
List of Gods : "Sesat" - 648 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
Mesopotamian / BabylonianAkkadian Chthonic god. Worshiped at Ur and Umma during the period of the third dynasty of Ur. Celebrations included the eses monthly lunar festivals....
Goddess name
Sumeria Ninhursag, the earth and mother-goddess, one of the seven great deities of Sumer. She is principally a fertility goddesses. Sumeria

"Nis or Nisse"
Scandinavian A Kobold or Brownie. A Scandinavian fairy friendly to farmhouses.
Goddess name
Roman Minor goddess of birth. Responsible for the ninth month of gestation, she is often linked with the goddess DECIMA. In later Roman times she becomes one of a trio of goddesses of fate, with Decima and MORTA, the goddess of death, collectively known as the PARCAE....
Nymph name
Greek The nymphs of Nysa, who are said to have reared Dionysus, and whose names are Cisseis, Nysa, Erato, Eriphia, Bromia, and Polyhymno. (Apollodorus iii, Metamorphoses III, Fasti by Ovid, Hymns of Orpheus) Greek

Egyptian serpent-worship. From Egyptian Ob (the sacred serpent). The African sorceress is still called Obi. The Greek ophis is of the same family. Moses forbade the Israelites to inquire of Ob, which we translate wizard.
Hero name
Greek The poem of Homer which records the adventures of Odysseus (Ulysses) in his home-voyage from Troy. The word is an adjective formed out of the hero's name, and means the things or adventures of Ulysses. Greek
King name
Greek A king of Thrace, and father of Orpheus and Linus hence the sisters of Orpheus are called Oeagrides, in the sense of the Muses. Greek
King name
Hebrew king of Bashan, according to Rabbinical mythology, was an antediluvian giant, saved from the flood by climbing on the roof of the ark. After the påśśage of the Red Sea, Moses first conquered Sihon, and then advanced against the giant Og (whose bedstead, made of iron, was above 15 feet long and nearly 7 feet broad, Deut. iii. 11). The Rabbins say that Og plucked up a mountain to hurl at the Israelites, but he got so entangled with his burden, that Moses was able to kill him without much difficulty.
God name
Egypt Primordial forces. The elements of chaos, eight in number, which existed before the creation of the Sun god and which are known from Khemnu in Middle Egypt (Greek Heliopolis). The Ogdoad also had a sanctuary at Medinet Habu. They created, out of themselves rather than by sexual coupling, the mound which emerged from the primeval waters and upon which rested the egg from which the young Sun god emerged. They are usually depicted as baboons heralding the Sun as it rises. They are grouped in pairs and include NUN and NAUNET representing the primordial abyss, KEK and KAUKET representing darkness, HEH and HAUHET representing infinity, and AMUN and AMAUNET representing hidden power....
Goddess name
"Ogetsu no hime"
Japan Goddess Who Possesses Food, a goddess of food in the Shinto religion of Japan.
Goddess name
Greek / Roman Minor sea goddesses There were åśśigned to guard ship motions by the larger gods & invoked by seafarers, others say that they are river gods
Goddess name
Greco - Roman Sea deities. Minor goddesses åśśigned the guardianship of oceans by the great gods and invoked by seafarers. In alternative tradition, they are river gods, the sons of OKEANOS....
God name
Fon / Yoruba / Benin / Nigeria, West Africa God of fresh waters and oceans. The eldest son of the creator god OSANOBUA. He is symbolized in the sacred river Olokun, which runs almost the length of Benin and from the source of which come the souls of unborn children. A girl baby is given a shrine of the god which includes a pot of river water and which she takes with her to her new home when she marries. The god is particularly popular among women and has a cult of priestesses. Olokun is also a guardian deity of mariners....
Spirit name
Phoenician / Hellenic Primordial principle. The element of darkness in chaos which fuses, or consorts, with POTHOS to engender the spiritual and physical elements of the cosmos....
God name
Scandinavia The Old Norse for cycle of fate, or for the unalterable destiny of the world. Orlog encompåśśes all, including the gods. One aspect of Orlog is the "Ragnarok." Orlog is the collective wyrd of the world as a whole, whereas "wyrd" is more individual. Scandinavia

Greek All that part of the mythology of Orpheus which connects him with Dionysus must be considered as a later invention, quite irreconcilable with the original legends, in which he is the servant of Apollo and the Muses: the discrepancy extends even to the instrument of his music, which was always the lyre, and never the flute. Greek
Goddess name
Yoruba / Nigeria, West Africa River goddess. The daughter of Oba Jumu and Oba Do and the consort of the god SHANGO. The guardian deity of the river Osun, revered particularly in the towns and villages along the banks of the river where sacred weapons are kept in her shrines. Also a goddess of healing. She is worshiped particularly by women and is honored in an annual festival, the Ibo-Osun, during which new cultic priestesses are selected....
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