun; they called god of the oracle 'Amun of Siwa, lord of good counsel'. Libya |
Supreme god name "Hananim" | Korea | The most ancient supreme god presiding over the affairs of heaven and earth. Korea |
God name "Harakhte or Harakhtes" | Egypt | The Sun God and mythical first pharaoh, son of Isis and Osiris. Represented as falcon headed god he was later absorbed by Ra. Egypt |
God name "Harimagadas" | Islands | Holy Maidens who sacrificed themselves by jumping from a towering cliff into the sea. This act was meant to propitiate the sea-god and prevent him from sinking their island. Canary Islands |
Goddess name "Hariti" | Buddhist | Goddess for the protection of children, easy delivery, happy child rearing and parenting, harmony between husband and wife, love, and the well-being and safety of the family. Women without children also pray to Kishimojin to help them become pregnant. Originally, Hariti was a cannibalistic demon. She had hundreds of children whom she loved and doted upon, but to feed them, she abducted and killed the children of others. Buddhist |
God name "Harmonia" | Greek | A daughter of Ares and Aphrodite, or, according to others, of Zeus and Electra, the daughter of Atlas, in Samothrace. When Athena åśśigned to Cadmus the government of Thebes, Zeus gave him Harmoia for his wife, and all the gods of Olympus were present at the marriage. Cadmus on that day made her a present of a peplus and a necklace, which he had received either from Hephaestus or from Europa. Greek |
God name "Harpocrates" | Greek | The Greek form of the Egyptian god Har-pi-kruti (Horus the Child), made by the Greeks and Romans the god of silence. This arose from a pure misapprehension. It is an Egyptian god, and was represented with its "finger on its mouth," to indicate youth, but the Greeks thought it was a symbol of silence. Greek |
Goddess name "Harpokrates [Greek]" | Egypt | Form of the god HORUS as a child. Generally depicted sitting on the knee of his mother, the goddess ISIS, often suckling at the left breast and wearing the juvenile side-lock of hair. He may also be invoked to ward off dangerous creatures and is åśśociated with crocodiles, snakes and scorpions. He is generally representative of the notion of a god-child, completing the union of two deities. Also Har-pa-khered (Egyptian).... |
God name "Harpre" | Egypt | God whose job was to protect the king from illness and misfortune. Egypt |
God name "Harsaphes" | Egypt | God of Herakleopolis, represented with ram's head. Harsaphes was eventually åśśimilated with Osiris and Re. Egypt |
God name "Haruspex" | Roman | Persons who interpreted the will of the gods by inspecting the entrails of animals offered in sacrifice. Cato said, "I wonder how one haruspex can keep from laughing when he sees another." Roman |
God name "Hastehogan" | Navaho / USA | Chief house god. Also a god of farming identified with the west and the sky at Sunset. Regarded as a benevolent deity who aids mankind and cures disease. Believed to live in a cave system near San Juan. He also has a malevolent aspect in which he can cast evil spells. His priest wears a blue mask, at the bottom of which is a horizontal yellow band representing evening light, with eight vertical black strokes representing Rain. It is decorated with eagle and owl feathers.... |