
List of Gods : "Eth" - 322 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
Greek A Greek river-god (an Oceanid), whose river was located near Troy. He was the son of Oceåñuś and Tethys and he was the father of Asterope, Hesperia, who are sometimes considered to be each other, and Oenone. The city Cebrene (also spelled Kebrene or Kevrin) was named for Cebren. Greek

Greek A Pleiad, daughter of Atlas and Pleione, and by Poseidon the mother of Lycus and Eurypylus, or, according to others, of Lycus and Chimaereus by Prometheus. Greek

Greek A Molossian chief, who, together with another chief, Antinous, was driven by the calumnies of Charops to take the side of Perseus, in self-defence, against the Romans. Greek
Goddess name
Ireland Goddess of the sea and the Formorians. Was called "crooked teeth. Ireland
King name
"Charybdis and Scylla"
Greek The names of two rocks between Italy and Sicily, and only a short distance from one another. In the midst of the one of these rocks which was nearest to Italy, there dwelt, according to Homer, Scylla, a daughter of Crataeis, a fearful monster, barking like a dog, with twelve feet, six long necks and mouths, each of which contained three rows of sharp teeth. Greek

"Christmas Decorations"
Christian The great feast of Saturn was held in December, when the people decorated the temples with such green things as they could find. The Christian custom is the same but transferred Jesus. The holly or holy-tree is called Christ's-thorn in Germany and Scandinavia, from its use in church decorations and its putting forth its berries about Christmas time. The early Christians gave an emblematic turn to the custom, referring to the "righteous branch," and justifying the custom from Isaiah lx. 13- "The glory of Lebanon shall come unto thee; the fir-tree, the pine-tree, and the box together, to beautify the place of my sanctuary."

Greek A daughter of Oceåñuś and Tethys, and the wife of Japetus, by whom she became the mother of Atlas, Prometheus, and others. Greek

Greek A daemon, who together with Orthanes and Tychon appeared in the train of Priapus. Greek
King name
Greek A mythical king of Corinth, a son of Lycaethus. Greek

Greek A son of Aeolus and Enarete, was married to Tyro, the daughter of Salmoneus, by whom he became the father of Aeson, Pheres, Amythaon, and Hippolyte. He is called the founder of the town of lolcus. Greek

Greek A son of Oceåñuś and Tethys. According to Virgil's Aeneid* (5.38) and Hyginus' Fabulae (273), Crinisus was the father of Acestes by Segesta (Egesta). Greek
Cyclop name
Greek Cyclopes According to the ancient cosmogonies, the Cyclopes were the sons of Uråñuś and Ge; they belonged to the Titans, and were three in number, whose names were Arges, Steropes, and Brontes, and each of them had only one eye on his forehead. Together with the other Titans, they were cast by their father into Tartarus, but, instigated by their mother, they åśśisted Cronus in usurping the government.

Welsh A disembodied moaning voice that sounds before a person's death. Welsh

Welsh Welsh Banshees, horrible weeping women with emaciated faces and black teeth announce the approach of death.
King name
Greek A son of Aeolus and Enarete, was king in Phocis and husband of Diomede, by whom he became the father of Asteropeia, Aenetus, Actor, Phylacus, and Cephalus. After the death of his brother, Salmoneus, he took his daughter Tyro into his house, and gave her in marriage to Cretheus. His name occurs also in the form Deioneus. Greek

Greek A son of Antimachus, and husband of Hyrnetho, the daughter of Temenus the Heracleide, by whom he became the father of Antimenes, Xanthippus, Argeius, and Orsobia.

Greek A name of Demeter. It also occurs as a proper name of other mythical beings, such as the Cúɱaean Sibyl and a daughter of Celeus and Metaneira, who, together with her sisters, kindly received Demeter at the well Callichoros in Attica. Greek
God name
"Descended into hell"
Greek Means the place of the dead. (Anglo-Saxon, helan, to cover or conceal, like the Greek "Hades," the abode of the dead, from the verb a-cido, not to see. In both cases it means "the unseen world"; or "the world concealed from sight." The god of this nether world was called "Hades" by the Greeks, and "Hel" or "Hela" by the Scandinavians. In some counties of England to cover in with a roof is "to hell the building," and thatchers or tilers are termed "helliers."
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