Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Xilonen" | Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Minor vegetation goddess. An aspect of the maize goddess Chicomecoatl, personifying the young maize plant.... |
God name "Xipe" | Totec / Aztec | A god of Agriculture, plants, seeds, fertility, jewelers, sacrifice & springtime |
God name "Xipe Totec" | Aztec | our lord the flayed one, was a life-death-rebirth deity, god of Agriculture, the west, disease, spring, goldsmiths and the seasons. He flayed himself to give food to humanity. Aztec |
"Xiuhtecuhtli" | Aztec | The personification of life after death, warmth in the cold, light in darkness and food during famine. He was usually depicted with a red or yellow face and a censer on his head. His wife was Chalchiuhtlicue. Aztec |
God name "Xiuhtecuhtli" | Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mex ico | Astral god. The ruler of the first or lowest of the thir teen heavens known at the time of the Spanish conquest, Tlalticpac (on the earth).... |
God name "Xiuhtecuhtli/ Otontecuhtli/ Huehueteotl" | Aztec | The god of fire |
Goddess name "Xiwangmu" | Chinese | The Daoist Goddess of Immortality, owner of the heavenly Peach Garden, and the queen of Paradise. Chinese |
God name "Xixarama" | Colombia | Principal god and father of the Sun and the moon. Colombia |
"Xmucane" | Mayan | And this is the grandmother, the daykeeper, Diviner who stands behind others: Xmucane is her name. Mayan |
God name "Xmucane, Xpiyacoc, Xumucane,Ixpiyacoc" | Maya | The mother and father gods. They agreed that animals should be created. This was accomplished, and they next turned their attention to the framing of man. They made a number of mannikins carved out of wood. Popol Vuh, Kiche |
Angel name "Xnilr" | Enochian | A minor angel. Enochian |
God name "Xochipili" | Aztec | The god of love, games, beauty, dance, flowers, maize, and song. Aztec |
Goddess name "Xochiquetzal" | Aztec | Goddess of Agriculture, fertility, love, sensual pleasure, sex, happiness, the moon and weavers. Aztec |
Goddess name "Xochiquetzal" | Aztec | A goddess of flowers, fertility, games, dancing and Agriculture, as well as craftsmen, prostitutes and pregnant women. She was originally a moon and love goddess. Aztec |
Goddess name "Xochiquetzal" | Aztec / classi cal Mesoamerican / Mexico | Goddess of fertility and childbirth. The mother of the demigoddess (unnamed) whose consort was Piltz intecuhtli and who engendered the first mortals Oxomoco and CIPACTONAL. One of the group clåśśed as the TETEOINNAN complex. A popular deity among Aztec women, the goddess is invoked particularly to make a marriage fruitful. The bride plaits her hair and coils it around, leaving two plumes representing the feathers of the Quetzal which is sacred to Xochiquetzal. Pottery figurines are adorned with plumes of feathers. Worshiped at various sites, including Tula (Hidalgo). Also recognized as the patron goddess of weavers.... |
Goddess name "Xochiquetzal-Ichpuchtli (maiden)" | Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Minor fertility goddess. One of the group clåśśed as the TETEOINNAN complex. Depicted as a youthful deity åśśociated with sexual love, flowers and pleasure.... |
God name "Xocotl" | Aztec | A stellar god who presided over fire. He is identified with the Aztec and Toltec god Xolotl. Aztec |
Deity name "Xolas" | Tierra del Fuego | The supreme deity. At birth he is said to place the soul into every body, receiving it back after death to await rebirth. Tierra del Fuego |