Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Deities name "Saptanatra" | Hindu | Generic title of the seven deities of evil influence Hindu / Puranic / Epic |
"Satan" | Christian | The Christian devil, a mere figment of theological imagination. |
God name "Sebitti" | Mesopotamian / Babylonian - Akkadian | Group of minor war gods. The children of the god ANU who follow the war god ERRA into battle. They are, in alternative traditions, of good or evil influence. In Greek tradition they become the Pleiades.... |
God name "Shui-Khan" | Chinese | Chinese god who defends men against evil and forgives their wrongdoings. |
"Si-wang-mu" | China | Lived eternally in the Jade mountains, was Mother queen of the West and a deputy of heaven who could see the world from her mountain peak and punish evil doers. China |
Goddess name "Sitala(mata) (possibly meaning mother cold')" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | Mother goddess. One of seven SAKTIS who in later Hinduism became regarded as of evil intent, inflicting sickness. Particularly known from Bengal where she may be identified with the goddess KALI. Usually standing naked upon a lotus or riding an åśś. Alternatively symbolized by a stone on which a face is painted. Attribute: waterjar.... |
God name "Snulk'ulxa'ls" | Bella Coola / BC Canada | An arctypical god, rather like the Christian god in as he provided a conflict of decent and evil treatment for humans |
God name "Snulk'ulxa'ls Bella Coola" | BC Canada | Arctypical god, rather like the Christian god in as he provided a conflict of decent and evil treatment for humans BC Canada |
God name "Su God" | Mahikari | Defined contemporary troubles as an imbalance between good and evil. Furthermore, he designated 2000 AD as a deadline for the task. According to legend, if society does not succeed at this task, Su God has promised to incinerate the world at this time. Mahikari |
"Suoyatar" | Finnish | One of the forces of evil in the Kalevala, who gives birth to the serpent of evil or death by means of her spittle. Finnish |
"Tawiscara" | Iroquois | evil twin brother of Loskeha. Iroquois |
"Tawiscara/ Taweskare/ Tawiskaro" | Iroquois | The evil twin brother of Loskeha |
Spirit name "Thor" | Norse | The god of thunder, keeper of the hammer, the ever-fighting slayer of trolls and destroyer of evil spirits, the friend of mankind, the defender of the earth, the heavens and the gods; for without Thor and his hammer the earth would become the helpless prey of the giants. He was the consecrator, the hammer being the cross or holy sign of the ancient heathen. Thor was the son of Odin and Fjorgyn (mother earth); he was blunt, hot-tempered, without fraud or guile, of few words but of ready stroke - such was Thor, the favorite deity of our forefathers. The finest legends of the Younger Edda and the best lays of the Elder Edda refer to Thor. His hall is Bilskirner. He slays Thjåśśe, Thrym, Hrungner, and other giants. In Ragnarok he slays the Midgard-serpent, but falls after retreating nine paces, poisoned by the serpent's breath. Norse |
God name "Titlacvahuan" | Aztec | an omnipotent God, universal & generally evil power |
Deities name "Tornarssuk (big tornak or shaman)" | Inuit | Supreme being. The master of the tornat, the group of controlling deities. He is essentially benevolent and can be communicated with through the individual tornak of a shaman. His home is in the underworld in the land of souls. He is described as being of vague appearance, possibly in the guise of a huge bear, though in Greenland Inuit tradition he lives in the sea, appearing as a large fat seal with long tentacles (i.e. possibly a cuttlefish). He devours the souls of those he can capture. With the introduction of Christianity he was syncretized with the devil.... |
Spirit name "Ulu'tuyar Ulu Toyo'n" | Yakut / Cen Siberia | A rather evil creator spirit |
"Unk" | Oglata | A female being of magical beauty full of påśśion but having, in part, an evil nature. Oglala. |
Goddess name "Usas" | Hindu / Vedic | Goddess of the dawn. The daughter of Dyaus and, according to some texts, the consort of the Sun god SURYA. An auspicious deity, Usas brings the dawn, heralding Surya, and drives away darkness. She is the all-seeing eye of the gods. In the Rg Veda she is depicted as a beautiful young virginal figure who rides in a hundred chariots. She sets all things in motion and can render strength and fame to her devotees. In addition to being perceived as a sky goddess, she is also drawn as a mother goddess in the guise of a cow. Epithets include mother of the gods and mother of cows. She is invoked to give the boon of longevity, but a more malignant aspect reveals her as a huntress who wastes human life. Usas sometimes enjoys a domestic worship as a guardian hearth goddess who drives away darkness and evil spirits. She disappears, however, from the later traditions of Hinduism.... |