Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Kitanitowit (good creator)" | Algonquin Indian / eastern Canada | Creator god. The first being who is present everywhere in the universe. He is invisible and is represented diagrammatically by a point surrounded by a circle on which are marked the four quarters.... |
God name "Kotar" | Western Semitic / Syrian | Blacksmith god. Identified in the Ugaritic (Ras Samra) texts as building a palace for the god BAAL and forging his weapons for the conflict against the sea god YAMM. Known also from Phoenician inscriptions. Also Kosar, Chusor, KINYRAS.... |
Deities name "Lei Kung" | Taoist / Chinese | God of thunder. He heads the deities of the pantheon who are responsible for storm, wind and Rain and is usually accompanied by YU SHIH, the god of Rain. He appears in anthropomorphic form from about the beginning of the Christian era, depicted as a strong, youthful figure holding hammer and chisel. In drama his movements are punctuated by rumblings on strings and drums. Circa AD 1000 he becomes depicted as a bird-like being with a monkey face. The transition was probably influenced by the popularity of the Hindu god GARUDA.... |
God name "Loki" | Norse | Loki. To end, finish; Loke is the end and consummation of divinity. The evil giant-god of the Norse mythology. He steers the ship Naglfar in Ragnarok. He borrows Freyja's feather-garb and accompanies Thor to the giant Thrym, who has stolen Thor's hammer. He is the father of Sleipner; also of the Midgard serpent, of the Fenris-wolf and of Hel. He causes Balder's death, abuses the gods in ?ger's feast, but is captured in Fraanangerforce and is bound by the gods. Norse |
Goddess name "Mami" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian | Mother goddess. Identified in the Atrahasis texts and other creation legends and probably synonymous with NINHURSAG A. She was involved in the creation of mankind from clay and blood. The name almost certainly came into use because it is the first word that a child formulates. Also Mama; Mammitum.... |
Goddess name "Mamitu" | Mesopotamian / Babylonian - Akkadian | Goddess of oaths and treaties. One of the consorts of NERGAL and subsequently identified as a chthonic underworld deity. Also Mammetu.... |
God name "Mammon" | Syriac | The god of this world. Mammon was the Syrian god of wealth, similar to Plutus of Greek and Roman mythology. Syriac |
Goddess name "Mari Mai (mother death)" | Hindu | Plague goddess. The sister of SITALA, åśśociated with cholera. Her Tamil counterpart is MARIYAMMAN.... |
Goddess name "Mariyamman" | Dravidian | Plague goddess with a bizarre form of penance Dravidian / Tamil |
Goddess name "Mariyamman (mother of smallpox)" | Dravidian / Tamil / southern India | Plague goddess. A terrible goddess, one of the NAVASAKTIS and linked with the goddess KALI. She is honored in a ritual during which victims (in penance) are suspended from a rope and an iron hook through the flesh of the back and whirled around a pole. Also Mariyattal.... |
Goddess name "Mata (great mother)" | Hindu | Primeval mother goddess. The archetypal progenitrix of all living things. She becomes the tutelary goddess of every village in northern India, but is also seen as a plague goddess åśśociated with smallpox, in which case her epithet becomes Maha Mai. Her Tamil counterpart is Amman.... |
God name "Milcom" | Hebrew / Christian | Milcom god of the Ammonites whose cult Solomon introduced in Jerusalem. In the Book of Judges the name is replaced by Chemosh. Milcom may be identifiable with Molech. |
God name "Milkastart" | Semitic | Local tutelary god of the from Umm el-Ammend Semitic(West) |
God name "Milkastart" | Western Semitic | Local tutelary god. Known only from Umm el-Ammed where his cult apparently co-existed with that of BAAL SAPON. One of two major temples built at Umm el-Ammed in the third century BC was probably dedicated to milkASTART, and the name is regarded as a syncretization of MELQART and ASTARTE.... |
God name "Milkom" | Ammonite / EJordan | He is the chief god, & may have of been worshipped by king Solomon under a different name |
Deities name "Milkom" | Western Semitic / Ammonite | Tutelary god. One of the deities mentioned in the Vetus Testamentum (1 kings 11.5) as being worshiped by the Israelite king Solomon. Also Milcom.... |
God name "Molek" | Western Semitic / Ammonite | God. Synonymous with the god Moloch (Hebrew) of the Vetus Testamentum to whom Israelite children were sacrificed by burning (1 kings 11.7 and 2 kings23.10)... |
God name "Musdamma" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian | God of buildings. Described as the great builder of ENLIL, Mus damma is a minor deity appointed by the god ENKI to take responsibility for building projects and for houses.... |