
List of Gods : "Had" - 467 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

Greek Son of Amythaon, and brother of the seer Melampus. He married Pero, daughter of Neleus, whom her father had refused to give to any one unless he brought him the oxen of Iphiclus. Greek

"Biasd na Srogaig"
Celtic A mythical animal that had one horn on its forehead and dwelt in lochs. Celtic. Isle of skye
God name
"Bo Hsian"
Taoist / Chinese God. The Taoist counterpart of the Buddhist deity SAMANTABHADRA. Usually depicted upon a white elephant. He is considered to be a god of wisdom....
God name
Nordic / Icelandic Archetypal god. In the creation account, according to Snorri, a living creature called Ymir was formed in the misty void of Ginnungagap. Ymir was nourished by the milk of the cow Audhumla, who licked salty ice blocks and released a second individual called BURI. He had a son called Bor. Bor, in turn, engendered the AESIR gods OTHIN, VILI and VE. Also Borr.See also Othin....

Arab Borak or Al Borak (the lightning). The animal brought by Gabriel to carry Mahomet to the seventh heaven. It had the face of a man, but the cheeks of a horse; its eyes were like jacinths, but brilliant as the stars; it had the wings of an eagle, spoke with the voice of a man, and glittered all over with radiant light. This creature was received into Paradise.
Goddess name
"Brigit aka Brigid"
Ireland Brighit, Bridget ("exalted one") was the daughter of Dagda and wife of Bres of the Fomorians. She had two sisters, also named Brighid, and is considered a clåśśic Celtic Triple Goddess. Ireland
Nymph name
Greek A son of Laomedon and the nymph Calybe, who had several sons by Abarbarea
God name
Nordic / Icelandic Archetypal god. According to Snorri, one of two primordial beings. Ymir was formed from the misty void of Ginnungagap, and Buri emerged from the blocks of salty ice on which the cosmic cow Audhumla fed. He had a son, BOR, who engendered the AESIR gods OTHIN, VILI and VE. Also Bori....

Greek Son of Boreas, a Thracian, was hostile towards his step-brother Lycurgus, and therefore compelled by his father to emigrate. He accordingly went with a band of colonists to the island of Strongyle, afterwards called Naxos. But as he and his companions had no women, they made predatory excursions, and also came to Thessaly, where they carried off the women who were just celebrating a festival of Dionysus. Butes himself took Coronis; but she invoked Dionysus, who struck Butes with madness, so that he threw himself into a well. Greek

Egypt An Egyptian divinity, whom the Greeks identified with their Leto, and who was worshipped principally in the town of Buto, which derived its name from her. Festivals were celebrated there in her honour, and there she had also an oracle which was in high esteem among the Egyptians. Egypt
Angel name
Arab The shrine of Mecca, said by the Arabs to be built on the exact spot of the tabernacle let down from heaven at the prayer of repentant Adam. Adam had been a wanderer for 200 years, and here received pardon. The shrine was built, according to Arab tradition, by Ishmael, åśśisted by his father Abraham, who inserted in the walls a black stone presented to him by the angel Gabriel.

Greek A sister of Cacus, who, according to some accounts, betrayed the place where the cattle were concealed which Cacus had stolen from Hercules or Recaråñuś. She was rewarded for it with Divine honours, which she was to enjoy for ever. Greek
Hero name
Greek An ancient Italian hero of Praeneste. The account which Servius gives of him runs as follows: At Praeneste there were pontifices and indigetes as well as at Rome. There were however two brothers called indigetes who had a sister. Greek

"Cambalo's Ring"
Greek Given him by his sister Canace. It had the virtue of healing wounds.

Greek A daughter of Aeolus and Enarete, whence she is called Aeolis, who had several children by Poseidon. Greek
King name
Greek A nymph, wife of Picus, king of the Laurentes. When Circe had changed Picus into a bird, Canens lamented him so greatly that she pined away. Greek
Nymph name
Greek A Cretan of Tarrha, father of Eubulus and Chrysothemis. Received and purified Apollo and Artemis, after they had slain the monster Python, and it was in the house of Carmanor that Apollo formed his connexion with the nymph Aeacallis. Greek

Greek A fountain of Parnåśśus sacred to the Muses. Its waters had the power of inspiring with the gift of poetry those who drank of them. Greek
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