
List of Gods : "God Chi" - 891 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
Ugart this god not only built the Palace of Baal, but is responsible for architects, artisans & weapons makers
Goddess name
Hawaiian Creator god. An androgynous though apparently male principle or monad, he lived once in the dark empty abyss of Po. There, Keawe transformed primordial chaos into an orderly cosmos. He fashioned the sky from the lid of his calabash (a water-carrying gourd) and the Sun from an orange disc formerly kept inside the calabash. Keawe's first son was KANE, the god of light, and his daughter was Na Wahine, both created through his own powers of conception. He subsequently entered into an incestuous relationship with Na Wahine to father the chief pantheon of Hawaiian gods and goddesses, including most notably KU, LONO and Kanaloa, who became known, collectively, as the tripartite god....
God name
Egypt A description of the Mnevis bull, a manifestation of the Ka (life-force / power) of the chief god, Atum-Ra. Egypt
God name
"Keng Li Ssu"
China God robbers. China
God name
"Keng Yen cheng"
China Another god of robbers and thieves. China
Deities name
Ngbandi / Democratic Republic of Congo, central Africa God of fortune. One of seven deities invoked at daybreak. He controls both good luck and ill-fortune. According to tradition he has seven children: morning, noon, evening, night, Sun, moon and water. He accords to water the privileges of a firstborn son....
God name
Egypt Khnemu, one of the earliest Egyptian gods, originally the god of the source of the Nile River. Since the annual flooding of the Nile brought with it silt and clay, and its water brought life to its surrounds, he was thought to be the creator of human children, which he made at a potter's wheel, from clay, and placed in their mothers' wombs. He was later described as having molded the other gods, and he had the titles Divine Potter and Lord of created things from himself. Egypt
God name
Pygmies / Africa The chief god
God name
"Khonuum Pygmies"
Africa Chief god Africa
Goddess name
"Kichijo Ten"
Japan She is a goddess of good fortune & beauty
God name
"King Wan"
China God of chance. China
Goddess name
"Kiri Amma"
Sri Lanka Goddess of healing, childhood diseases. Sri Lanka
Goddess name
"Kishimo Jin"
Japan The reformed mother goddess of the demons who now works as a child minder. Japan
God name
"Ko Hsien Weng"
China God of jugglers. China
Deities name
S America A fertility deity, usually depicted as a humpbacked flute player (often with a huge phallus and antenna-like protrusions on his head), who has been venerated by many Native American cultures in the Southwestern United States. Like most fertility deities, Kokopelli presides over both childbirth and Agriculture. He is also a trickster god and represents the spirit of music.
Goddess name
China Goddess of justice China
Goddess name
Russia The deathless, a powerful wizard or demigod who kidnapped Marena (Mara, the Russian goddess of death. Koshchie is the son of Vij, lord of the Underground, and travels on a war-horse or as a whirlwind. Russia
Supreme god name
Pre - Greek Archetypal fertility god. He is of unknown origin but is the son of the earth mother GAIA and the sky god OURANOS, whom he usurped after castrating him. His consort is RHEA. So as not to suffer a similar fate to his father he swallowed all his children except ZEUS who was kept from him by a ruse. Zeus eventually hurled Kronos into Tartaros, the abyss in which all the TITANS were confined. He was celebrated in the Greek harvest festival of kronia which equalled the Roman saturnalia. During Hellenic times he was the supreme god at Byblos [Syria]. He is depicted on coinage of Antiochus IV (175-164 BC) nude, leaning on a scepter, with three pairs of wings, two spread and one folded....
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