
List of Gods : "daughter" - 658 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Hero name
Greek A daughter of Ion, the ancestral hero of the Ionians, and Helice, from whom, the Achaean town of Bura derived its name.

Greek A son of Poseidon and Ceroessa, the daughter of Zeus and Io. He was believed to be the founder of Byzantium. Greek
Goddess name
Roman Mother goddess. Mother goddess. Ceres is arguably the most recent model of the “great mother” whose predecessors include INANA, IS TAR, ARTEMIS, KYBELE and Demeter on whom she is directly modeled. She is the daughter of KRONOS (Cronus) and RHEA and one of the more important consorts of JUPITER. Ceres was worshiped through the festivals of Thesmophoria and Cerealia in sanctuaries throughout the Greco-Roman empires....

"Caer Ibormeith"
Ireland A daughter of Sid Uamuin and Prince Ethal Anbuail of Connacht. Every alternate Samhain she would change into a swan, in which form she would remain for a year before becoming human again the following Samhain. Ireland

Greek A daughter of Oceåñuś, who was the mother of Geryones and Echidna by Chrysaor. By Neilus she was the mother of Chione, and by Poseidon of Minyas. Greek
Nymph name
Greek Is sometimes called a daughter of Lycaon in Arcadia and sometimes of Nycteus or Ceteus, and sometimes also she is described as a nymph. (Apollodorus iii) She was a huntress, and a companion of Artemis. Greek

Greek Three mythical beings, the one a daughter of Aeolus and Enarete, and mother of Endymion (Apollodorus i.); the second a daughter of Hecaton and mother of Cygnus by Poseidon and the third is mentioned by Apollodorus among the daughters of Danaus; but the whole påśśage is probably corrupt. Greek
Nymph name
Greek Under this name we find in Hesiod (Theogony 359) a daughter of Oceåñuś and Tethys, and in Apollodorus (Apollodorus i.) a daughter of Nereus, while the Homeric Calypso is described as a daughter of Atlas. This last Calypso was a nymph inhabiting the island of Ogygia, on the coast of which Odysseus was thrown when he was shipwrecked. Greek
King name
Roman Of the Volsci was the daughter of king Metabus and Casmilla. Driven from his throne, Metabus was chased into the wilderness by armed Volsci, his infant daughter in his hands. The river Amasenus blocked his path, and, fearing for the child's welfare, Metabus bound her to a spear. He promised Diana that Camilla would be her servant, a warrior virgin. He then safely threw her to the other side, and swam across to retrieve her. Roman

Greek A daughter of Aeolus and Enarete, whence she is called Aeolis, who had several children by Poseidon. Greek

Greek A daughter of Eubulus, who became by Zeus the mother of Britomartis. Antoninus Liberalis describes her as a grand-daughter of Agenor, and daughter of Phoenix Greek

Greek Also called Alexandra, was the fairest among the daughters of Priam and Hecabe. There are two points in her story which have furnished the ancient poets with ample materials to dilate upon. The first is her prophetic power, concerning which, we have the following traditions: Greek
Nymph name
Greek nymph of the Castalian spring at the foot of mount Parnåśśus. She was regarded as a daughter of Achelous and was believed to have thrown herself into the well when pursued by Apollo. Greek

Greek A Pleiad, daughter of Atlas and Pleione, and by Poseidon the mother of Lycus and Eurypylus, or, according to others, of Lycus and Chimaereus by Prometheus. Greek
King name
Greek A king of Eleusis, and husband of Metaneira. When Demeter, on her wanderings in search of her daughter, came to Eleusis, she stayed in the house of Celeus. Greek

Greek A son of Poseidon by a daughter of Amphictyon, and accordingly a half-brother of Triptolemus. Others call him a son of Hephaestus. He came from Arcadia, and dwelt at Eleusis in Attica. Greek

"Ceres Grove"
Roman The story of Erisichthon and the transformations of Erisichthon's daughter. Roman
Goddess name
Celtic / Welsh Goddess of inspiration. Depicted as the hag-aspect of the mother goddess, she is the consort of TEGID FOEL. Her children are Creirwy (daughter) and Afagddu (son). She allegedly prepares the caldron of knowledge....
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