
List of Gods : "God Indr" - 46 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
"Aditi (the free one)"
Hindu / Vedic Archaic mother goddess. According to the Rg Veda Aditi is said to be the wife of KASYAPA or of BRAHMA and mother of the ADITYAS, a group of minor gods including MITRA, ARYAMAN, BHAGA, VARUNA, DAKSA and Anisa. No other consort is mentioned in the literature. She is also accounted as the mother of HARI. Other legends account her as the mother of the Rain god INDRA. No human physical features are drawn, though she is sometimes identified in the guise of a cow. Aditi is also perceived as a guardian goddess who brings prosperity and who can free her devotees from problems and clear away obstacles. She disappears largely from later Hindu traditions....
God name
Hindu An elephant produced at the churning of the ocean and appropriated by the god Indra. Hindu
Deities name
"Anala (fire)"
Hindu / Puranic Attendant god. One of a group of eight Vasu deities answering to the god INDRA....
Deities name
"Anila (wind)"
Hindu / Puranic Attendant god. One of a group of eight VASU deities answering to the god INDRA....
God name
Hindu One of the eight Vasus who serve the god Indra Hindu / Puranic
Deities name
Hindu / Puranic Attendant god. One of a group of eight VASU deities answering to the god INDRA. Attributes: hook and plough....
God name
"Arjuna (silvery)"
Hindu / Vedic, Epic / Puranic Heroic god. Arjuna appears in the Mahabharata epic. One of the princely sons of the mythical Pandu family, his father is INDRA. He generally appears with the warrior god BHIMA. Allegedly responsible for requesting VIS'NU to take his VISVARUPA form but also identified as a minor incarnation or avatara of Vis'nu. Attributes: usually depicted bearing a bow received from AGNI the fire god, but may also appear carrying a sword and shield. Also NARA....
Deities name
"Dhara (supporting)"
Hindu / Puranic Attendant god. One of a group of eight VASU deities answering to the god INDRA. Attributes: lotus, plough, rosary and spear....
Deities name
"Dhruva (immovable)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Astral god. The son of Uttanapada, a star in the constellation of Ursa Minor which was the pole star in the last millennium BC. An avatara of V IS NU. Also one of a group of Vasu deities answering to the god INDRA. In different context, the description of a kind of fixed icon. Attributes: prayer wheel, rosary, spear and water jar....
Goddess name
Kafir / Afghanistan God of war. Known chiefly among the Kati people in the southern Hindukush. Gish seems partly modeled on the Aryan (Vedic) god INDRA (see also INDR). One of the offspring of the creator god IMRA, his mother is named as Utr; she carried him for eighteen months before he wrenched himself from her belly, stitching her up with a needle. His consort is the goddess SANJU. He slaughters with great efficiency but is considered lacking in graces and intellect, emerging in a generally boorish light (see also THOR). His home is a fortress of steel atop a mythical walnut tree propped up by his mother which provides nourishment and strength for his warriors. The Rainbow is a sling with which he carries his quiver. Gish is åśśociated chiefly with the villages of Kamdesh and Shtiwe but has been worshiped throughout the Kafir region with the sacrifice of hornless oxen, particularly prior to combat. A feast was given in his honor if the outcome was successful. Also Giwish....
God name
Buddhist / Mahayana God. A BODHISATTVA (buddha-designate) and an emanation of AKSOBHYA. The Tantric form of HERUKA and the Buddhist equivalent of the Hindu god Siva Nataraja. His SAKTI is NAIRAMATA or VAJRAVARAHI and he may appear dominating the four MARAS (the Hindu gods BRAHMA, VISNU, SIVA and INDRA). Color: blue. Attributes: bell, bow, hook, image of Aksobhya on crown, jewel, lotus, prayer wheel, wine glåśś. He holds a skull in each hand and an åśśortment of other weapons. Threeor eightheaded, from two to sixteen arms and two or four legs; three-eyed....
God name
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Iraq storm god. The chief Rain and thunder god of herdsmen, Is”kur is described as the brother of the Sun god UTU. In creation mythology Is”kur is given charge over the winds, the so-called “silver lock of the heart of heaven,” by the god ENKI. According to some authors, in prehistoric times he was perceived as a bull or as a lion whose roar is the thunder. He may be depicted as a warrior riding across the skies in a chariot, dispensing Raindrops and hailstones. In one text he is identified as the son of AN and twin brother of Enki. He is to be compared with NINURTA who was primarily a god of farmers. He was also adopted by the Hittites as a storm god....
God name
"In r"
Kafir / Afghanistan Tutelary and weather god. The brother of GISH and father of DISANI and Pano. Probably derived from the more widely recognized Aryan god INDRA, Indr is known chiefly from the Waigal and Prasun areas of the southern Hindukush. It is generally åśśumed that he was ousted from major importance by the god IMRA. Indr is also a god of wine who owns substantial vineyards and is åśśociated in south Nuristan with wine rituals (the annals of Alexander the Great suggest that he met with winedrinking “worshipers of DIONYSOSin the Hindukush). In the Ashkun region of southwestern Kafiristan, a famous vineyard near the village of Wamais is sacred to Indr. Also Inder....
God name
Afghanistan Tutelary and weather god. Afghanistan
God name
Hindu A god of Rain, storms, thunder & clouds
God name
Hindu The king of the gods and ruler of the heavens, the god of thunder and Rain and a great warrior who symbolises courage and strength. His mount is an elephant called Airavata and he has a golden chariot drawn by ten thousand horses. Hindu
God name
Mongolia The god of the Sun and of light, åśśociated with the east. Mongolia
Goddess name
Hindu The goddess of wrath and jealousy, and a daughter of Puloman, a demon who was killed by Indrani's future husband, Indra. She is beautiful and has one-thousand eyes. She is åśśociated with lions and elephants. Hindu
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