Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Tlauixcalpantechutli" | Aztec | Destructive god of the morning star (venus), dawn, and of the east. Aztec |
"Tonttu" | Finland | Generally benign tutelary. Originally, a patron of cultivated land, keeper of lot. |
God name "Tornarssuk" | Inuit | A god of the underworld and head of the protective gods known as the tornat. Inuit |
God name "Tornat" | Inuit | Tornat are a group of protective gods, led by Tornarsuk. Inuit |
Deities name "Trailokyavijaya (lord of three worlds)" | Buddhist / Mahayana | God. Seen standing on the Hindu deities Mahesvara (SIVA) and GAURI. Color: blue. Attributes: arrow, bell, bow, club, hook, noose, prayer wheel, staff and sword. Also an alternative name for ACALA.... |
God name "Trayasrinsa" | Hindu / Vedic | The collective name for the group of Deva gods |
Deities name "Trayastrinsa (the thirty-three)" | Hindu / Vedic | Collective name for the group of deva gods. One of the many lists of deities in Hinduism, this one is contained in the Rg Veda and includes thirty-three names divided into three groups of eleven in each of the three worlds. Subsequently, the DEVAS were separated into eight VASUS, twelve ADITYAS, eleven RUDRAS and two ASVINS. In later Hinduism the number thirty-three is increased hyperbolically to 330 million and deva refers to gods excluding the major triad of BRAHMA, V ISNU and SIVA.... |
"Trimurti" | Hindu | Collective title for the major triad. A three-headed representation of BRAHMA, VISNU and SIVA as one entity. Contested by some authors, who argue that Brahma, who is almost invariably represented with four heads, would be included here with only one.... |
Goddess name "Tripura" | Hindu | One of the group of ten goddesses of Hindu mythology collectively called mahavidyas. |
Goddess name "Tripura (lady of the three cities)" | Hindu / Jain | Mother goddess. In Jainism regarded as one of the ASTAMATARAS. In Hinduism the SAKTI of Tripurantaka, an ugra (terrible) representation of the god SIVA, alternatively a form of the goddess PARVATI. The three cities are the cities of gold, silver and iron, one in heaven, one in the air and one on earth, which Siva destroyed in his form as Tripurantaka. Tripura is depicted attended by vultures. Attributes: Book, hook, noose and rosary.... |
Goddess name "Ts'an Hsien" | China | First cultivator, and the goddess, of silkworms. China |
"Tuatha De Dananmn" | Ireland | Collective name for the final pantheon. Ireland |
God name "Tule" | Zande / Sudan / Democratic Republic of Congo, Africa | Spider god. He descended from the sky on a rope, carrying all plants and seeds. He was also responsible for giving mankind water and the tools of cultivation.... |
Demon name "Tutivillus" | Roman | The demon who collects all the words skipped over or mutilated by priests in the performance of the services. These literary scraps or shreds he deposits in that pit which is said to be paved with "good intentions" never brought to effect. |
God name "Tvashtri" | Hindu | Twashtri. The Divine artist and carpenter of the gods, father of the gods and of the sacred creative fire. Hindu |
Goddess name "Tyche" | Greco - Roman | Goddess of fortune. She appears as a nereid in the Hymn to Demeter (Homer). According to Hesiod's Theogony she is the daughter of OKEANOS. Elsewhere she is identified as the daughter of ZEUS and HERA. She is depicted carrying a rudder or, alternatively, cornucopiae. Also mentioned as Agathe Tyche, the consort of Agathos Daemon. She became widely identified with the Asian mother goddess KYBELE but was replaced, in Roman times, by the goddess FORTUNA and åśśociated symbolically with a wheel device. She retained popularity for a long time. There is a record that the Emperor Julian sacrificed to Tyche at Antioch in AD 361-2 and her temple was still intact during the reign of Theodosius (379-95).... |
Monster name "Typhon" | Greek | Typhon a monster of the primitive world, is described sometimes as a destructive hurricane, and sometimes as a fire-breathing giant. According to Homer he was concealed in the country of the Arimi in the earth, which was lashed by Zeus with flashes of lightning. Greek |
King name "Tyrrheus" | Roman | A shepherd of king Latinus. Ascanius once, while hunting, killed a tame stag belonging to Tyrrheus whereupon the country people took up arms, which was the first conflict in Italy between the natives and the Trojan settlers. Roman |