Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Deities name "Kunado-No-Kami" | Shinto / Japan | Guardian deity. One of three KAMIS particularly concerned with the protection of roads and crossroads. They also guard the boundaries of the house and the ways leading to it. They may be known as Yakushin deities who protect against plague. Generally identified as MICHI-NO-KAMI or Chiburi-NoKami.... |
Goddess name "Kurukulla" | Hindu | (1) Goddess of boats. A Tantric deity generally depicted in a boat made of jewels. Also goddess of wine.(2) Goddess. Buddhist (Mahayana). The SAKTI of AMITABHA. Usually of terrifying appearance. Attributes: arrow, bow, flower, hook, noose, rosary and trident.... |
God name "Kushi-Iwa-Mado-No-Mikoto" | Shinto / Japan | Guardian deity. The god who protects entrance gates.... |
Spirit name "Kwoith" | Nuer / Sudan | Creator god. The Nuer people have been affected by the expansion of Islam, and probably by Christianity, and recognize a supreme deity, or spiritual being, responsible for all creation. One of his epithets is Tutgar, meaning strong and without limit.... |
Deity name "Lahamu" | Mesopotamian / BabylonianAkkadian | Primordial deity. Known from the Babylonian creation epic Enuma Elis as one of a pair who were created by TIAMAT from the primeval ocean and who, it is suggested, were represented by the silt of the sea-bed. Lahamu and LAHMU in turn created ANS'AR and KIS'AR, who created ANU.... |
Deity name "Lahmu" | Mesopotamian / BabylonianAkkadian | Primordial deity. Known from the Babylonian creation epic Enuma Elis as one of a pair who were created by TIAMAT from the primeval ocean and who, it is suggested, were represented by the silt of the sea-bed. Lahmu and LAHAMU in turn created ANS'AR and KIS'AR, who created ANU.... |
God name "Lahurati" | Elamite / Iran | A solar deity. Appears to have been the counterpart of the Akkadian god Ninurta. Elamite / Iran |
Goddess name "Laka" | Polynesian / Hawaii | Goddess of dancing. A minor deity who is nonetheless greatly revered by islanders in a hedonistic cult of song, dance and sexual liberality.... |
God name "Lalaia'il" | Bella Coola Indian / British Columbia, Canada | God of shamans. The deity who initiates into the shamanistic circle. He lives in the Forest and carries a wooden wand bound with cedar bark which he waves, creating a singing noise. He also frequents woodland lakes and ponds. When a woman meets him she is said to menstruate, while a man develops a nose bleed. Also Kle-klati-e'il.... |
Deity name "Lan Cai-he" | Taoist / Chinese | Immortal being. One of the eight immortals of Taoist mythology, the deity is of ambiguous sex, sometimes depicted as a girl. Once a mortal being who achieved immortality through perfect lifestyle. Attributes include flowers and a flute. See also BA XIAN.... |
Spirit name "Lar Familiaris" | Roman | Ancestral spirit. A personal and vaguely defined deity brought into the house from the surrounding land.... |
God name "Lesa" | southeastern African | Creator god. The name by which the supreme deity is known across a wide area of Zambia and Zimbabwe. Equating to LISA in regions of West Africa. Also regarded as a Rain god. Probably strongly influenced by Islam and, to a lesser extent, by Christianity. Also Leza.... |
Deity name "Lha" | Buddhist | Generic term for the deity Buddhist / Tibet |
Deity name "Lha" | Buddhist - Lamaist / Tibet | Generic term for a deity. Also the title for a deity in the old Bon pantheon, equating to the Sanskrit term DEVA.... |
God name "Libertas" | Roman | Minor god(dess). deity of constitutional government and the notion of freedom, known particularly from the second century BC. Attributes include the scepter, lance and a special hat, the pileus, which emancipated slaves were permitted to wear as a sign of their liberation.... |
God name "Lisa" | Fon / others / Benin, West Africa | Creator god. Probably the equivalent of LESA in parts of East Africa. The supreme deity, whose more or less monotheistic role may have been influenced by the spread of Islam and Christianity.... |
God name "Loba" | Duala / Cameroon, West Africa | Sun god. Local people pray to this deity after Sunset to ensure that he will appear again the following morning.... |
Deities name "Lokesvara (lord of the world)" | Buddhist | Generic name for a group of deities. These are thought to be a syncretization of Hindu and Buddhist deities and include such gods as SIVA, V IS'NU and others which have come to be defined as forms of a primeval buddha or DHYANIBUDDHA. The lokesvara are usually repre sented by a small figure, identified as ADIBUD DHA or AMITABHA, which rests on the head of the main statue. Also a group name for the many forms of the Buddhist deity AVALOKITESVARA.... |