Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Azizos" | Pre - Islamic northern Arabian | Astral tutelary god. Locally worshiped at Palmyra, where he personifies the morning star, in company with his brother ARSU, who is the evening star. Associated with horses or camels. He was also venerated separately in Syria as god of the morning star, in company with the astral god Monimos.... |
Goddess name "Baltis" | Pre - Islamic / Arabian | Local goddess. Known from Carrhae in western Mesopotamia and identified as the apotheosis of the planet Venus.... |
God name "Basamum" | Arabia | The god of healing in pre-Islamic South Arabia. His name may be derived from the proto-Arabic basam, or balsam, a plant that was used in ancient Medicines. |
God name "Basamum" | Pre Islamic southern Arabian | God of healing. The name probably derives from the remedial plant balsam.... |
Angel name "Behemoth" | Islam | When God created the earth, he realized that it was not secure. To stabilize it, he placed under it first an angel, then a huge rock made of ruby, then a bull with four thousand eyes, ears, nostrils, mouths, tongues, and feet. But even the bull did not stand firm. So below it God placed Behemoth, who rested on water which was surrounded by darkness. Islam |
God name "Bonchor" | Pre - Islamic Berber / Tunisia | Tutelary god. Probably recognized as a creator deity.... |
God name "Datin" | Pre - Islamic northern Arabian | God. Frequently mentioned in inscriptions, but of uncertain function.... |
God name "Haubas" | Arabia | God worshipped in pre-Islamic southern Arabia, particularly Sheba. Haubas's advice was often sought via consultation with oracles. |
God name "Haubas" | Pre - Islamic / Arabian | Local god. Known from inscriptions.... |
God name "Haukim" | Pre - Islamic southern Arabian | Local god. Possibly a deity concerned with arbitration and the law.... |
God name "Hilal" | Pre - Islamic / Arabian | moon god. Specifically the deity of the new moon.... |
God name "Hubal" | Pre - Islamic / Arabian | Local tutelary and oracular god. An anthropomorphic figure of the deity in red carnelian still stands in the holy city of Mecca.... |
Goddess name "Ilat" | Arabian | Allat. "The Goddess", a pre-Islamic Arabian goddess who was one of the three chief goddesses of Mecca who the pre-Islamic Meccans referred to as "The Daughters of God". |
God name "Imra" | Hindu / Kush | The chief pre-Islamic god of the Hindukush Kafir people. He was worshipped as the god of creation. By his breath, Imra created other gods of Kafir pantheon. Frequent sacrifiices were made to Imra, sometimes for recovery from sickness, seasonable weather, or other material benefits, sometimes from motives of simple piety. Imra was more honored than the other gods at the religious dances. Hindu / Kush |
Angel name "Israfil" | Islam | The angel of music, who possessed the most melodious voice of all God's creatures. This is the angel who is to sound the Resurrection Trump, and will ravish the ears of the saints in Paradise. Israfil, Gabriel, and Michael were the three angels that warned Abraham of Sodom's destruction. Islam |
God name "Kahilan" | Pre - Islamic / Arabian | Tutelary god. Known only from inscriptions.... |
God name "Khadir" | Pre - Islamic north African | vegetation god. He wanders the earth returning to the same spot once in every 500 years and is said to have gained his immortality by drinking from the well of life. Similar in some respects to the Syrian god ADONIS and revered by Alexander the Great. Normally referred to as Al-Khidr (the green one).... |
Spirit name "Kwoith" | Nuer / Sudan | Creator god. The Nuer people have been affected by the expansion of Islam, and probably by Christianity, and recognize a supreme deity, or spiritual being, responsible for all creation. One of his epithets is Tutgar, meaning strong and without limit.... |