
List of Gods : "God Pre" - 687 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Pre - Christian Slavonic European Goddess of fertility. Identified in the Nestor Chronicle as a goddess of midwifery. Her cult was taken over by that of the Virgin Mary....
God name
Kafir / Afghanistan / Hindukush A warrior god & hero from prehistoric origins and around today
God name
"Mon Kafir"
Afghanistan warrior god and hero from prehistoric origins and around today Afghanistan / Hindukush
God name
Greek The personification of impending doom, who drove every being, mortal, god, or whatever else to his fated doom. He was omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, and not even Zeus can defeat him. He was a son of Erebus and Nyx, and brother of the Moirae, his agents and servants. Greek
Goddess name
Celtic Morrigan, Morrighan, Goddesses of war of death and destruction from prehistoric origins Celtic / Ireland
Demon name
"Morvran (sea crow)"
Celtic / Welsh Local god of war. The son of CERIDWEN and TEGID FOEL. Legend has it that he was extremely ugly and that his mother tried to imbue him with wisdom by preparing a special brew of inspiration. It was drunk by Gwion. Morvran was invincible in battle because his enemies thought him a demon....
Goddess name
Lovedu / South Africa Rain goddess. She is said to reside in the northern Drakensberg mountains and sends both destructive tempests and gentle generative Rain. In past times she was propitiated with sacrifices of cattle and occasionally young girls. She is represented by a lineage of mortal queens on whose fabulous reputation the author Rider Haggard based the novel She. Also Modjadji....
Supreme god name
Buganda / Uganda, East Africa Supreme god. A benevolent deity whose main oracular sanctuary was sited on the island of Bubembe, lake Victoria. His first high priest was Semagunga and, by convention, only the tribal leader was permitted to consult with the oracle there. Mukasa provides Rain, food and cattle....
Supreme god name
"Mula Djadi Na Bolon"
Batak Mula djadi na bolon. The self-existent supreme god and creator of the universe is the father of Batara Guru, Soripada, and Mangalabulan. The Batak, Indonesia
God name
Swahili / East Africa Creator god. The name applied to the notion of a single god in the heavens, influenced by the spread of Christianity. Also Mulungu....
God name
"Munjem Malik"
Kafir / Afghanistan Chthonic or earth god. He appears as a rival and possible predecessor of the god IMRA, but one whose realm is in the earth rather than the sky. Imra controls mountains and high pastures. Munjem Malik rules the earth of the valleys. He presides over the council of gods. His main sanctuary was at Arte in the Parun valley where a large boulder represented his head....
God name
Greek The name Mercury is connected with the root merx (merchandise) and mercari (to deal, trade). The early Romans, being above all countrymen, had no need for a god of commerce. The Roman Mercury appeared only about the fifth century BCE. and was exclusively the god of merchants. For long he was known only in this capacity so that Plautus, in his prologue to Amphitryon, reminds his audience that Mercury presided over messages and commerce. Like certain other minor divinities - Pecunia, Aesculåñuś, Argentinus - he watched over tradesmen's profits. Greek
Goddess name
"Muso Koroni (the pure woman with the primeval soul)"
Bambara / Mali, West Africa Chthonic fertility goddess. The mother of all living things, she introduced mankind to the principles of farming. She has a terrifying appearance, depicted either in human form, sometimes with many breasts (cf. ARTEMIS at Ephesus), or as a panther. In the latter guise she uses her claws to bring on menstruation in women and to cirçúɱcise both sexes. Prior to cirçúɱ cision a youth is said to possess wanzo, an untamed wildness. Muso Koroni is pursued by the Sun god, PEMBA, who impregnates her in the form of a tree (Acacia albida). Also Mousso Coronie....
Goddess name
"Mutial­Amma "Pearl­Mother""
Tamil village mother goddesses represented by a stone. Tamil
God name
Guinea The supreme being who was also a god of oaths and punished perjury. The Shekuni, Guinea
God name
Greek A nurse of the god Dionysus and the nymph who personified initiation into the mysteries of the god while her son Corymbus represented the sacred ivy, with which the initiates were dressed. Greek
Goddess name
"NA CHA (here is a loud cry)"
Taoist / Chinese Guardian god. A somewhat ambiguous god who is generally regarded as benevolent, but whose traditions hint at a more destructive aspect. He was born a god of human parents, the reincarnation of an older deity, Ling Chu-Tzu, the “intelligent pearl.” According to tradition, his father was Li Ching, who threatened to kill his mother because she claimed she was made pregnant by the mystical actions of a Taoist priest who told her she was to bear the child of a unicorn. Na Cha is said to have fought in the Shang-Chou war on the side of the Chou dynasty circa 1027 BC. His chief adversary was the sea dragon king. Ultimately he became involved with the goddess Shih-Chi Niang Niang, accidentally killed her attendant and, in remorse, committed suicide....
Goddess name
"NINURTA (lord plough)"
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian / Iraq God of thunderstorms and the plough. Ninurta is the Sumerian god of farmers and is identified with the plough. He is also the god of thunder and the hero of the Sumerian pantheon, closely linked with the confrontation battles between forces of good and evil that characterize much of Mesopotamian literature. He is one of several challengers of the malignant dragon or serpent Kur said to inhabit the empty space between the earth's crust and the primeval sea beneath. Ninurta is the son of Enlil and Ninhursaga a, alternatively Ninlil, and is the consort of Gula, goddess of healing. He is attributed with the creation of the mountains which he is said to have built from giant stones with which he had fought against the demon Asag. He wears the horned helmet and tiered skirt and carries a weapon Sarur which becomes personified in the texts, having its own intelligence and being the chief adversary, in the hands of Ninurta, of Kur. He carries the double-edged scimitar-mace embellished with lions' heads and, according to some authors, is depicted in nonhuman form as the thunderbird lmdugud (sling stone), which bears the head of a lion and may represent the hailstones of the god. His sanctuary is the E-padun-tila. Ninurta is perceived as a youthful warrior and probably equates with the Babylonian heroic god Marduk. His cult involved a journey to Eridu from both Nippur and Girsu. He may be compared with Is”kur, who was worshiped primarily by herdsmen as a storm god....
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