
List of Gods : "God Ma age" - 330 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
Slav Sun god. Also the giver of fire and the smith god, and further linked with marriage. Also Svarog....
God name
"T'rmi Tsui (heavenly and honored)"
Taoist / Chinese Generic title of gods. The name given to each of the three holy images in a Taoist temple: the “perfect holy one,” the “highest holy one” and the “greatest holy one.” Also Tian-zhu....
Goddess name
Australian aboriginal Snake god. His consorts include the snake goddesses Mantya, Tuknampa and Uka. He is revered mainly by tribal groups living on the western seaboard of the Cape York peninsula in northern queensland. Taipan has the typical attributes of many other Australian snake gods, including the Rainbow snake. He exercises judgment over life or death and possesses great wisdom, a universal characteristic of serpents. He is able to kill or cure and is the deity who originally fashioned the blood of living things during the Dreamtime. The imagery of the snake god is closely linked with aboriginal shamanism and with the healing rituals of shamans....
Supreme god name
Phoenician / Pontic / Carthaginian moon goddess. Known largely from inscriptions at various sites along the North African coast and linked with the goddess ASTARTE. Her symbol is a triangular device with horizontal bars supporting a moon disc. Both deities are described as “ladies of the sanctuary.” Tanit was the supreme goddess at Carthage, known as the “face of BAAL,” until usurped by the Roman goddess JUNO; she survived under the name CAELESTIS. The goddess CERES was also worshiped in the TANIT temple at Carthage. Also Tenit....
Goddess name
Carthage Goddess of the moon. Phoenicia and Carthage
God name
Roman / Celtic / Gallic Thunder god. Known only from limited inscriptions, but may emulate the Germanic god DONAR and is possibly the same as Taranucos. The Romans equated him with JUPITER and a Jupiter Tanarus inscription at Chester in England may refer to Taranis. His symbol is a spoked wheel and he is presumed to be the object of savage rites. The modern Breton word for thunder is taran. Also Taranos....
Goddess name
Greece the Taurian goddess, commonly called Artemis. Her image was believed to have been carried from Tauris by Orestes and Iphigenia, and to have been conveyed to Brauron, Sparta, or Aricia. The worship of this Taurian goddess, who was identified with Artemis and Iphigenia, was carried on with orgiastic rites and human sacrifices, and seems to have been very ancient in Greece.
God name
"Tecciztecatl (conch shell lord)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico moon god. In cosmogony, when on the fifth day of creation the gods sat in judgment to elect the new Sun god, NANAHUATL and Tecciztecatl cremated themselves in the sacred fire. The heart of Nanahuatl ascended to become the new Sun and that of Tecciztecatl became the moon. Tradition suggests that Nanahuatl is diseased and impoverished but of great courage, while Tecciztecatl is wealthy and a coward. Alternatively, the pair are sons of QUETZALCOATL and of TLALOC and were hurled into the fire by their fathers. Also one of the group clåśśed as the TEZCATLIPOCA complex. NOTE: eventually all the gods sacrificed them selves for mankind....
God name
Roman God of påśśage. Embodied in boundary marker stones. He was celebrated in the Termi nalia festival on February 23....
God name
Roman / Celtic / Gallic Local tribal deity. Known only from limited inscriptions. Teutates may be less the name of a deity than an epithet meaning “great.” According to the Roman writer Lucan, he is one of three Celtic gods encountered by Caesar's army in Gaul and the object of savage rites in which victims were drowned in sacrificial lakes. He may equate with a British god, Totatis. He becomes åśśimilated variously to Mercury or MARS. Also Teutatis....
God name
"Thakur Deo"
Hindu Local god. Known from various villages in northern India. His consort is DHARTI MATA. May appear with a white horse. Also Thakkur....
God name
Australia God of påśśage, from adolescence to manhood Australia
God name
"Thurremlin/ Daramulun S. Waels"
Aus A god of påśśage, from adolescence to manhood
God name
"Tien Tsun/ Tian-zhu"
China / Taoist The generic title of gods given to each of the three holy images in a Taoist temple
Deities name
Polynesian / including Maori Creator god. One of the children of RANGINUI and PAPATUANUKU who created mankind. In some Polynesian traditions he is represented as the first man, akin to Adam. The word is also incorporated in tikiwananga or “god stick,” which describes the wooden or stone images of deities that are usually minimally worked and stand about 19.5 inches tall. Only thirty or so examples of these are known, most having been destroyed by Christian missions. The celebrated large Maori totems are depictions of ancestors who appear as human / bird or reptile hybrids. Also Ki'i (Hawaiian)....
Goddess name
Carthage Goddess Carthage
Deities name
"Tonacatecuhtli (our flesh lord)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Primordial deity. In the most widely accepted Aztec cosmogony, this is the self-created, eternal, male principle who combines with TONACACIHUATL to create all life. It exists in the highest, thirteenth heaven and once engendered the Sun god TEZCATLIPOCA, from whom all other deities in the pantheon stemmed. Also one of the group clåśśed as the OMETEOTL complex. According to tradition Tonacatecuhtli drove four roads through the center of the earth after the cataclysm of the fourth world age (Atl) to disperse the flood waters of the deluge. His four sons, aided by four unnamed beings, raised the fallen sky which they propped up on great trees created by Tezcatlipoca and QUETZALCOATL at the four cardinal points....
God name
Aztec This creator god presides over the fifth world age[this is the one we are in]
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