Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
"Uchtsiti" | Acoma | Your father, Uchtsiti made you, and it is he who has made the world, the Sun which you have seen, the sky, and many other things which you will see. But Uchtsiti says the world is not yet completed, not yet satisfactory, as he wants it. This is the reason he has made you. Uchtsiti first made the world. He threw a clot of his own blood into space and by his power it grew and grew until it became the earth. Then Uchtsiti planted you in this and by it you were nourished as you developed. Acoma |
King name "Urgan" | s | A mortal born and christened, but stolen by the king of the fairies and brought up in elf-land. He was sent to Lord Richard, the husband of Alice Brand, to lay on him the "curse of the sleepless eye" for killing his wife's brother Ethert. When Lord Richard saw the hideous dwarf he crossed himself, but the elf said, "I fear not sign made with a bloody hand." Then forward stepped Alice and made the sign, and the dwarf said if any woman would sign his brow thrice with a cross he should recover his mortal form. Alice signed him thrice, and the elf became "the fairest knight in all Scotland, in whom she recognised her brother Ethert." Scotland |
"Vampire" | Europe | An extortioner. The vampire is a dead man who returns in body and soul from the other world, and wanders about the earth doing mischief to the living. He sucks the blood of persons asleep, and these persons become vampires in turn. Middle Europe |
God name "Ve" | Nordic / Icelandic | God. Listed by Snorri in the Prose Edda as one of the sons of Bori and, among the gods of Asgard, the brother of OTHIN and VILI. The three gods are said to have made the land and sea out of the flesh and blood of the primeval giant Ymir.See also BURI.... |
God name "Vili" | Nordic / Icelandic | God. Listed by Snorri in Prose Edda as one of the sons of Bori and, among the gods of Asgard, the brother of OTHIN and VE. The three gods are said to have made the land and sea out of the flesh and blood of the primeval giant Ymir.See also BURI.... |
Spirit name "Wrath's Hole" | Britain | The legend is that Bolster, a gigantic wrath or evil spirit, paid embarråśśing attention to St. Agnes, who told him she would listen to his suit when he filled with his blood a small hole which she pointed out to him. The wrath joyfully accepted the terms, but the hole opened into the sea, and the wrath, being utterly exhausted, St. Agnes pushed him over the cliff. cornwall, Britain |
"Ymir" | Norse | A primal giant, also called Aurgelmir; he was androgynous and had six heads. He was created as the first living being together with Audhumla when the fire of Muspellsheimr met the water of Niflheimr. Ymir is the ancestor of the Thursir, the Hrymthussir, and of the Aesir. Slain by his grandson Odin, his body was set adrift in the emptiness, and from the parts of his body the nine worlds were created. His blood is the water of the worlds, his hair are the trees, his skull is the sky, the brain the clouds, his flesh is Midgard and his eyebrows are a fence which protects Midgard. Norse |
Spirit name "Zagan" | s | He is a Great king and President, appearing at first in the Form of a Bull with Gryphon's Wings; but after a while he putteth on Human Shape. He maketh Men Witty. He can turn Wine into water, and blood into Wine, also water into Wine. He can turn all Metals into Coin of the Dominion that Metal is of. He can even make Fools wise. He governeth 33 Legions of spirits. The Lesser Key Of Solomon |
"Zara-ma-yha-who" | Aboriginal | A little red man, about 4 feet tall, with a large head and mouth. The tips of the fingers and toes were shaped like the suckers of an octopus. They lived in wild fig trees and capture their prey by dropping on påśśers-by. A Zara-ma-yha-who might jump on top of the person and drain their blood with their hands and feet. Their victims rarely died from the initial encounter, but because the person was left in a weak and helpless state, the yara-ma-yha-who would return later and swallow the victim. It then drank water and took a nap. When it awoke, it would regurgitate the undigested portion of its meal, which, if the meal was a person, that person would still be alive. Aboriginal |