
List of Gods : "God Ome" - 570 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
"Sanjna (conscience)"
Hindu Goddess. The daughter of TVASTAR, a consort of SURYA and, in some texts, the mother of YAMA....
Goddess name
"Sari Chou Niiarig Niiarig"
Chinese Mother goddess. First deified during the Sung Dynasty (AD 960-1279) to combat the popularity of KUAN YIN, no mortal existence is recognized for this deity who is referred to simply as “heavenly mother.” By tradition she rules over the “islands of the blessed,” the three mythical islands which are the home of the gods. She is depicted wearing a yellow robe signifying imperial rank and carries the attribute of a scepter. Typically she displays an enigmatic smile....
God name
Phrygian / northwestern Turkey River god. A Hellenized version of an Asiatic god whose daughter, NANA, is, according to some traditions, the mother of the vegetation god ATTIS. She impregnated herself with an almond seed....
Goddess name
"Sariirig Sari"
Javan Rice mother. Represented by parts of the rice plant known as indoea padi (mother of the rice). At planting, the finest grain is picked out and sown in the nursery bed in the form of the goddess, after which the rest of the grain is sown round about. At transplanting, the shoots making up the rice mother are given a similar special place in the paddy field. At harvesting, the rice mother plants are “found” and brought home for the following year's planting....
God name
Mesopotamian / Babylonian - Akkadian Group of minor war gods. The children of the god ANU who follow the war god ERRA into battle. They are, in alternative traditions, of good or evil influence. In Greek tradition they become the Pleiades....
Goddess name
"Selene (radiant)"
Greek moon goddess. The daughter of HYPERION (a TITAN) and sister of the Sun god HELIOS. The tutelary deity of magicians, she rides in a chariot drawn by two horses. According to legend she fell in love with the sleeping Endymion. She becomes largely syncretized with HEKATE and in Roman culture equates with the goddess LUNA....
Goddess name
Egypt Goddess of scorpions, a protector of the embalmer's tent and helper of women in childbirth. Egypt
God name
Bella Coola Indian / British Columbia, Canada Sun god. The ruler of the lower heaven, Sonx, in which is situated the home of the gods, Nusmeta (the house of myths). The only deity to whom the Bella Coola pray and make offerings. Hunters throw small pieces of mountain goat or seal flesh into a sacrificial fire. Also Ta'ata (our father); Smai'yakila (sacred one)....
Goddess name
Egypt Goddess of libraries and the art of writing. Known from 2500 BC, or earlier, until the end of Egyptian history circa AD 400. She is depicted anthropomorphically bearing a seven-pointed star or rosette on her head, sometimes atop a wand and below a bow-shaped object. Early in her career she was åśśociated with the ritual of “stretching the cord” during which boundary poles were rammed into the ground by the king before measuring out the foundations of a sanctuary. As a scribe she recorded the lists of foreign captives and their tributes. At Karnak in Upper Egypt and at Dendara she recorded the royal jubilees on a notched palm stem.See also SEFKHET-ABWY....
God name
Hindu Force, power or energy, the personification of God's female aspect, sometimes referred to as 'The Divine Mother'. Hindu
God name
"Shei Nuig"
Chinese God of Agriculture. Known as the Divine farmer. According to tradition, during his lifetime he invented the plough and taught basic Agriculture and the use of herbs. In a more destructive aspect, he is also the god of the hot winds. He is depicted with the head of an ox and is regarded by some authors as a successor to NU KUA. Also Shen Nong....
God name
"Shou Lao"
Chinese God of longevity. He originates as an astral deity but comes to head the heavenly ministry responsible for setting the span of a person's life. He is also known as Nan-ji Hsian Weng, “the ancient of the South Pole.” His sacred animal is the crane, embodiment of long life....
Goddess name
Western Semitic / Phoenician Minor attendant goddess. The personification of the holiness of sanctuaries of BAAL S AMIN. In Hellenic times she may have become syncretized with TYCHE....
Goddess name
"Siddhi (accomplishment, success)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Minor goddess of good fortune. A deity who grants favors. Sometimes åśśociated with the elephant god GANESA or MAHA-GANAPATI, on whose knee she may sit. In earlier times she was described as a consort of BHAGA....
God name
Scandinavian wife of Loki. She nurses him in his cavern, but sometimes, as she carries off the poison which the serpents gorge, a portion drops on the god, and his writhings cause earthquakes. Scandinavian
Goddess name
Roman / Celtic / Gallic Local goddess of healing. Known from limited inscriptions in which she is usually åśśociated with the god GRANNUS or with the Celtic APOLLO. A sculpture from Hochscheid in the Moselle basin in Germany describes her with a snake round her wrist reaching toward a bowl of three eggs in her left hand. She may also have a small lapdog. Some authors suggest she has sky åśśociations.See also DIVONA and ONUAVA....
Goddess name
"Sitapatra (with a white umbrella)"
Buddhist / Mahayana Goddess. An emanation of VAIROCANA and a female BODHISATTVA or buddhadesignate. Color: white. Attributes: arrow, bow, hook, noose, parasol, prayer wheel and white staff. Sometimes three-eyed and three-headed....
Supreme god name
"Sol (1)"
Roman Sun god. Known by the full title of Sol Indiges, meaning “the indigenous Sol,” which may suggest a purely Roman cult on the Quirinal Hill, but there are also inferences that this deity is of more ancient origin. Coins from southern Italy depicting the god with a radiate image date back to circa 200 BC but he rose to particular prominence during the republican period. His festival was celebrated annually on August 9. Nero had a huge statue of himself, as Sol, erected in Rome and the emperor Aurelian elevated Sol to supreme god in the Roman pantheon when Jupiter Conservator gave way to Sol Invictus (the unconquered Sun). Sol may sometimes be linked with AURORA, the goddess of dawn....
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