Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
"Aakuluujjusi" | Inuit | The great creator mother among the Inuit people. |
Spirit name "Agloolik" | Inuit | Good spirit that lived under the ice and helped with hunting and fishing. Inuit |
God name "Aipalovik" | Inuit | evil god of the sea that liked to chew wooden boats. Inuit |
Goddess name "Akycha" | Inuit | Goddess of war in Alaska, god of the Sun. Inuit |
God name "Alignak" | Inuit | A lunar deity and god of weather, water, tides, eclipses and earthquakes. Inuit |
"Anguta" | Inuit | Gatherer of the dead. Anguta carries the dead down to the underworld, where they must sleep with him for a year. Inuit |
Demon name "Aningan" | Inuit | The moon, brother to the Sun whom moon chases across the sky. Aningan has a great igloo in the sky where he rests. Irdlirvirissong, his demon cousin, lives there as well. The moon is a great hunter, and his sledge is always piled high with seal skins and meat. Inuit |
Spirit name "Arnakua'gak" | Inuit | The old woman of the sea, an animalistic spirit |
Spirit name "Arnakua'gsak" | Inuit / North American | Animistic spirit. The Old Woman of the Sea who supplies all the physical needs of the Eskimo from the ocean.... |
Goddess name "Asiaq" | Inuit | Goddess of weather. Inuit |
God name "Aukaneck" | Inuit | God that lived in the sea, whose movements created the waves. Inuit |
God name "Aumanil" | Inuit | God that lived on land and controlled the movements of the whales. Inuit |
God name "Erkilek" | Inuit | Malevolent hunting god. Inuit |
God name "Erkilek" | Inuit / North America | Hunting god. A malev olent deity with the head and nose of a dog and the body of a man. He carries a bow, with arrows contained in a quiver, and is an expert archer.... |
Goddess name "Idliragijenget" | Inuit | Goddess of the sea. Inuit |
Demon name "Idlirvirisong" | Inuit | demonic cousin of the Sun Inuit |
Spirit name "Igalilik" | Inuit | Hunting spirit who travels through the icy wastes. Inuit |
Spirit name "Igalilik" | Inuit / North American | Hunting spirit. He travels the icy wastes with a kitchen strapped to his back which includes a pot big enough to carry a whole seal. It boils as he carries it.... |