Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "ATUM" | Egypt | Sun god and creator god. Atum is generally represented in human form and often wears a crown which combines those of Upper and Lower Egypt. He is represented as various animals including the bull, lion, snake and lizard. Atum was regarded as the progenitor of the Egyptian pharaohs. Both Atum and Re are represented by a Divine black bull, Mnevis or Mer-wer, wearing the Sun disc and uraeus or snake between its horns. It acts as an intercessor between the Sun god and his priests in Heliopolis.... |
Spirit name "Agathos Daimon (good demon)" | Greco - Roman | God of fortune. Known locally from Alexandria and depicted in the form of a snake. May have originated as an androgynous fertility spirit, but later becomes identified as the consort of Agathe Tyche (see TYCHE). Libations were made regularly to this deity after meals and he was regarded as a friendly household guardian.... |
God name "Ahriman" | Zoroastrian / Farsi Per sian | Chthonic god of darkness. The antagonist of AHURA MAZDA, god of light, and his attendant, MITHRA. The name is a modern derivation of the original Avestan title ANGRU MAINYU. Ahriman is said to have tried to persuade his attendant animals, including the scor pion, ant and snake, to drink the blood of the bull slain by Mithra in the primeval legend of dualistic conflict (see Mithra); if he had succeeded he would have prevented life from forming on earth. In another legend he tried to thwart Ahura Mazda by sending a flood to destroy the world. Also recog nized in Roman Mithraism. Rituals included ani mal sacrifice. Also ARIMANIUS (Roman).... |
God name "Aker" | Egypt | Chthonic earth god of påśśage. Known from the Old kingdom (circa 2700 BC onward). Controls the interface between eastern and western horizons of the underworld, and is the guardian of the gate through which the king påśśes into the underworld. Aker provides a safe course for the barque of the Sun god during its påśśage through the underworld at night. He may be seen as the socket holding the boat's mast. He is also considered benevolent against snake bites. Represented by opposite facing pairs of human or lion heads.... |
Goddess name "Amaunet (the hidden one)" | Egypt / Upper | Fertility goddess. Amaunet seems to have a taken a role as an early consort of AMUN, one of the eight deities of the OGDOAD and representing hidden power. In that context she is depicted anthropomorphically but with the head of a snake. She is shown in reliefs and as the subject of a notable statue from the Record Hall of Tuthmosis III at the Karnak complex of Thebes, where she was recognized as a benign protective deity especially called on at times of royal accession. As a fertility goddess she was largely eclipsed by the goddess MUT. She is sometimes equated with NEITH, the creator goddess of Sais, and her attributes may include the red crown of the Delta.... |
Deities name "Ananta" | Hindu / Puranic | A snake god & one of the seven snake deities |
Deities name "Ananta" | Hindu / Puranic | Snake god. One of a group of seven snake deities or MAHANAGAS.... |
Goddess name "Anat" | Ugarit | A violent war-goddess and the sister of the great Baal known as Hadad. warrior virgin, slayer of snakes, goddess of fertility. Ugarit |
Goddess name "Anceta" | Roman | Aka Angizia, Anagtia, Anagtia, Anguitia, Anguitina, Angitia. A healing and snake Goddess who was especially revered by the Marsi, a warlike tribe of people who lived to the east of Rome. Roman |
Goddess name "Aparajita (unconquered)" | Hindu / Puranic | (1) God. One of the eleven EKADASARUDRAS or forms of RUDRA. Attributes: bell, bowl, club, drum, hook, lance, lotus, prayer wheel, rod, rosary, shield, sword and trident.(2) Minor god. Buddhist (Mahayana). (3) Goddess. Hindu (Puranic). Form of DURGA. Her attendant animal is a lion. Attributes: arrow, shield, snake and sword. 4. Goddess. Buddhist (Mahayana). She stands or treads on the god GANESA. Color: yellow. Attributes: bell, hook, image of RATNASAMBHAVA, noose and staff.... |
Goddess name "Ayida" | Haiti | Goddess of Rainbows, especially in Benin and Haiti, Ayida-Weddo aka Aida-Wedo, Aido Quedo, a loa of fertility, Rainbows and snakes, and a companion or wife to Damballah-Wedo. Also Ayida-Weddo is known as the Rainbow serpent. Haiti |
Goddess name "Benten-San" | Shinto / Japan | Goddess of luck. One of seven deities clåśśed as gods of fortune and the only goddess in the group. A popular deity with many sanctuaries dedicated to her, she is a patron of music and holds a biwa instrument in her hand. Snakes, believed to stand for jealousy, are often coiled around her statues. Because of this, married couples are reluctant to visit her shrines together. Her priesthood is both Shinto and Buddhist and she is closely linked with the goddess SARASVATI.... |
Goddess name "Bhutadamara (tumult of demons)" | Buddhist / Mahayana | God. May be depicted reclining on the Hindu goddess APARAJITA. Attributes: snakes in the hair, and staff. Three-eyed.... |
God name "Candesvara (the lord of Canda)" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | Minor god. A benevolent aspect of S IVA. Also an attendant on S iva, said to have been a youthful cowherd. He sits on a lotus throne. Attributes: arrow, ax, bow, club, crown, hatchet, noose, rosary, snake, trident and water jar.... |
God name "Candrasekhara (moon crested)" | Hindu / Puranic | Form of the god SIVA. Portrayed standing stiffly upright and wearing snake jewelry with the moon on the left side of his headdress. Attributes: ax and an antelope.... |
Goddess name "Carravogue" | British / Ireland | Local Crone Goddess from County Meath who was transformed into a huge snake for eating forbidden berries. Her original purpose is basically lost in modern times because her stories became so absorbed by Christian legends which attempt to make her a Celtic Eve. British / Ireland |
Spirit name "Chang Tao Ling" | Taoist / Chinese | God of the afterlife. The head of the heavenly Ministry of Exorcism, and allegedly the first head of the Taoist church. By tradition he vanquished the five poisonous ani malsthe centipede, scorpion, snake, spider and toadplacing their venom in a flask in which he concocted the elixir of life. Having drunk the contents at the age of 123, he ascended to heaven. He is depicted riding upon a tiger and brandishing a sword. Before the communist takeover of China, the gods of exorcism lived in a sanctuary on the dragon Tiger mountain in Kiangsi province. Exorcised spirits were trapped in jars which were stored in the cellars.... |
Deities name "Chiccan" | Mayan / Chorti, Mesoamerican / eastern Guatemala | Rain gods. Giant reptilian deities whose blood is cold and who evolved from snakes. They form a quartet, each living at the bottom of a deep lake situated in the four cardinal directions. They are believed to churn the waters which rise as clouds. The AH PATNAR UINICOB gods then beat the Rain from the clouds with stone axes.... |