
List of Gods : "plant" - 110 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Minor fertility god. One of the group clåśśed as the Ometochtli complex concerned with the maguey plant and the brewing of the alcoholic drink pulque....

Greek One of the Attic Home, who was believed to grant prosperity to the young shoots of plants, and was also invoked in the political oath which the citizens of Athens had to take. Greek
God name
Aztec Fertility god, concerned with the Maguey plant and the art of growing pulque. Aztec
God name
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Fertility god. One of the group clåśśed as the Ometochtli complex concerned with the maguey plant and the brewing of the alcoholic drink pulque....
God name
Zande / Sudan / Democratic Republic of Congo, Africa Spider god. He descended from the sky on a rope, carrying all plants and seeds. He was also responsible for giving mankind water and the tools of cultivation....
God name
"Tule Zande"
Sudan Spider god who brought the seeds of all the plants on earth Sudan
Goddess name
India Goddess of basil plants. India

Acoma Your father, Uchtsiti made you, and it is he who has made the world, the Sun which you have seen, the sky, and many other things which you will see. But Uchtsiti says the world is not yet completed, not yet satisfactory, as he wants it. This is the reason he has made you. Uchtsiti first made the world. He threw a clot of his own blood into space and by his power it grew and grew until it became the earth. Then Uchtsiti planted you in this and by it you were nourished as you developed. Acoma
God name
Zulu / South Africa Creator god. He engendered all plants and animals on earth and is the father of the god UNKULUNKULU, who was born from a reed and engendered mankind....
God name
Roman Is said to have been an Etruscan divinity whose worship was introduced at Rome by an ancient Vulsinian colony. The name signifies "the god who changes or metamorphoses himself." For this reason the Romans connected Vertumnus with all occurrences to which the verb verto applies, such as the change of seasons, purchase and sale, the return of rivers to their proper beds,etc. But in reality the god was connected only with the transformation of plants, and their progress from being in blossom to that of bearing fruit. Roman

Hiawatha Son of Mudjekeewis, East-Wind, the Native American Apollo. Young and beautiful, he chases darkness with his arrows over hill and valley, wakes the villager, calls the Thunder, and brings the Morning. He married Wabun-Annung, and transplanted her to heaven, where she became the Morning Star. Hiawatha

"Wabung Annung"
Hiawatha The Morning Star. She was a country maiden wooed and won by Wabun, the Native American Apollo, who transplanted her to the skies. Hiawatha
Goddess name
Shinto / Japan Agricultural goddess. The deity specifically concerned with the transplanting of young rice. A daughter of Ha-Yama-To-No-Kami and O-Ge-Tsu-Hime. Generally served by Buddhist priests. See also WAKA-TOSHI-NO-KAMI and KUKU-TOSHI-NO-KAMI....
Goddess name
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Minor vegetation goddess. An aspect of the maize goddess Chicomecoatl, personifying the young maize plant....
God name
Totec / Aztec A god of Agriculture, plants, seeds, fertility, jewelers, sacrifice & springtime
Goddess name
Australian aboriginal Sun goddess and bringer of light. She is said to have been jointly responsible, with BAIAME, for the creation of humankind and in particular for the Karraur group of aborigines. Mythology records that she was asleep in the darkness of the primordial Dreamtime until she was awakened by a loud roaring or whistling noise from Baiame. As she opened her eyes the world became light and as she walked the earth plants grew in her footprints, to be followed by animals and, finally, humankind....
God name
"Yum Caax"
Mayan lord of the woods is a god of wild plants and animals important to the hunters. He is equally a protector of the fields against the incursions of wild nature and invoked by traditional farmers. Mayan
Goddess name
South American Indian / Peru Maize goddess. A minor deity, models of whom were made from the leaves of the plant and kept for a year before being burned in a ritual to ensure a good maize harvest....
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