
List of Gods : "Nis" - 395 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
"Cit Cac Coh"
Mayan God of war iconised as a red. Puma Mayan

Greek The name of two mythical beings mentioned in Ovid's Metamorphoses. (xii) Greek

Greek A daemon, who together with Orthanes and Tychon appeared in the train of Priapus. Greek

British The cornish giant who fell into a pit twenty feet deep, dug by Jack the Giant-killer, and filmed over with gråśś and gravel. British fairy tale
King name
Greek 1. A daughter of Phlegyas and mother of Asclepius. 2. A daughter of Phoroneus, king of Phocis; she was metamorphosed by Athena into a crow, for when she was pursued by Poseidon, she implored the protection of Athena. Greek

Greek A son of Oceåñuś and Tethys. According to Virgil's Aeneid* (5.38) and Hyginus' Fabulae (273), Crinisus was the father of Acestes by Segesta (Egesta). Greek
God name
Greek One of the many river gods
Goddess name
Buddhist / eastern Bengal / Tibet Goddess. An emanation of Vajrasattva or Vairocana. A female BODHISATTVA or buddha-designate. Also seen separately as a deification of literature, one of a group of twelve DHARANIS. She may stand upon a man. Color: white or green. Very large variety of attributes. Also Aryacunda....
Supreme god name
Kafir / Afghanistan A local supreme god that it bears no relation to be Semitic god Dagan
Supreme god name
"Dagan (3)"
Kafir / Afghanistan Local supreme god. This god bears no relation to the Semitic god Dagan, but is known by several synonyms including Dagon, Doghan and Deogan. He has been identified in several villages in the south of the Kafir region [southern Nuristan]. “Dagan” may be less a proper name than a title of respect....
King name
China A concubine that was possessed by a fox who was sent to mess up the state affairs of the Shang Dynasty as a punishment for the evil thought of king Zhou. China

Greek Daughters of Danaus. They were fifty in number, and married the fifty sons of ?gyptos. They all but one murdered their husbands on their wedding-night, and were punished in the infernal regions by having to draw water everlastingly in sieves from a deep well.
Nymph name
Greek A Sicilian hero, to whom the invention of bucolic poetry is ascribed. He is called a son of Hermes by a nymph, or merely the beloved of Hermes. Ovid calls him an Idaean shepherd; but it does not follow from this that Ovid connected him with either the Phrygian or the Cretan Ida, since Ida signifies any woody mountain. Greek
God name
Fiji God of the Kauvadra hills who interrogates the souls of the dead and punishes the souls of lazy people while rewarding those of hard working people. Fiji

Platonists The mysterious agent which made the world and all that it contains. The Logos or Word spoken of by St. John, in the first chapter of his gospel, is the Demiurgus of Platonising Christians. In the Gnostic systems, Jehovah (as an eon or emanation of the Supreme Being) is the Demiurge. Platonists
Angel name
"Destruction Angels"
Jewish A fearsome type of angel who descends to the earth to inflict terrible suffering upon the wicked and in need of punishment. Jewish

"Devil's Advocate"
Christian In the Catholic Church when a name is suggested for canonisation, some person is appointed to oppose the proposition, and is expected to give reasons why it should not take place. This person is technically called Advocatus Diaboli. Having said his say, the conclave decides the question.
Goddess name
Hindu / Puranic Minor goddess of misfortune to and malevolent astral deity. Hindu / Puranic
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