
List of Gods : "Mwene" - 836 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
Greek The god of smiths and metal-workers was the son of Hera. He was born lame, and his mother was so displeased at the sight of him that she flung him out of Olympus. Other accounts say that Zeus threw him out for taking his mother's part in a quarrel which occurred between them. Hephaistos's lameness, according to this account, was the consequence of his fall. He was a whole day falling, and at last alighted in the island of Lemnos, which was thenceforth sacred to him. Greek
God name
Greek A son of Zeus and Maia, the daughter of Atlas, was born in a cave of Mount Cyllene or in Olympus. In the first hours after his birth, he escaped from his cradle, went to Pieiria, and carried off some of the oxen of Apollo. The herald and messenger of the gods, of his travelling from place to place and the concluder of treaties and the promoter of social intercourse and of commerce among men. Regarded as the maintainer of peace, and as the god of roads, who protected travellers, and punished those who refused to åśśist travellers who had mistaken their way. Greek

Greek The only daughter of Menelaus and Helena, and beautiful, like the golden Aphrodite. As she was a granddaughter of Leda, the mother of Helena Virgil calls her Ledaea. During the war against Troy, Menelaus promised her in marriage to Neoptolemus and after his return he fulfilled his promise. Greek

Greek One of the fair daughters of Leucippus of Mycenae, was carried off with her sisters by the Dioscuri. The name occurs also as a surname of Selene. Greek
Supreme god name
Nigeria The supreme god, who is benevolent, resides in the sky, and controls the universe. Nigeria
King name
Greek The eldest, but natural son of Oebalus and Bateia, and a step­brother of Tyndareus, Icarius and Arene, at Sparta. After his father's death, Hippoçõõñ expelled his brother Tyndareus, in order to secure the kingdom to himself; but Heracles led Tyndareus back and slew Hippoçõõñ and his sons. Greek

Greek The fountain of the Muses, produced by a stroke of the hoof of Pegasus. Greek

Greek A daughter of Teiresias, and engaged in the service of Alcmene. By her cry that Alcmene had already given birth, she induced the Pharmacides to withdraw, and thus enabled her mistress to give birth to Heracles. Greek
God name
Shinto / Japan Fire god. One of a number of fire KAMIS who are honored in special Hi-Matsuri festivals. The sacred fire can only be generated by a board and stick and is regarded as a powerful purifier in Shintoism. The most celebrated temple of the fire kamis is on Mount Atago near Kyoto; worshipers are drawn to it from all over Japan to obtain charms as protection against fire....
God name
Shinto / Japan Fire god. One of a number of fire KAMIS who are honored in special Hi-Matsuri festivals. The sacred fire can only be generated by a board and stick and is regarded as a powerful purifier in Shintoism. The most celebrated temple of the fire kamis is on Mount Atago near Kyoto to which worshipers are drawn from all over Japan to obtain charms as protection against fire....
God name
Europian The Discworld's version of Father Christmas or Santa Claus. He wears a red, fur-lined cloak, and rides a sleigh pulled by four wild boars, Gouger, Rooter, Tusker and Snouter. In earlier times he gave households pork products, and naughty children a bag of bloody bones. Earlier than that, he was a Winter god of the death-and-renewal kind. The modern version is a jolly toymaker, with vestiges of the earlier myths (such as his Castle of Bones, a vast palace of ice which has nothing notably bony about it, except for the suggestion of a protruding femur or scapula here and there) still clinging to him.
Goddess name
Greek Horai, originally the personifications or goddesses of the order of nature and of the seasons, but in later times they were regarded as the goddesses of order in general and of justice. In Homer, who neither mentions their parents nor their number, they are the Olympian divinities of the weather and the ministers of Zeus; and in this capacity they guard the doors of Olympus, and promote the fertility of the earth, by the various kinds of weather they send down. Greek
God name
Finnish The Sami god of the sky and of thunder, normally depicted wielding a pair of war-hammers. His Finnish counterpart was Ukko, and he is generally åśśociated with Thor. Horgalles was married to Raudna.

Greek The personification of energetic activity. Greek

Scotland Auld Hornie. The devil, so called in Scotland. The allusion is to the horns with which Satan is generally represented.
Nymph name
Koran The large blackeyed damsels of Paradise, possessed of perpetual youth and beauty, whose virginity is renewable at pleasure. Every believer will have seventy-two of these houris in Paradise, and his intercourse with them will be fruitful or otherwise, according to his wish. If an offspring is desired, it will grow to full estate in an hour. (Persian, huri; Arabic, huriya, nymphs of Paradise. Koran
Goddess name
"Hsi Wang Mu"
China Mother goddess of the Western Paradise and female energy. China
God name
"Hsi shen"
China God of joy. Fu Shen denotes a generic title for the beneficent gods of the Chinese. China
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