
List of Gods : "God Pre" - 687 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
Nigeria The supreme being, a sky god, who is also identified with or represented by the big tree which is worshipped. Indem, Nigeria
Goddess name
"Otontecuhtli aka Xiuhtecuhtli"
Aztec Goddess of the earth, flowers, plants, games and dance, love. She is also the patroness of artisans, prostitutes, pregnant women and birth. Aztec
Goddess name
Yoruba / Nigeria, West Africa River goddess. The consort of the god SHANGO, she is the guardian deity of the river Niger. Also a goddess of storms and thunder. Her sacred animal is the buffalo and her presence is symbolized by its horns....
Goddess name
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian Tutelary god of Isin. The consort of the goddess NIN'INSINNA. Identified with the city of Larak (lost), texts describe Pabilsag journeying to Nippur and presenting the god ENLIL with gifts. He is given the epithet of “the wild bull with multicolored legs.”...
Goddess name
"Paca-Mama (earth mother)"
Inca / pre - Columbian South America / highlands of Peru Chthonic earth goddess. Worshiped extensively by farmers but now largely syncretized with the Christian Virgin Mary....
God name
"Pachacamac (earth creator)"
South American Indian / Lima region of Peru Creator god. Near the town of Pachacamac is the site of a huge pyramidal sanctuary dedicated to the god. In origin he is pre-Inca but the Inca rulers who took over the region allowed his worship to continue; eventually he became syncretized with the god VAIRACOCHA....
Goddess name
Inca A dragoness fertility goddess who presided over planting and harvesting. She caused earthquakes. After conquest by Catholic Spain her image was replaced by the Virgin Mary. Inca
God name
Pre - Christian Finnish God. The deity who kills the great bull in Finnish legend....
God name
Pre - Christian Lappish God of thunder. The name is derived from “the one who dwells in the heaven.”...
God name
Greek Twin gods, originating in Sicily. They were sometimes said to have been the sons of Zeus by Thaleia the daughter of Hephaestus, sometimes the sons of Zeus by Aetna. While she was pregnant with the twins, Thaleia, fearing Hera's jealousy hid in the earth and when the time came the twin boys emerged from the ground, which explains their name 'the Returners'. Greek
Supreme god name
Kafir / Afghanistan A collective term for seven gods. The Divine brothers are cast as the hunters and henchmen of the supreme goddess DISANI. Each is equipped with a golden bow and quiver. They are generally portrayed as merciless and malignant forces. Also Paradik, Purron....
Goddess name
Polynesian / including Maori Chthonic mother goddess. According to tradition she evolved spontaneously in the cosmic night personified by TE PO and became the apotheosis of papa, the earth. In other traditions she was engendered, with the sky god RANGINUI, by a primordial androgynous being, ATEA. Paptuanuku and Ranginui are regarded as the primal parents of the pantheon who, through a prolonged period of intercourse, produced at least ten major deities as their children. In Maori culture Papatuanuku, like all deities, is represented only by inconspicuous, slightly worked stones or pieces of wood and not by the large totems, which are depictions of ancestors....
Supreme god name
"Para Brahma"
India Para Brahma. The supreme god of the Siva Narayanis. Northwest India
God name
Pre - Inca central Andean / South America weather god. The deity responsible for Rain and thunder, personified by the falcon....
Goddess name
Roman The goddess of pregnancy, who determined the time of gestation. Roman
God name
"Pasupati (lord of animals)"
Hindu / India God of animals. His consort is Svaha and his son is SANMUKHA. He is thought to have been derived from an earlier pre-Indo Aryan deity worshiped by the Indus Valley civilization as a horned god with three faces, sitting surrounded by animals. In Hindu culture regarded as an aspect of S IVA and depicted standing upon a corpse....
God name
Pre - Christian Finnish / Baltic regions God of cereal crops. In Finland he is PELLON PEKKO and specifically a god of barley used in brewing beer. In Estonia he is a corn god whose image, made of wax, was kept in the corn chest. He was originally honored on a day taken over by a Christian festival for St. Peter....
God name
"Pellon Pekko"
Pre - Christian Finnish vegetation god. The deity responsible for the germination and harvesting of barley used to make beer. The first brewing is dedicated to Pellon Pekko. He may have largely become syncretized with St. Peter under Christian influence.See also PEKKO....
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