
List of Gods : "Nymph Greek3F" - 142 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Nymph name
Greek A nymph who nursed Zeus Greek
Nymph name
Greek A Cretan nymph, daughter of Melisseus, to whom Rhea entrusted the infant Zeus to be reared in the Dictaean grotto.
God name
Greek Was the nymph of a spring, well or fountain of the Black Sea town of Aia who was loved by the local river-god Phasis. Greek
Nymph name
Greek A Hamadryad nymph of the Oak tree. Greek
Nymph name
Greek A nymph and the wife of Pan. She was seduced by Zeus and bore him Aigipan. Aix is also mentioned as the nurse of the infant Zeus and may also identified with the Gorgon Aix.
Nymph name
Greek A prophetic nymph or Sibyl, to whom in the neighbourhood of Tibur a grove was consecrated, with a well and a temple. Near it was the oracle of Faunus Fatidicus. (The Aeneid by Virgil vii)
God name
Greek An Indian nymph, who was påśśionately loved by Dionysus, but could not be induced to yield to his wishes, until the god changed himself into a tiger, and thus compelled her by fear to allow him to carry her across the river Sollax, which from this cirçúɱstance received the name of Tigris. Greek
Nymph name
Greek? A nymph of springs
Nymph name
Greek A Hamadryad nymph of the Vine tree.
Nymph name
Greek A son of Poseidon by Bithynis, or by the Bithyaiian nymph Melia. He was ruler of the country of the Bebryces, and when the Argonauts landed on the coast of his dominions, he challenged the bravest of them to a boxing match.
God name
Greek The daughter of Cepheus and Cåśśiopeia. Mother thought she and daughter were more beautiful than any of Poseidon's many nymphs, and she taunted the God of the Seas until he just couldn't take it any longer. Poseidon punished the vain mother by chaining her daughter naked to a rock, to be sacrificed to a dreadful sea monster. Greek
Nymph name
Greek The nymphs of the river Anigrus in Elis.
King name
Greek A son of Phoroneus by the nymph Laodice, and brother of Niobe. He was king of Argos, established a tyrannical government and called Peloponnesus after his own name but he was killed in a conspiracy headed by Thelxion and Telchin. Greek
Nymph name
Greek One of the Nereid, and the nymph of the famous well, thus in the island of Ortygia near Syracuse. Alpheius reckons her among the Sicilian nymphs, and as the divinity who inspired pastoral poetry.
Nymph name
Greek The Naiad nymph of a gold-carrying stream of the Kaukasos mountains. She was loved by Aeetes of Colchis, bearing him a son Apsyrtos. Greek
Nymph name
Greek One of the Nysaian nymphs who, along with Macris, Erato, Bromie and Nysa hid Bacchus in their cave and nurtured him.
Nymph name
Greek A Hamadryad nymph of the Oak tree. Greek
Goddess name
Greek An Ethiopian sea nymph, a goddess of the waves and a daughter of Poseidon and Amphitrite, the wife of king Enalos. She raised Eumolpus, son of Chione and Poseidon. (Apollodorus iii) Her husband Enalos: of the sea, may have been Triton, the god of lake Tritonis in Greek
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