Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Rugievit" | Rugen Isl | Seven headed war god. Rugen Island |
God name "Rugievit" | Slav | Local tutelary and war god. Identified by the historian Saxo Grammaticus as inhabiting the island of Rugen, depicted with seven heads and carrying a sword.... |
God name "Samia" | Greek | A daughter of the river-god Maeander, and wife of Ancaeus, by whom she became the mother of Samos. Samia also occurs as a surname of Hera, which is derived from her temple and worship in the island of Samos. Greek |
Goddess name "Sari Chou Niiarig Niiarig" | Chinese | Mother goddess. First deified during the Sung Dynasty (AD 960-1279) to combat the popularity of KUAN YIN, no mortal existence is recognized for this deity who is referred to simply as heavenly mother. By tradition she rules over the islands of the blessed, the three mythical islands which are the home of the gods. She is depicted wearing a yellow robe signifying imperial rank and carries the attribute of a scepter. Typically she displays an enigmatic smile.... |
God name "Sga'na" | Haida Indian / Queen Charlotte Island, Canada | Sea god. Embodied in the killer whale (Orca). The universe is believed to be inhabited by super natural beings called Sga'na Qeda's for whom the land was first created. Also Måśśet San.... |
Supreme god name "Sins Sga'nagwai (power of the shining heavens)" | Haida Indian / Queen Charlotte Island, Canada | Supreme god. The god who gives power to all things.... |
God name "Sirao" | Indonesia | The high god of the north and central Nias Island. Indonesia |
God name "Svantevit" | Pre - Christian Latvian | God of war. Mentioned by the author Saxo Grammaticus as riding upon a white horse and holding a cornucopia, he is known locally from the island of Rugen. Also a guardian deity of crops.... |
God name "Ta'xet" | Haida Indian / Queen Charlotte Island, Canada | God of death. The deity responsible for those who die violently.See also TIA.... |
God name "Tana'ao" | Polynesian / Marquesas Islands | weather and sea god. A local variation on the Polynesian god TANGAROA, known as a god of winds and a tutelary deity of fishermen.... |
Deities name "Tangaroa" | Polynesian / including Maori | Sea and creator god. The deity responsible for the oceans (moana) and the fish (ika) within them. In Hawaiian belief he was the primordial being who took the form of a bird and laid an egg on the surface of the primeval waters which, when it broke, formed the earth and sky. He then engendered the god of light, ATEA (cf. TANE). According to Tahitian legend, he fashioned the world inside a gigantic mussel shell. In a separate tradition Tangaroa went fishing and hauled the Tongan group of islands from the depths of the ocean on a hook and line. He is the progenitor of mankind (as distinct from TUMATAUENGA who has authority over mankind). His son Pili married SINA, the tropic bird and they produced five children from whom the rest of the Polynesian race was born. In Maori culture Tangaroa, like all deities, is represented only by inconspicuous, slightly worked stones or pieces of wood and not by the large totems which are depictions of ancestors.... |
God name "Tinirau (innumerable)" | Polynesian / Hervey Islands | Fish god. The second offspring of the great mother VARI-MA-TETAKERE and the younger sibling of AVATEA. He is said to live in the coconut of the world on a sacred isle called Motu-Tapu immediately below the home of Avatea and to own ponds full of all kinds of fish. He is depicted as half man (right side) and half fish (left side) in the form of a sprat.... |
God name "Tino Taata" | Polynesian / Society Islands | Creator god. Probably regarded as the tutelary deity who engendered mankind and equating therefore to the more widely recognized Polynesian god TANGAROA.... |
God name "Tra (death by violence)" | Haida Indian / Queen Charlotte Island, Canada | God of death. Those who are about to die a violent death are said to hear him groaning about the camp and see him as a headless corpse with blood flowing endlessly from his severed neck. He flies through the air.See also TA'XET.... |
God name "Tremerius" | Roman | River god. The deity of the river Tiber. His consort is one of the Vestal Virgins sacrificed by drowning. His sanctuary was built on an island in the river and, until some time during the Republican period, all bridges across the river were made wholly of wood so as not to offend him. The adverse connotations of iron are unclear, but its use was forbidden by official decree.... |
God name "Tsuki-Yomi" | Shinto / Japan | moon god. Engendered from the right eye of IZANAGI immediately after AMATERASU was engendered from the left. There is very little reference to him in the sacred texts and his is a highly aesthetic form of worship. Allegedly he slew the food KAMI Uke-Mochi. He is depicted riding a horse and a number of sanctuaries are addressed to his cult, including the two TsukiYomi-No-Miya shrines in the Ise Jingu temple. He also enjoys an ancient sanctuary on the island of Iki. Also Tsuki-Yomi-Otoko.... |
God name "Tu-Metua (stick-by-parent)" | Polynesian / Hervey Islands | God. The sixth child of VARI-MA-TE-TAKERE, the primordial mother. Torn from her right side, he stays with her in the confined space at the bottom of the world coconut and lives in endless silence.... |
Goddess name "Tumuteanaoa (echo)" | Polynesian / Hervey Islands | Goddess. The fourth child of VARI-MA-TE-TAKERE, the primordial mother. Torn from her right side, Tumuteanaoa lives in Te-Parai-Tea (hollow gray rocks) below the home of the god TANGO.... |