Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Pemba (great thing)" | Bambara / Mande / Mali, West Africa | Creator god. He was created out of the empty or Fu and his first task was to form the egg of the world. He descended to earth as an acacia seed (Acacia albida) which first grew to a mighty tree and then died. From the wood Pemba generated human souls and a female being whom he impregnated to engender all human and animal life. His brother is the god FARO, creator of the river Niger.... |
Deities name "Penates" | Roman | Hearth deities. These gods are a peculiarly Roman innovation, unknown to the Greeks. The penates, chosen individually by the head of the household, oversaw the domestic affairs of most Roman families. They were considered sufficiently important that, if a move was anticipated, they were taken to and established in the new residence a priori. They are represented in the form of small statues made of anything from clay to gold according to the wealth of the owner, and were provided with regular offerings of scraps of food.... |
God name "Perende" | Pre - Christian Albanian | storm god. In the ancient Illyrian culture his presence was announced by thunder and lightning. The name subsequently became adopted to identify God in the Christian sense.... |
Goddess name "Perimb" | Brazil | Goddess of the moon and supreme being. Brazil |
God name "Perkons" | Pre - Christian Latvian | God of thunder. Depicted armed with iron weapons, he is also a fertility god who brings beneficial Rain. Also Perkunas (Lithuanian).... |
Goddess name "Pidari (snake-catcher)" | Hindu / Puranic / later | One of the consorts of S IVA. A benevolent NAVASAKTI. The cult of Pidari probably evolved in the sixth and seventh centuries AD and is generally restricted to southern India. She is considered an aspect of the goddess KALI and is invoked in many villages to ward off evil and demons. She has most of the attributes of Kali and may also have snakes around her breasts, but may additionally be represented by a stone. Her cult moved at one time and reached a climax in eastern India between the eighth and twelfth centuries. Attributes: cup, fire, noose and trident. Also Pitali; Kala-Pidari.... |
Goddess name "Pomona" | Roman | Goddess of orchards and gardens. Consort of VERTUMNUS generally represented by garden implements and offered fruits and flowers.... |
God name "Pon" | Yukaghir / Siberia | The Supreme creator god worshiped from prehistoric times until at least 1900 C. E. |
God name "Posis Das" | Greek | sky god. In pre-Hellenic times the consort of the earth mother GAIA. One of the primordial partnership identified in Theogony (Hesiod). He later becomes syncretized with ZEUS.... |
God name "Prachetas" | Sanskrit | Pracetas. The preeminently intelligent one; a name of Varuna, the god of water. Sanskrit |
God name "Prajapati (lord of creatures)" | Hindu / Vedic, Epic / Puranic | Primordial being. In the Vedic legends he is described variously as the creator of the world and the creator of heaven and earth. He is an androgynous being who impregnated himself by fusing elements of mind and speech. In later epics he is the guardian deity of the sexual organ. Prajapati is also a name of the god BRAHMA in later Hinduism.... |
Goddess name "Prende" | Albania | Goddess of love. Albania |
Goddess name "Prende" | Albanian | Goddess of love and consort of the thunder god Perende. Albanian |
Goddess name "Prende" | Pre - Christian Albanian | Goddess of love. The consort of the thunder god Perendi who became absorbed into Christianity as a saint.... |
God name "Pugu" | Siberia | Yet another God of the Sun, this one is åśśociated with justice and honourable living, the defender of the oppressed and the punisher of evil deeds. Yukaghir, Siberia |
Goddess name "Pukkeenegak" | Inuit | A goddess of children, pregnancy, childbirth and the making of clothes. Inuit |
Supreme god name "Qa'wadiliquala" | Dza'wadeenox Indian / British Columbia, Canada | Supreme god. The guardian of the tribe but also a river deity responsible for bringing the salmon each year. Said to live in the river Gwae. His eldest son is TEWI'XILAK, the god of goat hunters. His attributes include a headband of red cedar bark.... |
Supreme god name "Qa'wadliliquala Dza'wadeenox" | BC Canada | Not only the Supreme God, but the guardian of the tribe as well as a river deity that insurers the salmon run |