
List of Gods : "Goddess20Ran" - 398 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
"Candika (fierce)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Goddess of desire. May be included among the SAPTAMATARAS or ASTAMATARAS (mothers)....
Goddess name
"Candogra (fierce and terrible)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Goddess. A distinct form of DURGA and one of a group of nine NAVADURGAS (“nine durgas)....
Goddess name
Hindu / Epic / Puranic (1) Planet god. Personified by the moon and also seen as a dikpala or guardian of the northern direction. Consorts include KAUMUDI, TARA and the NAKSATRAS or astral goddesses. His son is BUDHA. He drives in a chariot drawn by ten white horses. Color: white. Attributes: club, lotus, sacred rope and prayer wheel. The term candra usually refers to the cup containing the sacrificial yellow beverage SOMA, often a synonym for the deity. Candra is also the apotheosis of the pale yellow moon disc. 2. Planet god. Buddhist. Attended by a goose. Color: white. Attributes: moon disc on a lotus....
Goddess name
"Candra Kirana"
Hindu An incarnation of Dewi Ratih, a goddess of love. Hindu
Goddess name
British / Ireland Local Crone Goddess from County Meath who was transformed into a huge snake for eating forbidden berries. Her original purpose is basically lost in modern times because her stories became so absorbed by Christian legends which attempt to make her a Celtic Eve. British / Ireland
Goddess name
Buddhist / Lamaist / Tibet Goddess of terrifying appearance. One of a group of eight GAURI goddesses. Color: yellow. Attribute: noose....
Goddess name
Hindu Goddess Hindu / Puranic / Epic
Goddess name
"Chaya (shadow)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Goddess. The reflec tion of the goddess SANJNA, consort of SURYA and mother of the astral deity SANI....
Goddess name
Hindu / Puranic / Epic Goddess, a headless form of Durga. Hindu / Puranic / Epic
Goddess name
"Chinnamastaka (decapitated)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Goddess. A headless form of DURGA. Also one of a group of ten MAHAVIDYAS, goddesses of great knowledge personifying the SAKTI of SI IVA. She may be depicted holding her head in her hands. Aspects include VIRARATRI. Attributes: scimitar, skull. Also Chinnamasta....
Goddess name
Greek May mean the subterraneous, or the goddess of the earth, that is, the protectress of the fields, whence it is used as a surname of infernal divinities, such as Hecate, Nyx and Melinoe, but especially of Demeter. Greek
Goddess name
Hindu Minor goddess of misfortune and a malevolent astral deity Hindu / Puranic / Epic
Goddess name
"Citra (bright)"
Hindu / epic / Puranic Minor goddess of misfortune. A malevolent NAKSATRA or astral deity; daughter of DAKSA and wife of CANDRA (SOMA)....
Goddess name
Scotland Goddess of prophecy and who regularly appeared in the form of a crane. Scotland
Goddess name
"Coyolxauhqui (golden bells)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Astral goddess. A deification and incarnation (avatara) of the moon. According to tradition she is the half-sister of the Sun god HUITZILOPOCHTLI. The god sprang, fully armed, from his decapitated mother, COATLICUE, and engaged all his enemies who, by inference, are the 400 astral gods, his half-brothers. He slew his sister and hurled her from the top of a mountain. Alternative tradition suggests his sister was an ally whom he was unable to save, so he decapitated her and threw her head into the sky, where she became the moon. She was represented in the Great Temple at Tenochtitlan, where she was depicted in front of successive Huitzilopochtli pyramids. She is also a hearth deity within the group clåśśed as the XIUHTECUHTLI complex....
Goddess name
Buddhist / eastern Bengal / Tibet Goddess. An emanation of Vajrasattva or Vairocana. A female BODHISATTVA or buddha-designate. Also seen separately as a deification of literature, one of a group of twelve DHARANIS. She may stand upon a man. Color: white or green. Very large variety of attributes. Also Aryacunda....
Goddess name
Hindu / Puranic A goddess who oddly enough is considered a minor aspect of the god of Visnu
Goddess name
"Daya (compåśśion)"
Hindu / Puranic / A SAKTI of Acyuta / never falling / , a minor aspect of the god VIS NU Goddess. Decima...
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