Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Planet name "Adamida" | Christian | A planet on which reside the unborn spirits of saints, martyrs, and believers. U'riel, the angel of the Sun, was ordered at the crucifixion to interpose this planet between the Sun and the earth, so as to produce a total eclipse. Early Christian |
Spirit name "Adona" | Christian | A seraph, the tutelar spirit of James, the "first martyr of the twelve." Christian |
Spirit name "Archer" | Gnostic / Christian | A governing spirit of Aquarius. Gnostic / Christian |
Spirit name "Devil" | Christian | The supreme spirit of evil, the tempter and spiritual enemy of mankind, the foe of God and holiness. Jewish and Christian |
Angel name "Gabriel" | Hebrew / Christian | The angel of death to the favoured people of God, the prince of fire and thunder, and the only angel that can speak Syriac and Chaldee. The Mahometans call him the chief of the four favoured angels, and the spirit of truth. In medi?val romance he is the second of the seven spirits that stand before the throne of God, and, as God's messenger, carries to heaven the prayers of men. Hebrew / Christian |
Demon name "Golab" | Christian | A spirit of wrath and sedition and an adversary of the seraphim. Christian demonology |
Spirit name "Kwoith" | Nuer / Sudan | Creator god. The Nuer people have been affected by the expansion of Islam, and probably by Christianity, and recognize a supreme deity, or spiritual being, responsible for all creation. One of his epithets is Tutgar, meaning strong and without limit.... |
Demon name "Lempo" | Finland | Originally a fertility spirit, became synonymous with demon in the Christian era. |
Spirit name "Loa" | Puerto Rico / Haiti | spirit beings. The gods of the voodoo cult who were originally imported by slaves from West Africa. An amount of Christian influence is present in their makeup.... |
Deities name "Logos" | Greek | Primordial spirit of reason. A concept pro moted by the Stoics, who perceived Logos as the mind of JUPITER, but more generally recognized as the Divine essence from which all deities arise. Philo of Alexandria apportioned human charac teristics to Logos. The Gnostic Christian, Valenti nus, identified Logos as the word coming from the mind of the father. The Christian father Clement of Alexandria claimed it to be the first principle of the universe, while Origen perceived it as the prin ciple embodied in the flesh by Jesus Christ.... |
God name "Maheo (all-spirit)" | Cheyenne / USA | Creator god. He first lived in the void and then created the great primordial water of life. He made the earth from a ball of mud and engendered mankind from one of his ribs which he implanted in earth woman (Christian influence has probably been exerted here).... |
Spirit name "Osmand" | George | A necromancer who by his enchantments raised up an army to resist the Christians. six of the Champions of Christendom were enchanted by Osmand, but St. George restored them. Osmand tore off his hair in which lay his spirit of enchantment, bit his tongue in two, disembowelled himself, cut off his arms, and then died. |
Spirit name "Sarvaga" | Sanskrit | The spirit-substance of the world, its soul. Equivalent to the anima mundi, and that which the Christians call the Holy spirit. Sanskrit |
Spirit name "Ti'hmar Kolyma" | Tungus / Siberia | The supreme spirit, it became the name for the Christian god |