
List of Gods : "God Sin" - 269 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
Buddhist Minor god. An attendant of ARAPACANA....
God name
"Upulvan (like the blue lotus)"
Singhalese / Sri Lanka Local god. The most senior of the four great gods of the Singhalese pantheon. Identified with VIS NU, according to one tradition his specific task was to protect the culture of Sri Lanka from Buddhism. Conversely he stood by Gautama BUDDHA against the Hindu MARA....
Goddess name
Sumeria Urash, a goddess of earth, and one of the consorts of the sky god An. She is the mother of the goddess Nininsinna. Sumeria
Goddess name
Mesopotamian / Sumerian Chthonic earth goddess. One of the named consorts of the sky god AN and the mother of NIN'INSINNA....
God name
Latavia An astral god that was affiliated with both the morning & evening star, he sidelined with beekeepers & spring until the Christians showed up and then he became St. George
God name
Pre - Christian Latvian Astral god. Associated with both the morning and evening star and also has links with bee-keepers and spring. Under Christian influence he becomes absorbed into the figure of St. George....
Goddess name
"Uso Dori"
Japan Goddess of singing. Japan
God name
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Incarnation of the god VISNU. The fifth avatara of Vis'nu which appears as a dwarf, symbolizing the puny state of mankind in the cosmos. According to legend, the god took the guise in order to trick BALI, a greatgrandson of Hiranyakashipu (see NARASINHA), whose prestige had begun to overshadow that of INDRA. To restore a proper balance Vamana requested from Bali a plot of land three paces wide on which to meditate. Vis'nu returned to his proper stature and claimed heaven and earth in two steps. He declined to take the third which would have also claimed the underworld, but instead gave its rule to Bali. The dwarfish form bears two arms. Attributes: umbrella and waterpot....
Deities name
"Vasu(s) (excellent)"
Hindu / Vedic Generic title for a group of gods. Eight deities attendant on the Vedic weather god INDRA, comprising day, dawn, fire, moon, pole star, Sun, water and wind. Generally carrying a rosary and with a SAKTI....
God name
Roman Is said to have been an Etruscan divinity whose worship was introduced at Rome by an ancient Vulsinian colony. The name signifies "the god who changes or metamorphoses himself." For this reason the Romans connected Vertumnus with all occurrences to which the verb verto applies, such as the change of seasons, purchase and sale, the return of rivers to their proper beds,etc. But in reality the god was connected only with the transformation of plants, and their progress from being in blossom to that of bearing fruit. Roman
Deities name
"Virupaksa (misinformed eyes)"
Hindu Buddhist 1 God. Epithet of SIVA and one of the EKADASARUDRAS or eleven RUDRA deities. Attributes: ax, bell, club, cup, drum, hook, knife, lotus, prayer wheel, rosary, Sakti and sword. Threeheaded....
God name
Ojibwa / Canada Ice god. A terrible being formed of ice who symbolizes the starvation of Winter. There are said to be many windigos, but they are always referred to in the singular. Cannibalistic, the windigo appears as an ice skeleton and a human being can be turned into one through possession....
God name
Cree A trickster god in Cree mythology, similar to Nanabozho in Ojibwa myth and Inktonme in Assiniboine myth. His name means "the Flatterer." He is generally portrayed as being responsible for a great flood which destroys the world originally made by the Creator, as well as the one who creates the current world with magic, either on his own or with powers given to him by the Creator for that specific purpose.
God name
"Wong Taisin (the great immortal Wong)"
Chinese God. Probably an incarnation or avatara of the god HUANG TI (the yellow emperor), he is considered benevolent. Closely åśśociated with a district in Kowloon which is named after him. His cult arrived in Hong Kong in 1915 from Kwangtung in the form of a painting brought by a man and his son. It was installed in a small temple in Wanchai. In 1921 a larger sanctuary was built, from public funds, facing the sea and backed by Lion Rock....
Goddess name
Australian aboriginal Sun goddess. The position of Wuriupranili in the godly hierarchy is unclear, but mythology explains that she carries a burning torch made from tree bark and that she travels from east to west each day before descending to the western sea and using the embers to light her way through the underworld beneath the earth. The colors of the Sunrise and Sunset are said to be a reflection of the red ocher body paints with which she adorns herself....
God name
"Xaman Ek"
Aztec The god of the North Star merchants, business, economy, trade. Aztec
God name
Egypt moon god. Yah may have been an import to Egypt brought by Semitic immigrants who based his profile on the Mesopotamian god SIN. He is mentioned largely from the twentieth century BC onward and is depicted in human form, but can also be represented by the falcon and the ibis....
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