
List of Gods : "God Pin" - 159 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
"Athena/ Athene/ Pallus Athena"
Greek A goddess of war, architecture, astronomy, science, of horses, intellect & wisdom, oxen, of purity, reason & spinning
Goddess name
Egypt Goddess of happiness and joy. Egypt
God name
Belun / Slavic God of light, Sun, happiness, luck, and order. Belun / Slavic
Goddess name
German Goddess the spinning-wheel principally, and of the household as dependent on it, in behalf of which and its economical management she is often harsh to idle spinners; at her festival thrift is the rule. South German
Goddess name
India A ferocious aspect of Hindu goddess Shakti or Devi. Bhavani means "giver of life", the power of nature or the source of creative energy. In addition to her ferocious aspect, she is also known as Karunaswaroopini, "filled with mercy". India
Goddess name
Norse Goddess of happiness. Norse
Goddess name
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Mother goddess. A SAKTI who in later Hinduism became one of the group of eight ASTAMATARAS or mothers. In another grouping one of nine NAVASAKTIS or mothers. She is attended by a goose and wears a yellow robe. Attributes: Book, label, rosary, trident and water jar. Also Brahmi....
Goddess name
"COATLICUE (the serpent-skirted goddess)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Mother goddess. The creator goddess of the earth and mankind and the female aspect of OMETEOTL. One of the group clåśśed as the TETEOINNAN complex. She has 400 sons, the stars of the southern sky, and is the mother of the goddess COYOLXAUHQUI. Later, as a widow, she was impregnated by a ball of feathers as she was sweeping the “serpent mountain” of Coatepec near Tula. Her other children decapitated her as punishment for her dishonor, but she gave birth to the Sun god HUITZILOPOCHTLI who subsequently slew Coyolxauhqui and her brothers, thus banishing night for day. According to tradition Coatlicue feeds off human corpses. She is also recognized as the patron deity of florists....
Goddess name
"Chih Nii"
China Goddess of spinning. China
Goddess name
Buddhist Goddess of happiness Buddhist
Demon name
"Chung K'uei"
Taoist / Chinese God of the afterlife. He belongs to the heavenly “ministry of exorcism” and, though not the most senior (he is subservient to CHANG TAO LING), is probably the most popular within the category. He was originally a mortal working as a physician in the eighth century AD. He is depicted with a fearsome face, said to be so terrible that it can drive away any demonic spirit who dares to oppose him. He is engaged in combat using a sword and a fan on which is written a magical formula to ward off evil. Symbolic peaches are suspended from his hat and a bat circles his head representing happiness....
God name
"Cizin (stench)"
Mayan / Yucatec / other tribes, Mesoamerican / Mexico God of death. The most important death god in the Mayan cultural area. Said to live in Metnal, the Yucatec place of death, and to burn the souls of the dead. He first burns the mouth and åñuś and, when the soul complains, douses it with water. When the soul complains of this treatment, he burns it again until there is nothing left. It then goes to the god Sicunyum who spits on his hands and cleanses it, after which it is free to go where it chooses. Attributes of Cizin include a fleshless nose and lower jaw, or the entire head may be depicted as a skull. Spine and ribs are often showing. He wears a collar with death eyes between lines of hair and a long bone hangs from one earlobe. His body is painted with black and particularly yellow spots (the Mayan color of death)....
Goddess name
"Coca Mama"
Peru Goddess of health, happiness and the coca plant. Peru
God name
Shinto / Japan God of luck. One of seven gods of fortune in Shintoism and often linked with the god EBISU. Originally a god of kitchens, he became a deity concerned with happiness. He is depicted as a fat, well-to-do figure seated on two rice bales and carrying a sack on his back. He also holds a hammer in his right hand. In depictions there is often a mouse nibbling at one of the rice bales. Small gold icons of the god may be carried as talismans of wealth. According to tradition, when Daikoku's hammer is shaken, money falls out in great profusion. In western Japan he is also syncretized with the god of rice paddies, TA-NO-KAMI, and thus becomes the god of Agriculture and farmers. He may have developed from the Buddhist god MAHAKALA....
God name
Japan God of wealth and happiness and one of the Seven Gods of Fortune. The god invoked specially by the artisans of Japan. He sits on a ball of rice, holding a hammer in his hand, with which he beats a sack; and every time he does so the sack becomes full of silver, rice, cloth, and other useful articles. Japan
God name
"Daksa (skilled and able)"
Hindu / Vedic / Puranic Sun god. The son of BRAHMA and ADITI, he is an ADITYA and demiurge. His consort is PRASUTI, and he is said to have had up to sixty daughters. He appears in conflict with his son-in-law SIVA as the main offender against Siva's consort SATI (accounted as one of his daughters), who was so insulted by Daksa that she committed suicide by jumping into a ritual fire. Siva took revenge by decapitating Daksa but later, after intercession from other gods, Brahma brought him back to life, giving him the substitute head of a sacrificial goat. Attribute: head of a goat. Also PRAJAPATI....
Goddess name
Philippines Goddess of fire and volcanos. Philippines
Goddess name
Greek Or Despoena, the daughter of Poseidon and Demeter after they mated disguised as horses. Despoena, the ruling goddess or the mistress, occurs as a surname of several divinities, such as Aphrodite, Demeter and Persephone. Greek
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